Servilius Casca

Servilius Casca

Publius Servilius Casca was one of the assassins of Gaius Julius Caesar in 44 BC. Though his family was loyal to Caesar, his brother Gaius even being a close friend of the dictator, both siblings joined in the assassination.


According to Appian and Plutarch, Casca was the first to strike Caesar. When the signal was given, he rushed upon him and plunged a dagger into his breast (Appian) or the back of his neck (Plutarch), but was so nervous that he did not badly wound the dictator. Caesar turned around quickly, writes Plutarch, and caught Casca by the arm, crying in Latin, "Casca, you villain, what are you doing?". Casca, frightened, called to Gaius in Greek: "Help, brother!" The other conspirators then closed in on Caesar.

Appian also reports that Casca was nearly startled into betraying the assassination plan the day before.

He committed suicide after the Battle of Philippi in 42 BC.

Fictional depictions

* In the TV series "Rome", Servilius Casca is portrayed by Peter Gevisser.

ee also

*Assassination of Julius Caesar

External links

* [ Appian, "The Civil Wars," Book 2 Chapter 16] from the Perseus Project
* [ Plutarch, "Lives", "Caesar", Chapter 66] from the Perseus Project

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