List of Luftwaffe aircraft by manufacturer, World War II

List of Luftwaffe aircraft by manufacturer, World War II


*Albatros Al 101, 'L 101', two-seat sportsplane + trainer, 1930
*Albatros Al 102, 'L 102', two-seat sportsplane + trainer, 1931
*Albatros Al 103, 'L 103', two-seat sportsplane + trainer, 1932


*Arado Ar 64, fighter (biplane)
*Arado Ar 65, fighter/trainer (biplane - re-engined Ar 64)
*Arado Ar 66, trainer + night fighter
*Arado Ar 67, fighter (biplane) (prototype)
*Arado Ar 68, fighter (biplane)
*Arado Ar 69, trainer (biplane) (prototypes), 1933
*Arado Ar 76, fighter (biplane) + trainer
*Arado Ar 80, fighter (prototype)
*Arado Ar 81, two-seat biplane (prototype)(1936)
*Arado Ar 95, coastal patrol + attack (biplane seaplane)
*Arado Ar 96, trainer
*Arado Ar 196, ship-borne reconnaissance + coastal patrol (seaplane)
*Arado Ar 197, naval fighter (biplane - derived from Ar 68)
*Arado Ar 198, reconnaissance
*Arado Ar 199, seaplane trainer
*Arado Ar 231, fold-wing U-boat reconnaissance aircraft (prototype)
*Arado Ar 232, transport
*Arado Ar 233, seaplane(concept), 1940
*Arado Ar 234 "Blitz" ('Lightning'), bomber (jet-engined)
*Arado Ar 240, heavy fighter + attack
*Arado Ar 396, trainer
*Arado Ar 440, heavy fighter + attack
*Arado Ar 532, cancelled transport
*Arado E.381, parasite fighter project
*Arado E.340, Bomber B project
*Arado E.500, heavy fighter project
*Arado E.530, schnellbomber project
*Arado E.555, jet Amerikabomber project
*Arado E.560, fast jet bomber project
*Arado E.561, heavy fighter project
*Arado E.580, volksjaeger (jet) project
*Arado E.581, jet fighter project
*Arado E.654, kampfzerstörer project


*Bachem Ba 349 Natter (Adder or Viper), interceptor (rocket-engine)

Blohm und Voss

*Blohm + Voss Bv 40, glider interceptor
*Blohm + Voss Bv 138, flying-boat (early versions designated as Ha 138)
*Blohm + Voss Ha 139, long-range seaplane
*Blohm + Voss Ha 140, torpedo bomber flying-boat (prototype)
*Blohm + Voss Bv 141, reconnaissance (asymmetric)
*Blohm + Voss Bv 142, reconnaissance + transport
*Blohm + Voss Bv 143, glide bomb (prototype)
*Blohm + Voss Bv 144, transport
*Blohm + Voss Bv 155, high-altitude interceptor (formerly Me 155)
*Blohm + Voss Bv 222 "Wiking" (Viking), transport flying-boat
*Blohm + Voss Bv 237 dive bomber project (asymmetric)
*Blohm + Voss Bv 238, flying-boat (prototype
*Blohm + Voss Bv 246 "Hagelkorn" (Hailstone), long-range radar-homing glide bomb
*Blohm + Voss P.111, flying-boat project (asymmetric)
*Blohm + Voss P.144, extremely long-ranged flying-boat project
*Blohm + Voss P.163, attack aircraft project (asymmetric)
*Blohm + Voss P.170, three-engined fighter-bomber project
*Blohm + Voss P.178, jet dive-bomber project (asymmetric)
*Blohm + Voss P.179, fighter-bomber project (asymmetric)
*Blohm + Voss P.184, long-range bomber project
*Blohm + Voss P.188, jet bomber projects
*Blohm + Voss P.192, attack aircraft project
*Blohm + Voss P.193, attack aircraft project
*Blohm + Voss P.194, multi-role aircraft project (asymmetric)
*Blohm + Voss P.196, jet dive-bomber project
*Blohm + Voss P.197, jet fighter project
*Blohm + Voss P.198, jet interceptor project
*Blohm + Voss P.202, 'scissors-wing' jet fighter project
*Blohm + Voss P.203, long-range fighter project
*Blohm + Voss P.204, mixed-propulsion dive-bomber project (asymmetric)
*Blohm + Voss P.207, jet fighter projects
*Blohm + Voss P.208, tailless jet fighter project
*Blohm + Voss P.209, jet fighter projects
*Blohm + Voss P.210, tailless jet fighter project
*Blohm + Voss P.211, jet fighter project
*Blohm + Voss P.212, jet fighter project
*Blohm + Voss P.213, pulsejet miniaturjäger project
*Blohm + Voss P.215, jet night-fighter project
*Blohm + Voss Ae 607, flying wing jet fighter design
*Blohm + Voss MGRP, Manually Controlled Rocket Projectile project


