List of military aircraft of Germany by manufacturer

List of military aircraft of Germany by manufacturer

= AEG=

* AEG Helicopter, helicopter observation platform, 1933
* AEG Rumpelstilzchen, 1945 project anti-tank missile for air and ground use

AGO, Aerowerke Gustav Otto

* AO-192, Kurier (Courier) light liaison
* AO-225 Heavy fighter project


* Mu-18, Messkrahe (Measuring Crow)secret RLM probe glide to test various wing configurations 1942-45
* []


* Albatros Al 101, 'L 101', two-seat sportsplane + trainer, 1930
* Albatros Al 102, 'L 102', two-seat sportsplane + trainer, 1931
* Albatros Al 103, 'L 103', two-seat sportsplane + trainer, 1932

= Arado =

* Arado Ar 64, fighter (biplane)
* Arado Ar 65, fighter/trainer (biplane - re-engined Ar 64)
* Arado Ar 66, trainer + night fighter
* Arado Ar 67, fighter (biplane) (prototype)
* Arado Ar 68, fighter (biplane)
* Arado Ar 69, trainer (biplane) (prototypes), 1933
* Arado Ar 76, fighter (biplane) + trainer
* Arado Ar 80, fighter (prototype
* Arado Ar 81, two-seat biplane (prototype)(1936)
* Arado Ar 95, coastal patrol + attack (biplane seaplane)
* Arado Ar 96, trainer
* Arado Ar 195, competitor to Fi-167 for Graf Zeppelin aircraft carrier, seaplane
* Arado Ar 196, ship-borne reconnaissance + coastal patrol (seaplane)
* Arado Ar 197, naval fighter (biplane - derived from Ar 68)
* Arado Ar 198, reconnaissance
* Arado Ar 199, seaplane trainer
* Arado Ar 231, folding-wing U-boat reconnaissance aircraft (prototype)
* Arado Ar 232, "Tausenfüßler" (Centipede)transport
* Arado Ar 233, seaplane(concept), 1940
* Arado Ar 234 "Blitz" ('Lightning'), bomber (jet-engined)
* Arado Ar 240, heavy fighter + attack
* Arado Ar 396, trainer
* Arado Ar 440, heavy fighter + attack
* Arado Ar 532, cancelled transport
* Arado SO-Gerat "Selbstmord Objekt Gerät"(Suicide Object Device) piloted version of E.377 flying bomb, project


* Argus As 292, see DFS Mo 12


* Ba BP 20, (Manned Flak Rocket) First versions of Ba-349, some Non-VTO fitted with fixed landing gear and solid nose for flight testing
* Ba 349, "Natter" (Viper) VTO rocket interceptor

Baumgartl, Paul

* Baumgartl Heliofly I backpack helicopter
* Baumgartl Heliofly III/57 backpack helicopter
* Baumgartl Heliofly III/59 one-man helicopter


* Berlin B 9, research glider, pilot prone

Blohm & Voss

* Blohm & Voss Bv 40, glider interceptor
* Blohm & Voss Bv 138, flying-boat (early versions designated as Ha 138)
* Blohm & Voss Ha 139, long-range seaplane
* Blohm & Voss Ha 140, torpedo bomber flying-boat (prototype)
* Blohm & Voss Bv 141, reconnaissance (asymmetric)
* Blohm & Voss Bv 142, reconnaissance + transport
* Blohm & Voss Bv 143, glide bomb (prototype)
* Blohm & Voss Bv 144, transport
* Blohm & Voss Bv 155, high-altitude interceptor (formerly Me 155)
* Blohm & Voss Bv 222, "Wiking" (Viking), transport flying-boat
* Blohm & Voss Bv 238, flying-boat (prototype
* Blohm & Voss Bv 246, "Hagelkorn" (Hailstone), long-range glide bomb, "Radieschen" (Radish) anti-radar version
* Blohm & Voss Bv L.10 "Friedensengel" (Peace Angel)torpedo glider
* Blohm & Voss Bv L.11 "Schneewittchen" (Snow White) torpedo glider


