Inferior tibiofibular articulation
- Inferior tibiofibular articulation
Infobox Anatomy
Name = Inferior tibiofibular articulation
Latin = syndesmosis tibiofibularis
GraySubject = 94
GrayPage = 348

Caption = Capsule of left talocrural articulation (distended). Lateral aspect.

Caption2 = Coronal section through right talocrural and talocalcaneal joints.
System =
Precursor =
MeshName =
MeshNumber =
DorlandsPre = s_32
DorlandsSuf = 12777429
The inferior tibiofibular articulation (tibiofibular syndesmosis) is formed by the rough, convex surface of the medial side of the lower end of the fibula, and a rough concave surface on the lateral side of the tibia. Below, to the extent of about 4 mm. these surfaces are smooth, and covered with cartilage, which is continuous with that of the ankle-joint.
The ligaments are:
* Anterior ligament of the lateral malleolus
* Posterior ligament of the lateral malleolus
* Inferior transverse ligament of the tibiofibular syndesmosis
* Interosseous ligament
ee also
* Superior tibiofibular articulation
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