*Bücker 131 "Jungmann" (Young Man), trainer (biplane)
*Bücker 133 "Jungmeister" (Young Champion), trainer + aerobatics (biplane)
*Bücker 180 "Student" (Student), trainer
*Bücker 181 "Bestmann" (Bestman), trainer + transport
*Bücker 182 "Kornett" (Ensign), trainer (prototypes)

Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Segelflug (DFS)

*DFS 6, may be 'Model 6' or 'DFS B6'
*DFS 39, Lippisch-designed tail-less research aircraft
*DFS 40, Lippisch-designed tail-less research aircraft
*DFS 194, rocket-powered research aircraft, forerunner of Me 163
*DFS 228, rocket-powered reconnaissance aircraft (prototype only)
*DFS 230, transport glider
*DFS 331, transport glider (prototype)
*DFS 332
*DFS 346, supersonic research aircraft (incomplete prototype only)


*Dornier Do 10, (Do C1) fighter (prototype), 1931
*Dornier Do 11, (Do F) medium bomber, 1931
*Dornier Do 12 "Libelle III" (Dragonfly III), seaplane, 1932
*Dornier Do 13, medium bomber, (Development of Do 11), 1933
*Dornier Do 14, seaplane (prototype)
*Dornier Do 15 "Wal" (Whale), reconnaissance flying-boat
*Dornier Do 17, nicknamed "Flying Pencil" by the Allies, mail-plane + bomber + reconnaissance + night-fighter
*Dornier Do 18, bomber + reconnaissance flying-boat, 1935
*Dornier Do 19, quad-engined heavy bomber (prototype)
*Dornier Do 22, torpedo bomber + reconnaissance flying-boat
*'8-23', Dornier Do 23, medium bomber, (development of (Do 13/11)
*Dornier Do 24, flying boat
*Dornier Do 214, transport flying-boat project
*Dornier Do 215, bomber + night-fighter
*Dornier Do 216, anti-shipping flying boat project (development of Do 214)
*Dornier Do 217, bomber + night-fighter
*Dornier Do 317
*Dornier Do 335 "Pfeil" (Arrow), fighter-bomber (push-pull engine configuration)
*Dornier Do 435
*Dornier Do 635, Zwilling Do 335 project
*Dornier P.247, fighter-bomber project (pusher)
*Dornier P.252, night fighter projects (pushers)
*Dornier P.256, jet multi-purpose aircraft project (development of Do 335)

Fieseler "Fieseler Flugzeugbau"

*Fieseler Fi 2 (F2 Tiger, acrobatic sportsplane, 1932
*Fieseler Fi 5 (F-5) acrobatic sportsplane + trainer, 1933
*Fieseler Fi 98, biplane fighter, 1936
*Fieseler Fi 103 (V-1), pilotless bomber or flying bomb
*Fieseler Fi 156 "Storch" (Stork), STOL reconnaissance aircraft
*Fieseler Fi 167, ship-borne torpedo bomber + reconnaissance (biplane)
*Fieseler Fi 333 transport (concept)
*Selbstopfer, suicide version of V1 flying bomb


*Flettner Fl 184 reconnaissance helicopter, prototype
*Flettner Fl 185 reconnaissance helicopter, prototype
*Flettner Fl 265 reconnaissance helicopter, prototype
*Flettner Fl 282 "Kolibri" (Hummingbird), reconnaissance helicopter
*Flettner Fl 339 reconnaissance helicopter, project

Focke Achgelis

*Focke Achgelis Fa 223 "Drache" (Kite), transport helicopter (prototype
*Focke Achgelis Fa 266 "Hornisse" (Hornet), helicopter (prototype)
*Focke Achgelis Fa 330, helicopter (prototype)
*Focke Achgelis Fa 336 scout helicopter (prototype), 1944


