- Call collision
telecommunication s, a call collision (commonly known as glare) is one of two things:
#Thecontention that occurs when a terminal anddata circuit-terminating equipment (DCE ) specify the same channel at the sametime totransfer acall request and handle an incoming call. When callcollision occurs, the DCE proceeds with the call request and cancels the incoming call.
#The condition that occurs when atrunk or channel is seized at both ends simultaneously.If you have ever tried to make a call out on a PBX, and been accidentally connected to an incoming call, you have experienced glare. This can sometimes happen at home too, if you pick up your phone to make a call out at the exact second that a call is about to start ringing in.
Multi-line hunting generally avoids glare by picking trunks in opposite preference order so the highest numbered line, which is last choice for incoming calls, is first choice for outgoing calls, like so:incoming-->1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8<-- outgoingFor PBX trunks, glare can further be reduced by using
ground start trunking. IE: Nortel BSP discourages usingloop start trunks for this and other reasons. Long Distance exchanges in the 1950s and 60s incorporated Glare Detectors to alleviate the problem.
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