* Bücker Bü 131 "Jungmann" (Young Man), trainer (biplane)
* Bücker Bü 133 "Jungmeister" (Young Champion), trainer + aerobatics (biplane)
* Bücker Bü 180 "Student" (Student), trainer
* Bücker Bü 181 "Bestmann" (Bestman), trainer + transport
* Bücker Bü 182 "Kornet" (Ensign/Cornet) trainer


* Daimler-Benz Projekt A, Giant carrier aircraft with underslung twin-engined jet bomber with V-tail, project
* Daimler-Benz Projekt B, Giant carrier aircraft with underslung single engine jet bomber, project
* Daimler-Benz Projekt C, Giant carrier aircraft designed for launching missiles
* Daimler-Benz Projekt D, Giant carrier aircraft of different configuration with underslung Projekt B bomber
* Daimler-Benz Projekt E, Giant carrier aircraft deisned to carry 6 piloted Projekt F missiles
* Daimler-Benz Projekt F, parasite manned missile carried by Projekt E carrier. Possible suicide craft as escape downwards near target nearly impossible at speed.

Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Segelflug (DFS)

* DFS See Adler, (Sea Eagle) seaplane prototype
* DFS Mo 6, target glider (prototypes only), 1936
* DFS Mo 12, target drone re-designated Argus As-292, first RPV fitted with Zeiss cameras for recon
* DFS 39, Lippisch-designed tail-less research aircraft
* DFS 40, Lippisch-designed tail-less research aircraft
* DFS 108-49, "Granau Baby", 1932 glider
* DFS 108-??, "Kranich" (Crane), 1935 glider
* DFS 108-68, "Weihe" (Harrier), 1938 glider
* DFS 108-70, "Olympia", planned 1940 Olympics glider
* DFS 194, rocket-powered research aircraft, forerunner of Me 163
* DFS 228, rocket-powered reconnaissance aircraft (prototype only)
* DFS 230, transport glider
* DFS 331, transport glider (prototype)
* DFS-332
* DFS 346, supersonic research aircraft (incomplete prototype only), reached Mach 1 in USSR in 1951 nicknamed "Viktoriya" (Victory)by Soviets
* DFS 464, proposed rocket carrier aircraft for DFS 360, project (rocket powered)


Aircraft by Dornier GmbH:
* Dornier Do 10, (Do C1) fighter (prototype), 1931
* Dornier Do 11, (Do F) medium bomber, 1931
* Dornier Do 12, "Libelle" (Dragonfly) seaplane
* Dornier Do 13, medium bomber, 1933
* Dornier Do 14, seaplane (prototype)
* Dornier Do 15, "Wal" (Whale), reconnaissance flying-boat
* Dornier Do 17, "Flying Pencil", mail-plane + bomber + reconnaissance + night-fighter
* Dornier Do 17Z, "Kauz" (Screech Owl), night fighter version of the Do 17
* Dornier Do 18, bomber + reconnaissance flying-boat, 1935
* Dornier Do 19, "Uralbomber" quad-engined heavy bomber (prototype)
* Dornier Do 22, torpedo bomber + reconnaissance flying-boat
* Dornier Do 23, heavy bomber
* Dornier 24, flying boat
* Dornier 26, flying boat + transport
* Dornier Do 214, transport flying-boat (prototype)
* Dornier Do 215, bomber + night-fighter
* Dornier Do 217, bomber + night-fighter
* Dornier Do 288, re-designation of captured B-17 bombers used by KG 200
* Dornier Do 317
* Dornier Do 335 "Pfeil" (Arrow), fighter-bomber (push-pull engine configuration) nicknamed "Ameisenbär" (Ant eater)
* Dornier Do 417, twin-boom project
* Dornier Do 435
* Dornier Do 635

Elektro Mechanische Werke (EMW)

* EMW A-4B piloted V-2 missile project
* EMW A-6 piloted V-2 missile project with aux. ramjet- origin of the X-15 rocketplane
* EMW A-9/A-10 piloted A-9/A-10 ICBM project
* EMW Wasserfall, (Waterfall) surface to air missile
* EMW Taifun, (Typhoon) unguided AA rocket
* EMW Flunder, 1945 flying Panzerfaust project for air and ground use. NOTE: Panzerfuasts were used by Bucker trainers in 1945 in air-to-surface role.

