

Robin may refer to:


* members of the genus "Erithacus", which includes the original robin of Britain and Europe: the European Robin
* the American Robin ("Turdus migratorius") of North America
* Middle American members of the genus "Turdus", which have since been renamed "thrushes"--the Clay-colored Thrush is an example
* the Australasian robins of the family Petroicidae, which includes about 45 species in about 15 genera
* the Pekin Robin and Japanese Hill Robin, which are archaic names for the Red-billed Leiothrix ("Leiothrix lutea")

Fictional characters

* Cock Robin, the titular character of an 18th century nursery rhyme;Given name
* Robin (cartoon), a cartoon created by Magnus Carlsson
* Robin (comics), one of Batman's teen sidekicks
** Alternate versions of Robin
* Robin Hood, legendary outlaw of Sherwood Forest
* Robin (Muppet), a muppet, the diminutive nephew of Kermit the Frog
* Nico Robin, a fictional archaeologist in the anime "One Piece"
* Robin Scherbatsky, role played by actress Cobie Smulders in "How I Met Your Mother"
* Robin Scorpio, HIV positive doctor on "General Hospital", played by actress Kimberly McCullough
* Robin Sena, the main character in the anime "Witch Hunter Robin"


* Red Robin, a chain of American and Canadian casual dining restaurants, founded in 1969
* Reliant Robin, a three-wheeled car built by Reliant
* SS Robin, the world's oldest complete steam coaster (a class of steamship)
* Round-robin tournament, an all-play-all tournament
* Round-robin, a protocol used in sports and computer networking
* Robin (answering machine), the sales name of 1985 answering machine 202A, from BT, UK
* Robin (layout engine), a computer software component used by The Bat! e-mail client
* Red Robin Records, a record label
* Robin (The Hooded Man), a hit song by Irish group Clannad
* Robin Goodfellow, common pseudonym of the mythological figure Puck
* Robin Varghese, a web designer from India. [ click here] to see his portfolio.

ee also

*Robins, a disambiguation page
*Arjen Robben (pronounced Ar-yen Rob-ben) (b 1984), a Dutch soccer player

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, , (Erythaca rubecula or Motacilla rubecula) / , (Turdus migratorius)

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