- Almost everywhere
measure theory (a branch ofmathematical analysis ), one says that a property holds almost everywhere if the set of elements for which the property "does not" hold is anull set , i.e. is a set withmeasure zero , or in cases where the measure is not complete, contained within a set of measure zero. If used for properties of thereal number s, theLebesgue measure is assumed unless otherwise stated. It is abbreviated "a. e."; in older literature one can find "p. p." instead, which stands for the equivalentFrench language phrase "presque partout".A set with full measure is one whose complement is of measure zero.
Occasionally, instead of saying that a property holds almost everywhere, one also says that the property holds for almost all elements, though the term
almost all also has other meanings.Here are some theorems that involve the term "almost everywhere":
* If "f" : R → R is a Lebesgue integrable function and "f"("x") ≥ 0 almost everywhere, then
::int_a^b f(x) , dx geq 0
:for all real numbers "a" < "b".
* If "f" : ["a", "b"] → R is a
monotonic function, then "f" is differentiable almost everywhere.
* If "f" : R → R is Lebesgue measurable and::int_a^b |f(x)| , dx < infty
:for all real numbers "a" < "b", then there exists a set "E" (depending on "f") such that, if "x" is in "E", the Lebesgue mean
::frac{1}{2epsilon} int_{x-epsilon}^{x+epsilon} f(t),dt
:converges to "f"("x") as epsilon decreases to zero. The set "E" is called the Lebesgue set of "f". Its compliment can be proved to have measure zero. In other words, the Lebesgue mean of "f" converges to "f" almost everywhere.
* If "f"("x","y") is
Borel measurable on R2 then for almost every "x", the function "y"→"f"("x","y") is Borel measurable.* A bounded function "f" : ["a", "b"] -> R is Riemann integrable if and only if it is continuous almost everywhere.
Outside of the context of real analysis, the notion of a property true almost everywhere can be defined in terms of an
ultrafilter . For example, one construction of thehyperreal number system defines a hyperreal number as an equivalence class of sequences that are equal almost everywhere as defined by an ultrafilter.In
probability theory , the phrases become "almost surely ", "almost certain" or "almost always", corresponding to aprobability of 1.References
* cite book
last = Billingsley
first = Patrick
authorlink =
year = 1995
title = Probability and measure
edition = 3rd edition
publisher = John Wiley & sons
location = New York
id = ISBN 0-471-00710-2.* cite book
last = Halmos
first = Paul R.
authorlink = Paul Halmos
year = 1974
title = Measure Theory
publisher = Springer-Verlag
location = New York
id = ISBN 0-387-90088-8
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