Fieseler "Fieseler Flugzeugbau"

* Fieseler Fi 2 (F-2) acrobatic sportsplane, 1932
* Fieseler Fi 5 (F-5) acrobatic sportsplane + trainer, 1933
* Fieseler Fi 98, biplane fighter, 1936
* Fieseler Fi 99, "Jungtiger" (Young Tiger) light utility aircraft, 1938
* Fieseler Fi 103 (V-1), pilotless bomber or flying bomb
* Fieseler Fi 103R Series, Reichenberg I-IV manned V-1 suicide craft
* Fiesler Fi 103Z, twinned Reichenberg (project)
* Fieseler Fi 156 "Storch" (Stork), STOL liaison and casualty evacuation aircraft
* Fiesler Fi 158, research aircraft
* Fiesler Fi 166, jet aircraft project
* Fieseler Fi 167, ship-borne torpedo bomber + reconnaissance (biplane)
* Fiesler Fi 256 five seat version of Fi 156, two prototypes
* Fiesler Fi-333 transport (concept)


* Flettner Gigant, (Giant) helicopter, two huge rotors, 1933
* Flettner Fl 184, auto-gyro, 1933
* Flettner Fl 185, helicopter, rotors + pusher engines
* Flettner Fl 265, based on Fl 185 but with intermeshing rotors
* Flettner Fl 282 "Kolibri" (Hummingbird), naval reconnaissance helicopter
* Flettner Fl 336, large transport helicopter project
* Flettner Fl 339 two man flying platform project with simple main rotor and tail rotor

Focke Achgelis

* Focke Achgelis Fa 223 "Drache" (Dragon), transport helicopter (prototype
* Focke Achgelis Fa 225 towed assault helo-glider prototype
* Focke Achgelis Fa 266 "Hornisse" (Hornet), helicopter (prototype)
* Focke Achgelis Fa 269, tilt-wing pursuit helicopter project
* Focke Achgelis Fa 283, jet helicopter project
* Focke Achgelis Fa 284, heavy-lift helicopter project
* Focke Achgelis Fa 330, "Bachstelze" (Wagtail) towed autogyro (prototype)
* Focke Achgelis Fa 336 scout helicopter (prototype), 1944, manufactured in France postwar

Focke, Heinrich

* Focke Wulf Schnellflugzeug, Fast Aircraft "Rochen" (Aquatic Ray/Kite), circular turboshaft-driven aircraft project,1939 (later re-designated as Fw VTOL aircraft)


* Focke-Wulf Fw 19A, "Ente" (Duck) research aircraft
* Focke-Wulf Fw 42 Bomber project, 1929
* Focke-Wulf Fw 44 "Stieglitz" (Goldfinch), trainer (biplane)
* Focke-Wulf Fw 56 "Stosser" (Falcon Hawk), trainer (parasol monoplane)
* Focke-Wulf Fw 57, heavy fighter + bomber (prototype)
* Focke-Wulf Fw 58 "Weihe" (Kite), transport + trainer
* Focke-Wulf Fw 61, helicopter (prototype)
* Focke-Wulf Fw 62, ship-borne reconnaissance (biplane seaplane)
* Focke-Wulf Ta 152, fighter (derived from Fw 190)
* Focke-Wulf Ta 154 "Moskito" (Mosquito), night-fighter
* Focke-Wulf Fw 159, fighter (prototype only)
* Focke-Wulf Ta 183, "Huckebein" (cartoon raven) jet-engined fighter (prototype)
* Focke-Wulf Fw 186, autogiro reconnaissance aircraft (prototype)
* Focke-Wulf Fw 187 "Falke" (Falcon), heavy fighter
* Focke-Wulf Fw 189 "Uhu" (Owl), ground-attack
* Focke-Wulf Fw 190 "Würger" (Shrike), fighter, nicknamed "Butcher Bird" by Allies
* Focke-Wulf Fw 190A7, "Sturmjager" (Storm Hunter), ground attack version of Fw 190
* Focke-Wulf Fw 190TL jet prototype, 1942, powered by Fw T-1 centrifugal turbojet
* Focke-Wulf Fw 191 medium bomber prototype
* Focke-Wulf Fw 200 "Kondor" (Condor), transport + maritime patrol-bomber, nicknamed "Scourge of the Atlantic" by Winston Churchill
* Focke-Wulf Fw 259 "Frontjäger" (concept)
* Focke-Wulf Fw Ta 283, "Nova" ramjet fighter project
* Focke-Wulf Fw 300 proposed long-range version of Fw 200
* Focke Wulf Ta 400 long range bomber project
* Focke-Wulf P.VI, Flitzer (Madcap), twin-boom fighter project, reached mock-up stage
* Focke Wulf Triebflugel, (Thrust Wing) ramjet coleopter project


