Robin Li

Robin Li

Robin Li (zh-sp|s=李彦宏|p= Yànhóng) (1968 –) is a Chinese entrepreneur.

The fourth of five children, he grew up during China's Cultural Revolution. Li studied information management at Peking University and the State University of New York, Buffalo. In 2000 he founded Baidu with Eric Xu (徐勇). He has been the CEO of Baidu since January 2004, which was listed in NASDAQ in August 2005. [ [ Taipei Times (7th Aug 2005)] ]


After completing his master's degree at SUNY Buffalo in 1994, he joined a New Jersey division of Dow Jones and Company, where he helped develop a software program for the online edition of "The Wall Street Journal". [ [ Taipei Times: "Robin Li's vision powers Baidu's Internet search dominance" (17th Sep 2006)] ]

Robin Li is the initiator of ESP technology, and successfully used it in the Infoseek/ search engine. Another of his important innovative achievements was the picture search of [ [ The Guardian: "Interview: Robin Li, founder of" (8th December 2005)] ]

He was listed in the CNN Money annual "50 people who matter now" in 2007. [ [ CNN Money, June 2007, "50 people who matter now"] ]


External links

* [ Robin Li Bibliography page at Baidu]
* [ Robin Li, CEO's Letter]
* [ May 5 2005]

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