- Green conventions
Green conventions or green meetings are conventions which are conducted in ways which minimize the environmental burdens imposed by such activities. Green event planners apply environmentally preferred practices to
waste management , resource and energy use, travel and local transportation, facilities selection, siting and construction, food provision and disposal, hotels and accommodations, and management and purchasing decisions.Green event and convention planning is now an established trend within the global
tourism and convention industry. Several cities in theUnited States andEurope now sport green convention centers designed usinggreen building principles and practices.Several high visibility events including the
Olympic Games in Italy, Sydney, Utah, and Greece; the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, and the 2004 Democratic and Republican National Conventions have implemented green practices with varied success. A more recent example is that ofLive Earth , a series of worldwide concerts held on July 7, 2007, that initiated a three-year campaign to combatclimate change . Such efforts aim to conserve resources, protect air and water quality, habitat and human health, and showcase sustainability practices and concerns.Parts of the tourism and convention industry now promote green meetings, conferences, and convention planning as demand for sustainability measures increases. Industry associations have produced standards and guides for green meetings. Government agencies and non-profit organizations also promote these practices with research, recommendations, grants and technical support. Some private consultants in the meeting planning industry specialize in mounting green events, and industry groups and governments now sponsor awards to recognize achievements.
Green conventions, meetings, conferencing and events are part of an international movement to achieve a sustainable world economy and livable planet.
ee also
Agenda 21
*Environmental protection
*Green Globe
*Green building
*Resource depletion
*Sustainable business
*Sustainable development
*Sustainable tourism
*Green Globe External links
* [http://www.sevenstarevents.com]
* [http://www.greeneventmanagement.com]
* [http://greencarpetevent.com]
* [http://www.greeninggovernment.gc.ca/F5B1C0BC-741C-4493-B4B7-B0D56BBE6566/Green_Meeting_Guide_07.pdf Environment Canada’s Green Meeting Guide 2007]
* [http://www.conventionindustry.org/projects/green_meetings_report.pdf Convention Industry Council’s Green Meetings Report]
* [http://fhio.gc.ca/default.asp?lang=En&n=9076E298-1 Carbon Neutral Conferencing]
* [http://www.greenglobe.org/%5Cdocs%5Cpdf%5CGG21%20Company%20Standard%20July%2003%20V1.2.pdf Green Globe 21: Benchmarking & Certification for Travel & Tourism]
* [http://www.greenpeace.org.au/archives/olympics/reports/newguidelines.pdf Greenpeace Olympic Environmental Guidelines]
* [http://www.rosengreenmeetings.com Orlando Green Meetings]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.