Propeller head

Propeller head

In aerospace engineering, the propeller head (or hub) is the central part of the propeller which is mounted on the aircraft engine's reduction gear, and in which the propeller blades are inserted, and which manages blade pitch variation. Most of the time (for aerodynamic reasons), it is covered by a hemispherical or conical spinner.

The term propeller head (sometimes abbreviated PropHead) also refers to a person (usually an engineer of some type) who is employed to do a technically demanding job. It appears to derive from a "head in the clouds" type stereotyping of more technically aware people (compare with geek, nerd, absent-minded professor, etc.) or possibly from the propeller beanie. The term may be meant or taken as slightly pejorative but is usually meant with some respect.

There is a UK big beat group called Propellerheads.

There is a Swedish music software company called [ Propellerhead]

See also

* Motorhead
* Petrolhead
* Rotorhead
* "The Mad Scientists' Club"
* "October Sky"

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