- Josephine Herbst
Josephine Herbst (
March 5 ,1892 -January 28 ,1969 ) was anovelist ,historian ,biographer ,journalist , autobiographer, andliterary critic who was active from 1923 to near the time of her death in theUnited States . She was a "radical," part of the "revolutionary movement," who "incorporate [d] the philosophy of socialism into her fiction" [Winifred Farrant Bevilacqua, [http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/spec-coll/Bai/bevilacq.htm "An Introduction to Josephine Herbst,"] "Books at Iowa", November 1976] and "aligned herself with the political Left" [Jack Salzman, [http://books.google.com/books?id=NbCiMBpAwp0C&pg=PA78&sig=9o8XWtA86m4CAJmf5K_L_DrbFik#PPA111,M1 "Cambridge Handbook of American Literature"] (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986) ISBN 0521307031, p. 111] and is known as a writer of "proletarian novels" conceived "in Marxist terms" [ Robert Gorham Davis, " [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C01EFDE1738F936A3575BC0A962948260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=2 A Life of Passionate Commitments] ," "The New York Times", August 5, 1984] and described as a "subtle blend of art and propaganda." [ [http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/spec-coll/MSC/ToMsC850/MsC838/herbstjosephine.htm#biohist Biographical Note] , Josephine Herbst Papers, The University of Iowa Libraries]Herbst was born in
Sioux City, Iowa . After graduating from the University of California at Berkeley in 1918, she moved to New York where she affiliated herself with a literary group that included her friend Genevieve Taggard and other writers involved with "The Writer " and "The Liberator ". During this time Herbst published her firstshort stories under thepseudonym Carlotta Geet in "American Mercury " and "Smart Set ", then edited byH.L. Mencken , for whom she had worked as a publicity writer and editorial reader.In 1922 she moved to
Europe . While inParis , in 1924 she met the writerJohn Herrmann , whom she married in 1926 and divorced in 1934. In Paris she also made friends with Nathan Asch,Robert McAlmon ,William Carlos Williams andErnest Hemingway . She returned to the United States to live inPennsylvania in 1928. She published in several newspapers and magazines, including "New Masses ", then edited byWhittaker Chambers . In 1936 she was awarded theGuggenheim Fellowship .After
Pearl Harbor , Herbst got a job as a propaganda writer for foreign broadcast in theOffice of the Coordinator of Information (progenitor of theCIA ), but was fired a few months later after background investigation by theFBI found that she wrote that she voted Communist, that she lobbied the U.S. Ambassador to France to get Communist aliens into the U.S., and that she was a "great admirer" of Stalin, and considered Communist Party bossEarl Browder too "timid." [Darlene Harbour Unrue, [http://books.google.com/books?id=c8gOx1KMGRsC&printsec=frontcover#PPA189,M1 "Katherine Anne Porter: The Life of an Artist"] (University Press of Mississippi, 2005) ISBN 1578067774, p. 189]During the
Alger Hiss -Whittaker Chambers battle, Herbst told the FBI that in the apartment she and Herrmann shared for three months in 1934 she had seen documents taken from government offices by members of the Ware group for transmission to New York. [Sam Tanenhaus, "Whittaker Chambers: A Biography" (Modern Library, 1998), ISBN 0-375-75145-9, p. 138] , and told Hiss's lawyers that Chambers and Herrmann discussed recruiting Hiss to help them acquire such documents, and that they andHarold Ware all told her in mid-1934 that they were already in touch with Hiss, trying to recruit him for espionage more than six months before Hiss claimed to have met Chambers. ["Ibid"., p. 141.]In her letters and papers, wrote her biographer, Herbst revealed that she knew Chambers as "an underground agent of the Communist Party known as 'Carl,' responsible for transmission of documents from a sympathetic cell of government employees in Washington, D.C., to Communist authorities in New York," [Elinor Langer, " [http://www.thenation.com/doc/19970217/langer The Great Pumpkin] ," "The Nation", February 17, 1997] . Ruth Herrmann, widow of Herbst's ex-husband, John Herrmann, told Langer that her late husband was "the man who introduced Chambers to Alger Hiss." [Elinor Langer, "The Secret Drawer," [http://www.thenation.com "The Nation"] , May 30, 1994, p. 756] [Elinor Langer, "Josephine Herbst: The Story She Could Never Tell" (Boston: Little, Brown, 1984) ISBN 978-0446328531, p. 297]
* "Nothing is Sacred", 1928
* "Money for Love", 1929
* "Pity is Not Enough ", 1933
* "The Executioner Waits", 1934
* "Rope of Gold", 1939
* "Satan's Sargeants", 1941
* "Somewhere the Tempest Fell", 1947
* "New Green World", 1954
* "The Starched Blue Sky of Spain and Other Memoirs", 1991 (published posthumously)Notes
External links
* [http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=2103 Josephine Herbst at The Literary Encyclopedia]
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