- Svartálfaheim
Norse mythology , Svartálfheimr is the underground domain and home of the Svartálfar (meaning the 'black elves ' and possibly referring toNorse dwarves ), according toSnorri Sturluson . Note that this could be the same place as the underground realmNiðavellir in other manuscripts.According to the early Nordic reference, the 13th century
Edda "Gylfaginning " by Sturluson, Svartálfheim is referred to as a place where dwarves ("dverga nökkurra") madeGleipnir . The following translation exists::"So Alfather [Alföðr] sent the youth, who is called Skirner, and is
Frey 's messenger, to some dwarfs [dverga nökkurra] in Svartalfheim [Svartálfaheimr] , and had them make the fetter which is called Gleipner [Gleipnir] ."ndash , 13th century.References
*" (The Fooling Of Gylfe)" by Sturluson, Snorri, 13th century Edda, in English. Accessed Apr. 16, 2007
*"Gylfaginning" in Old Norse [http://www.cybersamurai.net/Mythology/nordic_gods/LegendsSagas/Edda/ProseEdda/Icelandic/GylfaginningXXXI-XL.htm] . Accessed Apr. 16, 2007.
*Marshall Jones Company (1930). "Mythology of All Races" Series, Volume 2 "Eddic", Great Britain: Marshall Jones Company, 1930, pp. 221.
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