Turion 64 X2

Turion 64 X2

Turion 64 X2 is AMD's 64-bit dual-core mobile CPU, intended to compete with Intel's Core and Core 2 CPUs. The Turion 64 X2 was launched on May 17, 2006 [cite web|url=http://www.amd.com/us-en/Corporate/VirtualPressRoom/0,,51_104_543~108456,00.html|title=AMD Delivers Multi-Tasking Performance On-The-Go With First 64-Bit Dual-Core Mobile Processor|date=2006-05-17|publisher=AMD|accessdate=2008-09-09] , after several delays. These processors use Socket S1, and feature DDR2 memory. They also include AMD Virtualization Technology and more power-saving features.

AMD first produced the Turion 64 X2 on IBM's 90 nm Silicon on insulator (SOI) process (cores with the Taylor codename). As of May 2007, they have switched to a 65 nm Silicon-Germanium stressed processFact|date=February 2007, which was recently achieved through the combined effort of IBM and AMD, with 40% improvement over comparable 65 nm processesFact|date=February 2007. The earlier 90 nm devices were codenamed Taylor and Trinidad, while the newer 65 nm cores have codename Tyler.


Taylor & Trinidad (90 nm SOI)

* Dual AMD64 core
* L1 cache: 64 + 64 KiB (data + instructions) per core
* L2 cache: 256 KiB ("Taylor") or 512 KiB ("Trinidad") per core, fullspeed
* Memory controller: dual channel DDR2-667 MHz
* MMX, Extended 3DNow!, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, AMD64, PowerNow!, NX bit, AMD-V
* Socket S1, HyperTransport (800 MHz, 1600 MT/s, 10.7 GB/s CPU-RAM + 6.4 GB/s CPU-I/O transfer rate) [http://www.amd.com/us-en/Processors/ProductInformation/0,,30_118_13909_13911,00.html]
* Power consumption (TDP): 31, 33, 35 watt max
* First release: May 17, 2006
* Clock rate: 1600, 1800, 2000, 2200 MHz
** 31W TDP:
*** TL-50: 1600 MHz (256 KiB L2-Cache per core)
*** TL-52: 1600 MHz (512 KiB L2-Cache per core)
** 33W TDP:
*** TL-56: 1800 MHz (512 KiB L2-Cache per core)
** 35W TDP:
*** TL-60: 2000 MHz (512 KiB L2-Cache per core)
*** TL-64: 2200 MHz (512 KiB L2-Cache per core)

Tyler (65 nm SOI)

* Dual AMD64 core
* L1 cache: 64 + 64 KiB (data + instructions) per core
* L2 cache: 512 KiB per core, fullspeed
* Memory controller: dual channel DDR2-800 MHz (12.8 GB/s full-duplex CPU/RAM bandwidth)
* 100 MHz granularity (Dynamic P-state Transitions)
* MMX, Extended 3DNow!, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, AMD64, PowerNow!, NX Bit, AMD-V
* Socket S1, HyperTransport (800 MHz / 1600 MT/s)
* Power consumption (TDP): 31, 35 watt max.
* First release: 2007
* Clock rate: 1700, 1800, 1900, 2000, 2200, 2300, 2400 MHz
** 31W TDP:
*** TK-53 1700 MHz (256 KiB L2-Cache per core)
*** TK-55 1800 MHz (256 KiB L2-Cache per core)
*** TL-56 1800 MHz (512 KiB L2-Cache per core)
*** TK-57 1900 MHz (256 KiB L2-Cache per core)
*** TL-58 1900 MHz (512 KiB L2-Cache per core)
*** TL-60 2000 MHz (512 KiB L2-Cache per core)
** 35W TDP:
*** TL-62 2100 MHz (512 KiB L2-Cache per core)
*** TL-64 2200 MHz (512 KiB L2-Cache per core)
*** TL-66 2300 MHz (512 KiB L2-Cache per core)
*** TL-68 2400 MHz (512 KiB L2-Cache per core)

Turion X2

Lion (65 nm SOI)

* Dual AMD64 core
* L1 cache: 64 + 64 KiB (data + instructions) per core
* L2 cache: 512 KiB per core, fullspeed
* Memory controller: dual channel DDR2-800 MHz
* MMX, Extended 3DNow!, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, AMD64, PowerNow!, NX bit, AMD-V
* Socket S1, HyperTransport (1800 MHz, 3600 MT/s, 12.8 GB/s CPU-RAM + 14.4 GB/s CPU-I/O transfer rate)
* Power consumption (TDP): 31 watt max
* First release: June 4, 2008
* Clock rate: 1900 MHz
** 31W TDP:
*** RM-70: 1900 MHz


There will be further Turion X2 processors in Q4 2008. fact|date=September 2008

ee also

* AMD mobile platform
* Turion 64
* List of AMD Turion microprocessors
* List of AMD Mobile Athlon 64 microprocessors
* List of AMD Mobile Sempron microprocessors


External links

* [http://www.amd.com/us-en/Processors/ProductInformation/0,,30_118_13909,00.html AMD Turion 64 X2 Mobile Technology Product Page]
* [http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,1558,1963395,00.asp Article from ExtremeTech: AMD Adds Second Core To Turion Notebook Chip]
* [http://www.hardwarezone.com/articles/view.php?cid=2&id=1904 Review article with comparison to Turion 64 and Intel Pentium 4/Pentium D on hardwarezone.com]
* [http://www.amd.com/us-en/Corporate/VirtualPressRoom/0,,51_104_543~108456,00.html Turion 64 X2 Press release]

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