*Focke-Wulf Fw 44 "Stieglitz" (Goldfinch), trainer (biplane)
*Focke-Wulf Fw 56 "Stösser" (Falcon Hawk), trainer (parasol monoplane)
*Focke-Wulf Fw 57, heavy fighter + bomber (prototype)
*Focke-Wulf Fw 58 "Weihe" (Kite), transport + trainer
*Focke-Wulf Fw 61, helicopter (prototype)
*Focke-Wulf Fw 62, ship-borne reconnaissance (biplane seaplane)
*Focke-Wulf Ta 152, fighter (derived from Fw 190)
*Focke-Wulf Ta 153, development of Ta 152 with high aspect wings
*Focke-Wulf Ta 154 "Moskito" (Mosquito), night-fighter
*Focke-Wulf Fw 159, fighter (prototype only)
*Focke-Wulf Ta 183, jet-engined fighter (prototype)
*Focke-Wulf Fw 186, autogiro reconnaissance aircraft (prototype)
*Focke-Wulf Fw 187 "Falke" (Falcon), heavy fighter
*Focke-Wulf Fw 189 "Uhu" (Owl), ground-attack
*Focke-Wulf Fw 190 "Wurger" (butcher-bird), fighter
*Focke-Wulf Fw 191, twin-engined medium bomber
*Focke-Wulf Fw 200 "Kondor" (Condor), transport + maritime patrol-bomber
*Focke-Wulf Fw 259 "Frontjäger" (concept)
*Focke-Wulf Fw 300 proposed long-range version of Fw 200
*Focke-Wolf Fw-400
*Focke-Wulf Fw 491, (Fw 391 development) (project)
*Focke-Wulf Fw Triebflugel, experimental VTOL project

=Sportsflugzeuge Göppingen, "Göppingen"=

*Göppingen 1 "Wolf I" sailplane,1935
*Göppingen 3 "Minimoa" sailplane, 1936
*Göppingen 4 sailplane
*Göppingen 5 sailplane, 1937
*Göppingen 9 development aircraft for Do 335 "Pfiel"

Gothaer Waggonfabrik, "Gotha"

*Gotha Go 145, trainer
*Gotha Go 146, small transport(twin-engine), 1935
*Gotha Go 147, STOL reconnaissance (prototype)
*Gotha Go 229, fighter (flying-wing)
*Gotha Go 242, transport glider
*Gotha Go 244, transport
*Gotha Go 345, assault glider
*Gotha Ka 430, transport glider


*Heinkel He 37, fighter (biplane)
*Heinkel He 38, fighter (biplane)
*Heinkel He 43, fighter (biplane)
*Heinkel He 45, bomber + trainer
*Heinkel He 46, reconnaissance
*Heinkel He 49, fighter (biplane)
*Heinkel He 50, reconnaissance + dive bomber (biplane)
*Heinkel He 51, fighter + close-support (biplane)
*Heinkel He 59, reconnaissance (biplane seaplane)
*Heinkel He 60, ship-borne reconnaissance (biplane seaplane)
*Heinkel He 70, "Blitz" (Lightning), single-engine transport + mailplane, 1932
*Heinkel He 72 "Kadett" (Cadet), trainer
*Heinkel He 74, fighter + advanced trainer (prototype)
*Heinkel He 100, fighter
*Heinkel He 111, bomber
*Heinkel He 112, fighter
*Heinkel He 113, (alternative designation for He 100)
*Heinkel He 114, reconnaissance seaplane
*Heinkel He 115, general-purpose seaplane
*Heinkel He 116, transport + reconnaissance
*Heinkel He 119 single-engine high-speed bomber(prototypes), reconnaissance aircraft, 1937
*Heinkel He 120 four-engine long-range passenger flying-boat(project), 1938
*Heinkel He 162 "Volksjäger" (People's Fighter), fighter (jet-engined)
*Heinkel He 172, trainer (prototype)
*Heinkel He 176, rocket-engined experimental aircraft (prototype)
*Heinkel He 177 "Greife" (Griffon), long-range bomber
*Heinkel He 178, jet-engined experimental aircraft
*Heinkel He 219 "Uhu" (Owl), night-fighter
*Heinkel He 274, high-altitude bomber
*Heinkel He 277, four engined variant of He 177
*Heinkel He 280, fighter (jet-engined)
*Heinkel He 343
*Heinkel He 519, high-speed bomber (He 119 derivative)(project only), 1944


*Henschel Hs 117 "Schmetterling" (Butterfly), surface-to-air missile (rocket-engined)
*Henschel Hs 121, fighter + trainer (prototype)
*Henschel Hs 123, ground-attack (biplane)
*Henschel Hs 124, heavy fighter + bomber (prototype)
*Henschel Hs 125, fighter + trainer (prototype)
*Henschel Hs 126, reconnaissance
*Henschel Hs 127, jet-engined bomber (prototype)
*Henschel Hs 129, ground-attack
*Henschel Hs 130, high altitude reconnaissance + bomber (jet engined) (prototype)
*Henschel Hs 132, dive bomber (jet-engined) (prototype)
*Henschel Hs 293, glide bomb (rocket-powered)
*Henschel Hs 294, anti-shipping glide bomb (rocket-powered)
*Henschel Hs 297
*Henschel Hs 298, air-to-air missile (rocket-powered)


