Indium(III) phosphide

Indium(III) phosphide

Chembox new
Name = Indium(III) phosphide
ImageFile = Indium(III) phosphide.jpg
ImageSize = 200px
ImageName = Indium(III) phosphide
IUPACName = Indium phosphide
OtherNames = Indium(III) phosphide
Name =
Section1 = Chembox Identifiers
CASNo = 22398-80-7

Section2 = Chembox Properties
Formula = InP
MolarMass = 145.792 g/mol
Appearance = Black cubic crystals.
Density = 4.81 g/cm3, solid.
Solubility = ? g/100 ml (?°C)
MeltingPt = 1062°C (1335.15 K)
BoilingPt = No information.

Section3 = Chembox Structure
MolShape =
Coordination =
CrystalStruct = Zinc Blende
Dipole =

Section7 = Chembox Hazards
MainHazards = In Compounds: Highly toxic via subcutaneous and moderately toxic via oral routes. Symptoms of acute indium intoxicationare anorexia, localized convulsive motions, hind-leg paralysis, pulmonary edema, necrotizing pneumonia, and renal and hepaticdamage with resultant dysfunction. Chronic indium intoxication leads to weight loss, poor growth, and extensive necrotic damage tothe liver and kidneys.

Section8 = Chembox Related
OtherAnions = InN, InAs, InSb.
OtherCations = Gallium phosphide,
Aluminium phosphide
Function = compounds
OtherFunctn = Gallium arsenide phosphide

Indium phosphide (IndiumPhosphorus) is a binary semiconductor composed of indium and phosphorus. It is used in high-power and high-frequency electronics because of its superior electron velocity with respect to the more common semiconductors silicon and gallium arsenide. It also has a direct bandgap, making it useful for optoelectronics devices like laser diodes.

InP is also used as a substrate for epitaxial indium gallium arsenide based opto-electronic devices.

Indium phosphide also has one of the longest-lived optical phonons of any compound with the zincblende crystal structure.

Optical properties

The Sellmeier equation that describes how the optical refractive index for indium phosphide depends on wavelength is given byn^2(lambda) = 7.255+ frac{2.316 lambda^2 }{ lambda^2 - 0.6263^2}+ frac{2.765 lambda^2 }{ lambda^2 - 32.935^2},where λ is the wavelength in micrometres.

This gives refractive index values rising from around 3.21 at 10 µm and 3.32 at 1.5 µm to 3.47 at 1.0 µm.


External links

* [ Extensive site on the physical properties of indium phosphide] (Ioffe institute)
* [ ONR National Compound Semiconductor Roadmap entry]
* [ InP conference series] at IEEE
* [ Indium Phosphide and Indium Gallium Arsenide Help Break 600 Gigahertz Speed Barrier] (2006 news)


* [ MSDS at Wafertech]
* ['s/indiumphosphide.pdf MSDS ar espimetals] (pdf)
* [ Arnaud electronics single crystal wafers]
* [ Wafer technology polycrystalline]
* [ Vitesse DARPA funded 150GHz circuits]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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