Starlight Information Visualization System

Starlight Information Visualization System

Starlight™ software is a comprehensive visual analytics platform that tames information overload and enables users to extract new value from data of all types. Future Point Systems (FPS) was founded in 2006 in partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), As a private commercial enterprise, Future Point Systems has been granted exclusive rights to build upon over ten years of successful information visualization research, development, and deployments through PNNL. Future Point Systems is the market leader in Visual Information System (VIS) solutions. FPS provides software for visually managing, understanding, and deriving new knowledge from massive quantities of heterogeneous and complexly related information.

Starlight is software for sensemaking, the process of creating situational awareness and understanding in situations of high complexity or uncertainty in order to make decisions. Starlight enables sensemaking by automatically organizing and summarizing large collections of information and then presenting the results in easily interpretable graphical formats. It is an advanced visual analysis environment, which employs information visualization to show the importance of individual pieces of data by showing how they relate to one another.

Starlight enables analysts to work with a virtually unlimited variety of data types, ranging from structured, semi-structured or unstructured information such as database records, message traffic, and open source material, to geospatial and multimedia data. In addition to core VIS technologies, Starlight also provides powerful collaboration capabilities. Whether working alone, in teams, across shifts, in-person or virtually, Starlight's visual analysis tools enable analysts to quickly organize, summarize, and relate this disparate information in powerful ways, all from within a single integrated analysis environment.

PNNL began developing Starlight in the mid-90's, with funding from the Land Information Warfare Agency [ [ Information analysis—by Starlight] ] , a part of the Army Intelligence and Security Command. The software system was honored with an R&D 100 award [ [ R&D 100 Awards] ] for technical innovation.

In addition, XML Engineering Environment (XEE) is Future Point's solution to the significant challenge of engineering, processing, enhancing and utilizing data from complex information systems. Designed as a companion product to Starlight, XEE enables users to quickly set up complex data processors in a fraction of the time required through traditional scripting or programming methods.

Future Point’s enterprise-class solutions are mature and proven, capitalizing on millions of dollars of government-funded R&D. The company's award-winning information engineering and visual analytics products are used in Government and Fortune 500 organizations worldwide. In addition, Future Point Systems has a strategic reseller network that provides world class training, integration, and analysis support services. Future Point Systems is headquartered in Mountain View, CA, with offices in Washington, Oregon and Washington DC.

For more information, please visit:


Further reading

* [ Inside Energy With Federal Lands.] (March 10, 2003) "PNNL offers info-system license." Volume 20; Issue 45; Page 2
*Research & Development. (September 1, 2003) " [ Software Offers 3-D Data Management.] " Section: Special; Volume 45; Issue 9; Page 58.
*R&D Management. (September 1, 2003) " [ 11 innovative, award winning technologies.] " Volume 45; Issue 9; Page 18.
*Kritzstein, Brian. (December 10, 2003) Military Geospatial Technology. " [ Starlight, the leading edge of an emerging class of information systems that couples advanced information modeling and management techniques within a visual interface, links data and information top points on a map.] " Volume: 1 Issue: 1
*Commercial terrain visualization software product information. (2003) " [ Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) ; Starlight.] "
*Reid, Hal. (March 8, 2005) Directions Magazine. " [ Starlight Overview and Interview with Battelle's Brian Kritzstein.]
*St. John, Jeff. (February 16, 2006) Tri-City Herald "PNNL earns 4 technology awards."
*Ascribe Newswire. (February 16, 2006) " [ Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Recognized for Commercializing Technology.] "

External links

* [ Starlight Official website]
* [ Future Point Systems website]

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