*Junkers W 33, single-engined light transport, 1926
*Junkers W 34, single-engine light transport+reconnaissance (development of W33), 1933
*Junkers Ju 52 "Tante Ju" (Auntie Ju), transport + bomber
*Junkers Ef 61, high-altitude fighter + reconnaissance (prototype)
*Junkers Ju 86, bomber + reconnaissance
*Junkers Ju 87 "Stuka", dive-bomber
*Junkers Ju 88, bomber + reconnaissance + night-fighter
*Junkers Ju 89, heavy bomber (prototype)
*Junkers Ju 90, bomber (prototype)
*Junkers Ju 187, project to redesign the Ju 87 dive bomber
*Junkers Ju 188, "Rächer" (Raecher), bomber
*Junkers Ju 248, re-designation of Me 263
*Junkers Ju 252, transport
*Junkers Ju 287, heavy bomber (jet-engined) (prototype)
*Junkers Ju 288, bomber (prototype)
*Junkers Ju 290, long-range bomber (prototype)
*Junkers Ju 322 "Mammut", transport glider (prototype), 1941)
*Junkers Ju 352 "Herkules" (Hercules), transport
*Junkers Ju 388 "Störtebeker", reconnaissance + night-fighter
*Junkers Ju 390, long-range bomber
*Junkers Ju 488, heavy bomber
*Junkers EF 132, heavy bomber


*Klemm Kl 31, single-engine transport, 1931
*Klemm Kl 32, single-engine transport, 1931
*Klemm Kl 33, (Klemm L33), single-seat ultra-light sportplane(prototype), 1933
*Klemm Kl 35, sportplane + trainer, 1935
*Klemm Kl 36, single-engine transport, 1934


*Kramer Rk 344, air-to-air missile (rocket-powered)


*Messerschmitt Bf 108 "Taifun" (Typhoon), trainer + transport
*Messerschmitt Bf 109, fighter (later versions designated as Me 109)
*Messerschmitt Bf 110, heavy fighter + night-fighter
*Messerschmitt Bf 162, bomber (prototype)
*Messerschmitt Bf 163 STOL reconnaissance aircraft (prototypes only)
*Messerschmitt Me 163 "Komet" (Comet), interceptor (rocket-engined)
*Messerschmitt Me 209, fighter + speed-record aircraft (prototype)
*Messerschmitt Me 209-II, fighter (prototype - completely different from Me 209)
*Messerschmitt Me 210, heavy fighter + reconnaissance
*Messerschmitt Me 261, long-range reconnaissance
*Messerschmitt Me 262 "Schwalbe" (Swallow), fighter + attack (jet-engined)
*Messerschmitt Me 263, interceptor (rocket-engined)
*Messerschmitt Me 264 "Amerika" (America), long-range bomber (prototype)
*Messerschmitt Me 309, fighter (prototype)
*Messerschmitt Me 321 "Gigant" (Giant), transport glider
*Messerschmitt Me 323 "Gigant" (Giant), transport aircraft
*Messerschmitt Me 328
*Messerschmitt Me 409 heavy fighter, (Me 209 derivative) (project), 1944
*Messerschmitt Me 410 "Hornisse" (Hornet), heavy fighter + reconnaissance
*Messerschmitt Me 510 twin-engine fighter-bomber (Me 410 derivative) (project)
*Messerschmitt Me 609 heavy fighter + bomber (project)
*Messerschmitt Me P.1101 next generation fighter (prototype)


*Siebel Fh 104 "Hallore", medium transport
*Siebel Si 201, STOL reconnaissance aircraft (prototype)
*Siebel Si 202 "Hummel" sportplane + trainer, 1938
*Siebel Si 204, transport + aircrew trainer

Related content

*List of aircraft of the Armée de l'Air, World War II
*List of aircraft of the Luftwaffe, World War II
*List of common World War II infantry weapons
*List of RLM aircraft designations "(for a full listing by type designations)"
*List of Sailplanes
*List of weapons of Luftwaffe aircraft, World War II
*List of World War II Luftwaffe aircraft engines

External links

* [ Virtual Aviation Museum]
* [ German Military Aircraft Designations (1933-1945)]
* [ "Luft '46" projects]

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