* Geratwerk-Stargard Lt.50, glide bomb project

= Sportsflugzeuge Göppingen, "Göppingen" =

* Göppingen Gö 1 "Wolf I" sailplane,1935
* Göppingen Gö 3 "Minimoa" sailplane, 1936
* Göppingen Gö 4 sailplane
* Göppingen Gö 5 sailplane, 1937 "(note: not clear if plane is RLM #5, most likely not though)"
* Goppingen Go 8 development aircraft for Do 214
* Göppingen Gö 9 development aircraft for Do 335 "Pfeil"

Gothaer Waggonfabrik, "Gotha"

* Gotha Go 145, trainer
* Gotha Go 146, small transport(twin-engine), 1935
* Gotha Go 147, STOL reconnaissance (prototype)
* Gotha Go 229, fighter (flying-wing)
* Gotha Go 242, transport glider
* Gotha Go 244, transport
* Gotha Go 345, assault glider
* Gotha Ka 430, transport glider


* Heinkel He 37, fighter (biplane)
* Heinkel He 38, fighter (biplane)
* Heinkel He 43, fighter (biplane)
* Heinkel He 45, bomber + trainer
* Heinkel He 46, reconnaissance
* Heinkel He 49, fighter (biplane)
* Heinkel He 50, reconnaissance + dive bomber (biplane)
* Heinkel He 51, fighter + close-support (biplane)
* Heinkel He 59, reconnaissance (biplane seaplane)
* Heinkel He 60, ship-borne reconnaissance (biplane seaplane)
* Heinkel He 70, "Blitz" (Lightning), single-engine transport + mailplane, 1932
* Heinkel He 72 "Kadett" (Cadet), trainer
* Heinkel He 74, fighter + advanced trainer (prototype)
* Heinkel He 100, fighter
* Heinkel He 111, bomber
* Heinkel He 111Z, "Zwilling" (Twin) He-111s mated by a single wing with 5th engine used for towing
* Heinkel He 112, fighter
* Heinkel He 113, (alternative designation for He 100)
* Heinkel He 114, reconnaissance seaplane
* Heinkel He 115, general-purpose seaplane
* Heinkel He 116, transport + reconnaissance
* Heinkel He 118, dive bomber, two sent to Japan, first aircraft to test turbojet HeS 3A in early 1939
* Heinkel He 119, high speed recon bomber, record setter, two went to Japan
* Heinkel He 162 Salamander/"Volksjäger" (People's Fighter), fighter (jet-engined), original designation was to be He-500 "Spatz" (Sparrow)
* Heinkel He 170, recon + bomber, built in Hungary
* Heinkel He 172, trainer (prototype)
* Heinkel He 176, rocket-engined experimental aircraft (prototype)
* Heinkel He 177 "Greif" (Griffon), long-range bomber
* Heinkel He 178, jet-engined experimental aircraft
* Heinkel He 219 "Uhu" (Owl), night-fighter
* Heinkel He 219TL, night fighter with added turbojet as testbed, saw combat
* Heinkel He 270 recon bomber, one prototype
* Heinkel He 274, high-altitude bomber
* Heinkel He 277, pure four engined version of He-177, one model specially modified to carry a single "Superbomb" (speculation of atomic, radiological, or plasma weapon).
* Heinkel He 280, fighter (jet-engined)
* Heinkel He 343, jet bomber project
* Heinkel P.1077, "Julia" rocket fighter, two unpowered prototypes 90% complete at collapse, further plans for versions "Julia II" and "Romeo"
* Heinkel He VTOL, "Lerche" (Skylark), VTOL interceptor project
* Heinkel He VTOL, "Wespe" (Wasp), VTOL interceptor project


