Java User Group

Java User Group

A Java User Group (JUG) is a community of users of the Java programming language. Most JUGs are geographically-bound, such as the PhillyJUG (Philadelphia, USA) and the DFJUG (Brazil).

Typically, members of a JUG support each other through:

* regular meetings (e.g. monthly)
* mailing lists
* a collaborative website or wiki
* study groups for Java certification exams

Like other technology user groups, many JUGs cover costs by meeting in educational or community spaces (e.g. university lecture halls) and/or asking local companies to sponsor individual meetings.

Publishers like O'Reilly and Apress often send free books to be distributed at JUGs in exchange for the posting of public reviews of those books.

External links

* [ JUG Directory]
* [ Top 50 JUG]
* [ JUG KPI]
* [ Albuquerque Java Users Group]
* [ Austin Java Users Group]
* [ Australian Java User Groups (AJUG)]
* [ Enterprise Java Australia]
* [ Belarus Java User Group]
* [ Dublin (Ireland) Java User's Group]
* [ Brasília Java Users Group – DFJUG]
* [ Miami Java Users Group (MJUG)]
* [ Sacramento Java Users Group (SacJUG)]
* [ SouJava - The Brazilian Java Users Society]
* [ PhillyJUG]
* [ JavaGeekz Bangalore Java User Group]
* [ JavaPT - Portuguese Java Community]
* [ Java User Group Sardegna] (Italy)
* [ Java User Group Torino] (Italy)
* [ Java User Group Liguria] (Italy)
* [ Java User Group Roma] (Italy)
* [ Java User Group EGYPT] (EGYPT)
* [ Malta Java Users Group] (Malta)
* [ Paris JUG] (France)
* [ Java User Group Scotland - JUGS] (UK)
* [ Java User Group Chile] (Chile)

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