- Q test
statistics , the "Q" test is used for identification and rejection ofoutlier s. This test should be used sparingly and never more than once in a data set. To apply a "Q" test for bad data, arrange the data in order of increasing values and calculate "Q" as defined:Q = Qgap/Qrange
Where "Q"gap is the absolute difference between the outlier in question and the closest number to it. If "Q"calculated > "Q"table then reject the questionable point.
For the data:
Arranged in increasing order:
Outlier is 0.167. Calculate "Q":
With 10 observations at 90% confidence, Qcalculated (0.455) > Qtable (0.412). However, at 95% confidence, Qcalculated (0.455) < Qtable (0.466).
Therefore keep 0.167 at 95% confidence or reject it at 90% confidence.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.