* Henschel Hs 117 "Schmetterling" (Butterfly), surface-to-air missile (rocket-engined)
* Henschel Hs 121, fighter + trainer (prototype)
* Henschel Hs 122, army co-operation, second prototype became Hs 125
* Henschel Hs 123, ground-attack (biplane)
* Henschel Hs 124, heavy fighter + bomber (prototype)
* Henschel Hs 125, fighter + trainer (prototype)
* Henschel Hs 126, reconnaissance
* Henschel Hs 127, high speed bomber (prototype)
* Henschel Hs 129, "Fliegende Büchsenoffner" (Flying Can-opener), ground-attack
* Henschel Hs 130, high altitude reconnaissance + bomber (jet engined) (prototype)
* Henschel Hs 132, "Düsen Stuka" (Jet Dive Bomber), dive bomber prototype
* Henschel Hs 293, glide bomb (rocket-powered)
* Henschel Hs 294, anti-shipping glide bomb (rocket-powered)
* Henschel Hs 295, torpedo glider (rocket engine)
* Henschel Hs 296, torpedo glider (rocket engine)
* Henschel Hs 297, torpedo glider (rocket engine)
* Henschel Hs 298, air-to-air missile (rocket-powered)
* Henschel Hs 315, missile project
* Henschel Hs GT 1200, anti-shipping glide bomb (rocket engine)
* Henschel Zitterrochen, (Torpedofish) supersonic missile


* Horten Parabola, parabolic flying wing prototype
* Horten Ho XIII, delta jet fighter project
* Horten Ho XVIIIB, Amerika Bomber project


* Hütter Hü 136 dive bomber project, 1938
* Hutter Hü Fernzerstorer 1942 destroyer project
* Hütter Hü 211 Improvement of He 219, two prototypes built in 1944, destroyed in bombing raid


*'8-33'?, Junkers Ju W33, single-engined light transport, 1926
*'8-34'?, Junkers Ju W34, single-engine light transport+reconnaissance (development of W33), 1933
* Junkers Ju 52 "Tante Ju" (Auntie Ju), transport + bomber
* Junkers Ef 61, high-altitude fighter + reconnaissance (prototype)
* Junkers Ju 86, bomber + reconnaissance
* Junkers Ju 87 "Stuka", dive-bomber
* Junkers Ju 88, bomber + reconnaissance + night-fighter
* Junkers Ju 89, heavy bomber (prototype)
* Junkers Ju 90, bomber (prototype)
* Junkers Ju 187, improved Ju-87, one prototype half completed before cancellation
* Junkers Ju 188, "Rächer" (Avenger), bomber
* Junkers Ju 248, re-designation of Me 263
* Junkers Ju 252, transport
* Junkers Ju 287, "Hakenflug" (Bent Wing) heavy bomber (jet-engined) (prototype)
* Junkers Ju 288, bomber (prototype)
* Junkers Ju 290, long-range bomber (prototype)
* Junkers Ju 322, "Mammut" (Mammoth) giant assault glider
* Junkers Ju 352 "Herkules" (Hercules), transport
* Junkers Ju 388 "Stortebeker"(legendary pirate), reconnaissance + night-fighter
* Junkers Ju 390, long-range bomber
* Junkers Ju 488, heavy bomber
* Junkers EF 126, "Lilli" pulsejet fighter built in USSR in 1947
* Junkers EF 131, derived from the Ju-287, built in the USSR in 1946
* Junkers EF 132, advanced heavy bomber
* Junkers EF 140, bomber built in the USSR postwar
* Junkers EF 150, bomber built in the USSR postwar
* Junkers EF 152, bomber project, became GDR Baade 152 airliner which was shut-down by Soviets


