

Vivant is a small Belgian social liberal party founded by millionaire Roland Duchâtelet. In the regional elections in June 2004, the party formed a strategic alliance with the Flemish Liberals and Democrats or VLD. Both parties are founded on the principle of individualism and can be called liberal. In 2007, the party announced it would likely merge with the VLD.

Vivant is economically liberal, advocating a basic income for all citizens. Vivant considers the basic income as an inalienable part of the legal minimum wage (approximately half of it for full time employment). In order to tax goods more evenly, where ever they are manufactured in order to respond to automatisation, globalization and an ageing population, Vivant proposes to shift taxes from labour to final consumption (All taxes in the chain of production are an inclusive part of the price paid by the consumers and could be considered as a consumption tax, each tax in each stage with his specific side effects.) Vivant also proposes a flat tax on income in two steps, 0% on to 1350 Euro and 50% from there. The VLD doesn't support all of these measures. Vivant also has Direct Democracy as one of its key points.

In the regional elections of 2004, partner VLD lost heavily, dragging Vivant with it to third place among Flemish political parties. Although new interest for Vivant during the elections, the party remained a marginal force in Belgian politics. Vivant is particularly strong in the German-speaking community of Belgium, where it won 7.3% and two representatives in the Parliament of the German community.

While "vivant" means alive, lively in French, the abbreviation "VIVANT" stands for Voor Individuele Vrijheid en Arbeid in een Nieuwe Toekomst, ("for individual freedom and work in a new future") in Dutch.


Vivant first took part in the federal elections for the Belgian Senate and Chamber of Representatives in 1999, but obtained no seats. The 2003 elections were no different. In 2004 there were elections of the European Parliament and the Belgian regional parliaments, where Vivant took part in a list-cartel with the VLD, but no candidates of Vivant were elected. In 2006, Nele Lijnen became a co-opted member of the Senate.

ee also

*Contributions to liberal theory
*Liberalism worldwide
*List of liberal parties
*Liberal democracy
*Liberalism in Belgium

External links

* [ Vivant] official site

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  • vivant — vivant, ante (vi van, van t ) adj. 1°   Qui vit. •   Je l adorais vivant, et je le pleure mort, CORN. Hor. IV, 5. •   Alors le roi [Salomon] prononça cette sentence : Donnez à celle ci l enfant vivant, et qu on ne le tue point ; car c est elle… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

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  • vivant — 1. vivant [ vivɑ̃ ] n. m. • 1050; de 1. vivre ♦ Temps de la vie (seult dans certaines loc., avec de). De son vivant : pendant sa vie. Du vivant des époux. Du vivant de ton père tu n aurais pas fait cela. vivant 2. vivant, ante [ vivɑ̃, ɑ̃t ] adj …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • VIVANT — ANTE. adj. Qui vit. Il est encore vivant. Elle est vivante. Les créatures vivantes. Il a dix enfants tous vivants. Au dernier vivant, au plus vivant les biens. Les êtres vivants.   Le Dieu vivant, se dit, par excellence, Pour marquer qu il n y a… …   Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 7eme edition (1835)

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