List of fractal topics

List of fractal topics

This is a list of fractal topics, by Wikipedia page, See also list of dynamical systems and differential equations topics.

*1/f noise
*Apollonian gasket
*Box-counting dimension
*Cantor distribution
*Cantor dust
*Cantor function
*Cantor set
*Cantor space
*Chaos theory
*Constructal theory
*Devil's staircase
*Dimension theory
*Dragon curve
*Fatou set
*Fractal antenna
*Fractal art
*Fractal compression
*Fractal flame
*Fractal landscape
*Fractal transform
*Gravity set
*Iterated function system
*Horseshoe map
*How Long Is the Coast of Britain? Statistical Self-Similarity and Fractional Dimension
*Julia set
*Koch snowflake
*Lebesgue covering dimension
*Lévy C curve
*Lévy flight
*List of fractals by Hausdorff dimension
*Lorenz attractor
*Lyapunov fractal
*Mandelbrot set
*Menger sponge
*Minkowski-Bouligand dimension
*Multifractal analysis
*Olbers' paradox
*Perlin noise
*Power law
*Rectifiable curve
*Scale-free network
*Sierpinski carpet
*Sierpinski curve
*Sierpinski triangle
*Space-filling curve
*Sterling Fractal
*T-Square (fractal)
*Topological dimension

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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