Indian Bushlark

Indian Bushlark

name = Indian Bushlark
status = LC | status_system = IUCN3.1

image_width = 240px
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Passeriformes
familia = Alaudidae
genus = " Mirafra "
species = "M. erythroptera"
binomial = "Mirafra erythroptera"
binomial_authority = Blyth, 1845

The Indian Bushlark or Red-winged Bushlark ("Mirafra erythroptera") is a species of bushlark found in South Asia.


Pale and found mostly in arid areas. Has cheek patch completely bounded by white supercilium and post-auricular border. Crown and upperparts heavily streaked. Pale underparts have large spots on the breast. Differentiable from Jerdon's Bushlark by longer tail, shorter bill and legs. Most wing coverts, tertials and central tail feathers have pale centres. Primary coverts look all brown. Sings from bush tops but does not usually perch on trees or wires. Calls similar to that of Jerdon's but is lower and has longer rattling tremolos. Often falling in pitch. (Rasmussen and Anderton, 2005)

The song-flight during the mating season is an amazing spectacle. The bird flutters high over the ground, then holds its wings in an open V and "parachutes" down to its perch uttering its song consisting of short tweets and cheeps in three syllables followed by a longer fourth syllable. This combination is oft repeated till the bird perches again.

The rufous wing bars are diagnostic but care must be taken not to confuse the bird with "M. affinis" in the central Western Ghats and country around where their ranges overlap. "Mirafra affinis" is darker with more rufous on the wings.


* Database entry includes justification for why this species is of least concern
* Rasmussen, P. C. and Anderton, J. C. (2005) Birds of South Asia. The Ripley Guide. Lynx Edicions.

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