* Kalkert Ka 430, transport glider


* Klemm Kl 25, sportplane
* Klemm Kl 31, single-engine transport, 1931
* Klemm Kl 32, single-engine transport, 1931
* Klemm Kl 33, (Klemm L33), single-seat ultra-light sportplane(prototype), 1933
* Klemm Kl 35, sportplane + trainer, 1935
* Klemm Kl 35Z, "Zwilling" twin Kl-35 aircraft joined at wingtips to test flight theory of Me Bf 109Z, 1 set built for testing * []
* Klemm Kl 36, single-engine transport, 1934


* Kramer Rk 344/Ruhrstahl X-4, air-to-air missile (rocket-powered)
* Kramer Rk 347/Ruhrstahl X-7, "Rotkappchen" anti-tank missile for air and ground use. Air use decided in 1944.


* Laufer VE-RO, jet helicopter project


* Lp DM-1, Delta-wing glider prototype
* Lp P.XIIIb, ramjet fighter project
* Lp GB 3/L, glide bomb

Luftfahrt-Forschungsanstalt Braunschweig-Volkenrode

* LT 9.2, "Frosch" (Frog) torpedo glider


* Messerschmitt Bf 108 "Taifun" (Typhoon), trainer + transport
* Messerschmitt Bf 109, "Augsburg Adler" (unofficial factory name) fighter (later versions designated as Me 109, although RLM Bf allocation still in place)
* Messerschmitt Bf 109W, "Wasservogel" fighter floatplane conversion project
* Messerschmitt Bf 109Z, "Zwilling" twin Me Bf 109F aircraft joined with one wing, prototype built in 1943 but heavily damaged in bombing raid. Unrepaired in 1944, the project was cancelled and prototype dismantled.
* Messerschmitt Me-109TL, jet Me-109 project, RLM Bf prefix dropped due to jet variation
* Messerschmitt Bf 110, heavy fighter + night-fighter
* Messerschmitt Bf 161, recon aircraft, 1937 (2 prototypes)
* Messerschmitt Bf 162, "Jaguar" bomber (prototype)
* Messerschmitt Bf 163 STOL reconnaissance aircraft (prototypes only), actually built by Weserflug
* Messerschmitt Me 163 "Komet" (Comet), interceptor (rocket-engined)
* Messerschmitt Me 163S, "Habicht" (Hawk), trainer version of Me 163
* Messerschmitt Me 209, fighter + speed-record aircraft (prototype)
* Messerschmitt Me 209-II, fighter (prototype - completely different from Me 209)
* Messerschmitt Me 210, heavy fighter + reconnaissance
* Messerschmitt Me 261, "Adolfine" long-range reconnaissance
* Messerschmitt Me 262 "Schwalbe" (Swallow), fighter + attack (jet-engined), nicknamed "Turbo"
* Messerschmitt Me 263, interceptor (rocket-engined)
* Messerschmitt Me 264 "Amerika" (America), long-range bomber (prototype)
* Messerschmitt Me 265 attack aircraft project
* Messerschmitt Me 271bz, "Blitz Zerstorer" (prototype ramjet fighter)
* Messerschmitt Me 290, maritime patrol + bomber + reconnaissance
* Messerschmitt Me 309, fighter (prototype)
* Messerschmitt Me 321 "Gigant" (Giant), transport glider
* Messerschmitt Me 323 "Gigant" powered version
* Messerschmitt Me 328 pulsejet parasite fighter
* Messerschmitt Me 329 heavy fighter project, unpowered test prototype said to have flown at Rechlin in 1945
* Messerschmitt Me 362, project 3 jet military airliner
* Messerschmitt Me 410 "Hornisse" (Hornet), heavy fighter + reconnaissance
* Messerschmitt Me 509, fighter project intended to improve on the Me-309
* Messerschmitt Me 565, "Vulkan" (jet torpedo bomber project)
* Messerschmitt Me 600 " Bussard" (Buzzard)provisional designation for further development of Arthur Sack A.S.7V-1
* Messerschmitt Me 609, "Nacht Wulf" (Night Wolf) heavy fighter + bomber (project)
* Messerschmitt Me P.1101 jet interceptor prototype w/variable sweep wing- basis for Bell X-5
* Messerschmitt Me P.1112, jet fighter project, mock-up under construction in 1945
* Messerschmitt Enzian (Mountain flower Gentian Violet) surface to air missile (rocket powered)

