Pallium (anatomy)

Pallium (anatomy)

"This article refers to the anatomical structure called a "pallium". For the religious garment, click here."

In the anatomy of animals, the pallium is related to...

(1) The evolutionary precedent of the cerebrum.:* The human pallium ("cloak" in Latin) envelops the forebrain. The cerebrum has been described as having three parts: the archipallium, the paleopallium and the neopallium.

:* In fish, the archipallium is the largest part of the cerebrum. Some researchers suggest the early archipallium gave rise to the human hippocampus.

:* In amphibians, the cerebrum includes archipallium, paleopallium and some of the basal nuclei.

:* Reptiles first developed a neopallium, which continued to develop in the brains of more recent species to become the neocortex of humans and Old World monkeys.

(2) The mantle of a mollusk, brachiopod, or bird.:* In bivalves, the pallial line is a sinuous linear scar on the inside of each valve where the mantle retractor muscles attach to the valve.

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