Anterior proper fasciculus
- Anterior proper fasciculus
Infobox Brain
Latin = fasciculus anterior proprius
GraySubject = 187
GrayPage = 760

Caption = Diagram of the principal fasciculi of the spinal cord. (Lateral proper fasciculus is visible at center bottom.)
Caption2 =
IsPartOf = Spinal cord
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Artery =
Vein =
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The remaining fibers of the anterior funiculus constitute what is termed the anterior proper fasciculus (anterior basis bundle).
It consists of
* (a) longitudinal intersegmental fibers which arise from cells in the gray substance, more especially from those of the medial group of the anterior column, and, after a longer or shorter course, reënter the gray substance;
* (b) fibers which cross in the anterior white commissure from the gray substance of the opposite side.
ee also
* Lateral proper fasciculus
* Posterior proper fasciculus
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