- Rhesus blood group system
The term Rhesus (Rh) blood group system refers to the 5 main Rhesus
antigen s (C, c, D, E and e) as well as the many other less frequent Rhesus antigens. The terms Rhesus factor and Rh factor are equivalent and refer to the Rh D antigen only.Rhesus factor
Individuals either have, or do not have, the Rhesus factor (or Rh D antigen) on the surface of their
red blood cell s. This is usually indicated by 'RhD positive' (does have the RhD antigen) or 'RhD negative' (does not have the antigen) suffix to the ABOblood type . Unlike the ABO antigens, the only ways antibodies are developed against the Rh factor are through placental sensitization or translation. That is, if a person who is RhD-negative has never been exposed to the RhD antigen, they do not possess the RhD antibody. [Talaro, K.P. "Foundations in Microbiology. 5th Edition". Boston: McGraw Hill, 2005. 510-511.] The 'RhD-' suffix is often shortened to 'D pos'/'D neg', 'RhD pos'/RhD neg', or +/-. The latter is generally not preferred in research or medical situations, because it can be altered or obscured accidentally.There may be
prenatal danger to thefetus when apregnant woman is RhD-negative and the biological father is RhD-positive. But, as discussed below, the situation is considerably more complex than that.History of discoveries
The Rhesus system is named after the
Rhesus Macaque , following experiments byKarl Landsteiner andAlexander S. Wiener , which showed that rabbits, when immunized with rhesus monkey red cells, produce an antibody that also agglutinates thered blood cell s of many humans. Landsteiner and Wiener discovered this factor in 1937 (publishing in 1940). [Landsteiner K, Wiener AS. "An agglutinable factor in human blood recognized by immune sera for rhesus blood." Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 1940;43:223-224.] The significance of the Rh factor was soon realized. Dr. Phillip Levine working at the Newark Beth Israel Hospital made a connection between the Rh factor and the incidence oferythroblastosis fetalis , and Wiener realized adverse reactions from transfusions were also resulting from the Rh factor. Wiener then pioneered theexchange transfusion to combaterythroblastosis fetalis in newborn infants. This transfusion technique saved the lives of many thousands of infants before intrauterine transfusion was invented which enabled much more severely affected fetuses to be successfully treated. Drs.Neva Abelson and L.K. Diamond co-discovered a simple test for the Rh factor which was widely applied. [ [http://www.wsutoday.wsu.edu/completestory.asp?StoryID=1212 Wsutoday] Test for Rh factor]Rh nomenclature
The Rhesus system has two sets of nomenclatures, one developed by Fisher and Race and one by Wiener. Both systems reflected alternative theories of inheritance. The Fisher-Race system, which is more commonly in use today, uses the CDE nomenclature. This system was based on the theory that there are three closely linked genes on each chromosome. The genes were designated as D and its hypothetical allele d; C and its allele c, E and its allele e. Each gene was supposed to control the product of the corresponding antigen (e.g., D gene produces D antigen, and so on). However, the d gene was hypothetical, not actual.
The Wiener system used the Rh-Hr nomenclature. This system was based on the theory that there was one gene at a single locus on each chromosome of the pair which controls production of multiple antigens. In this theory a gene R is supposed to give rise to the “blood factors” Rho, rh’, and hr” and the gene r to produce hr’ and hr”.
Notations of the two theories are used interchangeably in blood banking (e.g., Rho(D)). Wiener’s notation is more complex and cumbersome for routine use. Because it is simpler to explain, the Fisher-Race theory is more widely used.
DNA testing has shown that both theories are partially correct.Fact|date=June 2008 There are in fact two linked genes, one with multiple specificities and one with a single specificity. Thus, Wiener's postulate that a gene could have multiple specificities (something many did not give credence to originally) has been proven correct. On the other hand, Wiener's theory that there is one gene has proven incorrect, as has the Fischer-Race theory that there are three genes.
The Rhesus system antigens
The proteins which carry the Rhesus antigens are transmembrane proteins, whose structure suggest that they are
ion channel s [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gv/mhc/xslcgi.cgi?cmd=bgmut/systems_info&system=rh] . The main antigens are C, D, E, c and e, which are encoded by two adjacent gene loci, the RHD gene which encodes the D antigen [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?itool=omim_Detailed&DbFrom=omim&Cmd=Link&LinkName=omim_gene&IdsFromResult=111680] ) and the RHCE gene which encodes both the C and E antigens [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=gene&Cmd=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch=6006&ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Gene.Gene_ResultsPanel.Gene_RVDocSum] . There is no d antigen. Lowercase "d" indicates the absence of the D antigen (the gene is usually deleted or otherwise nonfunctional).Hemolytic disease of the newborn
This condition occurs when there is an incompatibility between the blood types of the mother and the baby. These terms do not indicate which specific antigen-antibody incompatibility is implicated. The disorder in the fetus due to rhesus-D incompatibility is known as erythroblastosis fetalis.
