De troubadour

De troubadour
Netherlands "De troubadour"
Lenny Kuhr - De troubadour.jpg
Eurovision Song Contest 1969 entry
Country Netherlands
Artist(s) Lenny Kuhr
Language Dutch
Composer(s) David Hartsema
Lyricist(s) Lenny Kuhr
Conductor Frans de Kok
Finals performance
Final result 1st
Final points 18
Appearance chronology
◄ Morgen (1968)   
Waterman (1970) ►

"De troubadour" ("The troubadour"), sung in Dutch by Lenny Kuhr representing the Netherlands, was – together with "Boom Bang-a-Bang", "Un jour, un enfant", and "Vivo cantando" from, respectively, the United Kingdom, France, and Spain – one of the four winners of the Eurovision Song Contest 1969.

In a ballad inspired both musically and lyrically by folk-song traditions, Kuhr sings about a troubadour of the Middle Ages, describing the impact the music has on his audiences. Kuhr also recorded the song in English (as "The troubadour"), French ("Le troubadour"), German ("Der troubadour"), Italian ("Un canta storie") and Spanish ("El trovador"). The 1969 Contest was controversially held in Madrid, Spain during Francisco Franco's dictatorship; 5 years after the Contest, Kuhr also recorded the song with revised Dutch lyrics, then retitled "De generaal" ("The general"), which was a homage to the dutch national socker coach Rinus Michaels, who was called "De Generaal" by the players of the dutch team.

The song was performed eighth on the night, following the United Kingdom's Lulu with "Boom Bang-a-Bang" and preceding Sweden's Tommy Körberg with "Judy, min vän". By the close of voting, it had received 18 points, placing it equal first in a field of 16. The Netherlands thus achieved the rare feat of going from (equal) last to (equal) first in the space of one year.

It was succeeded as the Netherlands representative at the 1970 contest by Hearts of Soul with "Waterman".

References and external links

Preceded by
La la la by Massiel
Eurovision Song Contest winners
co-winner with Un jour, un enfant by Frida Boccara, Vivo cantando by Salomé and Boom Bang-a-Bang by Lulu

Succeeded by
All Kinds of Everything by Dana

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