Schlachter Bible

Schlachter Bible

The Schlachter-Bibel is one of the best German translations of the Bible. Franz Eugen Schlachter first translated the Greek and Hebrew text of the Bible in the year 1905. At first he pulished the book of Hiob in the year 1893. This Miniaturbibel was the first German language Bible version in the twentieth century. The edition was published in the year 1905, the following house-bible in the year 1907 and the hand-bible in the year 1908. The last edition of the origin Miniaturbibel was published in the year 1911.Franz Eugen Schlachter was a preacher of the Evangelische Gesellschaft in Bern, Switzerland and a man of the holiness movement. The translation was concordant, and at the same time, the language flowed well. The reader could discern the meaning of the origin text. By 1911, the year of Schlachter's death, he had completed 13 editions of his Bible.

In 1918, two Swiss pastors named Linder and Kappeler revised the Schlachter bible, and the Genfer Bibel Gesellschaft lead a new revision of the translation in 1951, although it was a light revision. The text was faithful to Franz Eugen Schlachter's original and had very thin editions. In 2003, the last revision, called the Version 2000, was completed. It follows the same approach ad the original Miniaturbibel, but is also very accurate to the Greek and Hebrew original. The new edition also included many references.

All editions of the Schlacter Bible came in three formats: there was a pocket-edition, a hand-edition, and a greater family-edition.

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