* hemolytic comes from two words: hemo (blood) and lysis (destruction) or breaking down of red blood cells
* erythroblastosis refers to the making of immature red blood cells
* fetalis refers to the fetusWhen the condition is caused by the RhD antigen-antibody incompatibility, it is called RhD Hemolytic disease of the newborn (often called Rhesus disease or Rh disease for brevity). Here, sensitization to Rh D antigens (usually by feto-maternal transfusion during pregnancy) may lead to the production of maternal
IgG anti-RhD antibodies which can pass through theplacenta . This is of particular importance to RhD negative females of or below childbearing age, because any subsequent pregnancy may be affected by theRhesus D hemolytic disease of the newborn if the baby is Rh D positive. The vast majority ofRh disease is preventable in modernantenatal care by injections of IgG anti-D antibodies (Rho(D) Immune Globulin ). The incidence of Rhesus disease is mathematically related to the frequency of RhD negative individuals in a population, so Rhesus disease is rare inEast Asian s,South American s, andAfricans , but more common in Caucasians.*Symptoms and signs in the Fetus:
** Enlarged liver, spleen, or heart and fluid buildup in the fetus' abdomen seen via ultrasound.*Symptoms and signs in the Newborn:
**Anemia which creates the newborn's pallor (pale appearance).
**Jaundice or yellow discoloration of the newborn's skin, sclera or mucous membrane. This may be evident right after birth or after 24 - 48 hours after birth. This is caused bybilirubin (one of the end products of red blood cell destruction).
** Enlargement of the newborn's liver and spleen.
** The newborn may have severeedema of the entire body.
** Dyspnea or difficulty breathing.Population data
The frequency of Rh factor blood types and the RhD neg allele gene differs in various populations.
The Rh(D) antigen is inherited as one gene (RHD) (on the short arm of the first chromosome, 1p36.13-p34.3) with two alleles, of which Rh+ is dominant and Rh− recessive. The gene codes for the RhD
polypeptide on the red cell membrane. Rh− individuals lack a functional RHD gene ("dd" genotype) do not produce the D antigen, and may be sensitized to Rh+ blood.Two very similar
epitope s are encoded on the same protein on the adjacent related RHCE gene, "Cc" and "Ee". It is believed that the RHD gene arose by duplication of the RHCE gene during primate evolution. Mice have just one RH gene [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11902138] .The Rhesus system is much more complex than the ABO blood type system because there are more than 30 combinations possible. [ [http://www.kromosoft.com/resources/KB/Abstracts/GeneticsOfRhesusFactor.php Genetics of Rhesus Factor] ]
Weak D
In testing, D positive blood is easily identified. Units which are negative for D are often retested to rule out a weaker reaction. This was previously referred to as Du, which has fallen out of favor. [Mark E. Brecher, MD, Chair and Editor. Technical Manual. 2005. 15th Edition. AABB, Bethesda, MD, United States. page 322] In some cases, this phenotype occurs because of an altered surface protein that is more common in people of African descent. The testing is difficult, since using different anti-D reagents, especially the older polyclonal reagents, may give different results.
The practical implication of this is that people with this sub-phenotype will have a product labeled as "D positive" when donating blood. When receiving blood, they are sometimes typed as a "D negative", though this is the subject of some debate. Most "Weak D" patients can receive "D positive" blood without complications. [Mark E. Brecher, MD, Chair and Editor. Technical Manual. 2005. 15th Edition. AABB, Bethesda, MD, United States. page 323] This is important, since most blood banks have a limited supply of "D negative" blood. Patients who test as "D negative" and whose "D positive" status is detectable with an IAT are commonly given "D negative" blood, but this is also debated. [Mark E. Brecher, MD, Chair and Editor. Technical Manual. 2005. 15th Edition. AABB, Bethesda, MD, United States. page 323-4]
This may lead to the unusual situation where a person is "D positive" as a donor but receives "D negative" blood. Since autologous donations are labeled with the blood type and matching the blood type is part of routine pre-transfusion clerical checks, this can easily lead to confusion.
Other Rh group antigens
43 other Rh group antigens have been described, but they are either much less frequently encountered or are rarely clinically significant. Each is given a number, though the highest assigned number (Rh56 or CENR) is not an accurate reflection of the antigens encountered since many (e.g. Rh38) have been combined, reassigned to other groups, or otherwise removed. [Mark E. Brecher, MD, Chair and Editor. Technical Manual. 2005. 15th Edition. AABB, Bethesda, MD, United States. page 324]
*Mollison PL, Engelfriet CP and Contreras M. Blood Transfusion in Clinical Medicine. 1997. 10th edition. Blackwell Science, Oxford, UK.
External links
* [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gv/mhc/xslcgi.cgi?cmd=bgmut/systems_info&system=rh Rh at BGMUT] Blood Group Antigen Gene Mutation Database at NCBI,
* [http://www.rarebloodgroups.org] Rare Blood Groups , A database of Rh Negative Blood ( AB - ve , B - ve . 0 -ve )Donors in India
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.