Mistel Composites

* Mistel S-1, "Vater & Sohn" (Father and Son) Ju 88A + Me Bf 109F
* Mistel S-2, Ju 88G-1 + Fw 190A-8
* Mistel S-3, Ju 88A-6 + Fw 190A-6
* Mistel 1, warhead nosed Ju 88A-4 + Me Bf 109F
* Mistel 2, warhead nosed Ju 88G-1 + Fw 190A-6
* Mistel 3, warhead nosed Ju 88G-10 or H-4 + Fw 190A-8 with doppelreiter (Double rider) overwing fuel tanks
* Mistel Fuhrungsmaschine (Leading Machine) long-range recon project with manned Ju 88H-4 with radar + Fw 190A-8 with doppelreiter overwing fuel tanks serving as parasite escort
* see DFS for DFS 360 + DFS 464 Mistel combo
* Gigant Mistel, Me-323 + Me-328 (project)

Mistel Test Combinations

* DFS 230 + Klemm Kl-35, test combo
* DFS 230 + Fw 56, test combo
* DFS 230 + Me Bf 109F, test combo, very first Mistel combo

Muck, Otto

* 1938 Patent, unnamed circular winged VTOL tail-sitter- inspired Fw Triebflugel

Nagler and Rolz

* Nagler and Rolz NR 54 portable helicopter
* Nagler and Rolz NR 55 portable helicopter

Philipp, Franz

* Philipp FRALI Series 1-6 Sonnenstrahl (Sun Ray) solar-powered aircraft projects and rockets 1934-1938
* Philipp Greif (Griffon) Solar-powered disc aircraft project
* Philipp Sonnenflieger (Sun Flyer) solar-powered disc aircraft project, 1938

Reiseler, Walter

* Reiseler R-1, helicopter
* Reiseler R-2, helicopter

Rohrbach, Adolph

* Rohrbach Cyclogyro, 1933 paddle-wing project


* Rohrbach Roterra, 3 engined medium bomber,1930, was rejected by Reichswehr and licenced to Czechoslovakia as Avia 46 of 1932

Sack, Arthur

* Arthur Sack A.S.6 "Bierdeckel" (Beer mat) prototype circular winged aircraft built in 1944, tested at Brandis AB


* Sanger Antipodal Bomber "Silbervogel"(Silverbird), project hypersonic bomber, mock-up discovered at Lofer, 1945 (Stratosphere flight capable, jet powered aircraft).

Schmidt, Paul

* Schmidt Himmelsturmer "Sky Stomer" flight rocket pack composed of two Schmidt wearable pulse tubes, 1944


* Siebel Fh 104 "Hallore", medium transport
* Siebel Si 201, STOL reconnaissance aircraft (prototype)
* Siebel Si 202 "Hummel" (Bumble Bee) sportplane + trainer, 1938
* Siebel Si 204, transport + aircrew trainer


* Skoda-Kauba P.14, ramjet fighter project


* Soldenhoff S 5, experimental swept flying wing, 1936

Sombold, Heinz

* Sombold So 344, rocket-powered explosive warhead launcher aircraft project, 1944


* Stockel Rammshussjager (Ram Shot Hunter) ramjet-rocket annular explosive warhead launcher aircraft project, 1944

Von Braun, Werner

* Von Braun Interceptor VTO interceptor project (rocket powered), 1939


* Weser We 271, amphibian aircraft, prototype, 1939
* Weser P.1003, tilt-rotor aircraft project
* Weser P.2127, twin-boom aircraft project
* Weser P.2138, large flying boat project

Weiner Neustadter Flugzeugwerk (WNF)

Zeppelin Werke

* Zeppelin Fliegende Panzerfaust (Flying Armored Fist) ramming aircraft project
* Zeppelin Rammjager (Ram Hunter) ramming aircraft project

See also

* List of aircraft of the Armée de l'Air
* List of aircraft of the Luftwaffe, World War II
* List of World War II Luftwaffe aircraft engines
* List of RLM aircraft designations "(for a full listing by type designations)"
* List of Sailplanes
* List of weapons Lufwaffe aircraft, World War II
* List of Luftwaffe aircraft by manufacturer, World War II

External links

* [ Virtual Aviation Museum]
* [ German Military Aircraft Designations (1933-1945)]
* Luftwaffe '46

Book References

*"Hitler's Luftwaffe", 1990, ISBN 0-86101-005-1
*"German Helicopters 1928-1945", 1990, ISBN 0-88740-289-5
*"Wings of the Luftwaffe", Reprint 1996, ISBN 1-85310-413-2
*"Fighters of the Luftwaffe", 1993, ISBN 1-85409-139-5
*"German Guided Missiles", 1993, ISBN 0-88740-475-8
*"Bombers of the Luftwaffe", 1994, ISBN 1-85409-140-9

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  • List of World War II military aircraft of Germany — This list covers German aircraft of the Second World War that served in the Luftwaffe during World War II as defined by the years 1939 to 1945. Number designations are largely by the RLM designation system, although in this list they are… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Luftwaffe aircraft prototype projects during World War II — The aircraft in this list include prototype versions of aircraft used by the German Luftwaffe during World War II, and unfinished wartime experimental programmes. In the former, development can stretch back to the 1920s and in the latter the… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Luftwaffe aircraft by manufacturer, World War II — Albatros= *Albatros Al 101, L 101 , two seat sportsplane + trainer, 1930 *Albatros Al 102, L 102 , two seat sportsplane + trainer, 1931 *Albatros Al 103, L 103 , two seat sportsplane + trainer, 1932 =Arado= *Arado Ar 64, fighter (biplane) *Arado… …   Wikipedia

  • List of military vehicles — Military vehicles include all land combat and transportation vehicles, excluding rail based, which are designed for or are in significant use by military forces throughout the world. See also list of armoured fighting vehicles. Contents:… …   Wikipedia

  • List of World War II topics (L) — # L Absinthe # L Adroit class destroyer # L affiche rouge (Poem) # L Ambroisie # L Arpège # L Astrance # L Atelier de Joël Robuchon # L Entrecôte # L Hôtel # L Origine du monde # L 2 Grasshopper # L Day # L. D. Meyer # L. H. Clermont # L. Patrick …   Wikipedia

  • Military history of South Africa — This article is part of a series Conflicts Khoikhoi Dutch Wars Anglo Dutch rivalry Xhosa Wars Zulu Ndwandwe civil war Battles between Voortrekkers …   Wikipedia

  • List of equipment of the Hellenic Army — The heavy equipment and weaponry of the Hellenic Army is of mostly foreign manufacture, from German, French, American, British and Russian suppliers. A notable exception is the native built Leonidas armored fighting vehicle. Equipment runs the… …   Wikipedia

  • Military Affairs — ▪ 2009 Introduction        Russia and Georgia fought a short, intense war in 2008, fueling global fears of a new Cold War. On August 7 Georgia launched an aerial bombardment and ground attacks against its breakaway province of South Ossetia.… …   Universalium

  • List of aircraft manufacturers D-G — NOTOC This is a list of aircraft manufacturers sorted alphabetically by International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)/common name. It contains the ICAO/common name, manufacturers name(s), country and other data, with the known years of… …   Wikipedia

  • Germany — /jerr meuh nee/, n. a republic in central Europe: after World War II divided into four zones, British, French, U.S., and Soviet, and in 1949 into East Germany and West Germany; East and West Germany were reunited in 1990. 84,068,216; 137,852 sq.… …   Universalium

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