Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center

Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center

Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center [This is the English-language name given at] ("ГКНПЦ им. М. В. Хруничева" in Russian) is a Moscow-based producer of space-launch systems. It is named after Mikhail Khrunichev - a soviet minister.

The Khrunichev plant was established during World War II. as Factory No. 23, to produce heavy bomber aircraft, and continued in this role during the 50s. In 1951, it was augmented by the addition of OKB-23, the factory's own design bureau.

A number of manufacturing enterprises and design & development institutions was on this site:

Manufacturing enterprises

1. No.: 1

2. Name: BTAZ

5. Branch: AUTO later AERO

6. Ministry: VSNKh (1918)

7. Details: originally automotive department ofRusskoBaltiiskii Vagonnyi z-dformed 2/16 as one of five automotive plants and received part of RBVZ evacuated from Riga to Fili 13/4/16 or 30/4/16, then became GAZ-2 (automobiles) or 'Vtoroi AZ' in 1917 and1i BTAZat the end of 1918 or from 8/21; also referred to as 'Avtobalt'; construction completed in 1919; on armoured vehicles from 16/8/21 (STO); first automobile produced 8/10/22 but production transferred to 'Vtoroi BTAZ'; later aircraft, Junkers concession from 23/1/23 and Junkers production 1923-27; concession broken 1/3/27; GAZ-7 (aircraft) from 1927; merged with GAZ-5 and renumbered z-d 22 from 3/1/27; im. 10 let Oktyabrya from 11/27; other versions numbered z-d 22 from 8/28; housed OPO-3 and OPO-4 in 1928-30; bureau of Bolkhovitinov from 1933 and bureau of Polikarpov from 1938; p/ya 747 (1940) and p/ya 222 (1941); evacuated 9/41 to Kazan' and merged with z-d 124 12/41; Moscow site used for z-d 23

8. Directors & Designers: G.V.Kul'chitskii dir. 1917-9, I.S.Oleinichuk dir. 1920-4

9. Date: 1918-41

10. Sources: A1 A2 A3 A4 A7 C8 C41 A240 (p.224) A74 (p.9) A390 (p.76) A1010 G2129 C606

11. Address: Moscow 87, later 121087, Moscow, Novozavodskaya, 18 or 16

1. No.: 2

2. Name: GAZ-2

5. Branch: AUTO later AERO

6. Ministry: VSNKh (1918)

7. Details: originally automotive department ofRusskoBaltiiskii Vagonnyi z-dformed 2/16 as one of five automotive plants and received part of RBVZ evacuated from Riga to Fili 13/4/16 or 30/4/16, then became GAZ-2 (automobiles) or 'Vtoroi AZ' in 1917 and1i BTAZat the end of 1918 or from 8/21; also referred to as 'Avtobalt'; on armoured vehicles from 16/8/21 (STO); later aircraft, Junkers concession as z-d IFA from 23/1/23 and Junkers production 1923-27; concession broken 1/3/27; GAZ-7 (aircraft) from 1927; merged with GAZ-5 and renumbered z-d 22 3/1/27; im. 10 let Oktyabrya from 11/27; other versions state numbered z-d 22 from 8/28; housed OPO-3 and OPO-4 in 1928-30; bureau of Bolkhovitinov from 1933 and bureau of Polikarpov from 1938; p/ya 747 (1940) and p/ya 222 (1941); evacuated 9/41 to Kazan' and merged with z-d 124 12/41; Moscow site used for z-d 23

8. Directors & Designers: G.V.Kul'chitskii dir. 1917-9, I.S.Oleinichuk dir. 1920-4

9. Date: 1918-41

10. Sources: A1 A2 A3 A4 A7 C8 C41 A240 (p.224) A74 (p.9) A390 (p.76) A1010 C606 C647

11. Address: Moscow 87, later 121087, Moscow, Novozavodskaya, 18 or 16

1. No.: 7

2. Name: GAZ-7

5. Branch: AERO

6. Ministry: VSNKh (1929), NKTP (1932), NKOP (1936), NKAP (1939)

7. Details: originally automotive department ofRusskoBaltiiskii Vagonnyi z-dformed 2/16 as one of five automotive plants and received part of RBVZ evacuated from Riga to Fili 13/4/16 or 30/4/16, then became GAZ-2 (automobiles) or 'Vtoroi AZ' in 1917 and1i BTAZat the end of 1918 or from 8/21; also referred to as 'Avtobalt'; on armoured vehicles from 16/8/21 (STO); later aircraft, Junkers concession as z-d IFA from 23/1/23 and Junkers production 1923-27; concession broken 1/3/27; GAZ-7 (aircraft) from 1927; merged with GAZ-5 and renumbered z-d 22 3/1/27; im. 10 let Oktyabrya from 11/27; other versions state numbered z-d 22 from 8/28; housed OPO-3 and OPO-4 in 1928-30; bureau of Bolkhovitinov from 1933 and bureau of Polikarpov from 1938; p/ya 747 (1940) and p/ya 222 (1941); evacuated 9/41 to Kazan' and merged with z-d 124 12/41; Moscow site used for z-d 23

8. Directors & Designers: G.V.Kul'chitskii dir. 1917-9, I.S.Oleinichuk dir. 1920-4, F.S. (or P.S.) Malakhov dir. 1927

9. Date: 1923-41

10. Sources: A1 A2 A3 A4 A7 C8 C41 A240 (p.224) A74 (p.9) A390 (p.76) G950 A1010 C606 C647

11. Address: Moscow 87, Fili, Frunzenskii r-n, later 121087, Moscow, Novozavodskaya, 18 or 16

1. No.: 22

2. Name: im. 10 let Oktyabrya (from 1927), im. S.P.Gorbunova (from 1933)

4. Associated units: OPO-3, OPO-4, KB, OKB, OKO-3

5. Branch: AERO

6. Ministry: VSNKh (1929), NKTP (1932), NKOP (1936), NKAP (1939)

7. Details: automotive part of theRusskoBaltiiskii Vagonnyi z-dformed 2/16 as one of five automotive plants and part of RBVZ evacuated from Riga on 13/4/16 or 30/4/16 to Fili where it re-formed as GAZ-2 (automobiles), also called 'Vtoroi AZ', and from the end of 1918 (or 8/21) became1i BTAZ’; also referred to as 'Avtobalt'; later changed to aircraft production and had the Junker's concession from 23/1/23 as z-d IFA with Junker's aircraft in production 1923-27; Junker's concession broken 1/3/27 and renamed GAZ-7 (aircraft); redesignated zavod 22 3/1/27 or 14/5/27 (some sources say 8/28); received some sections of GAZ-5 8/27; became 'im. 10 let Oktyabrya' 11/27; housed OPO-3 and OPO-4 in 1928-30 and design bureau of Bolkhovitinov in 1933; p/ya 2 in 1930; p/ya 53 in 1936, p/ya 747 (1940) p/ya 222 (1941); evacuated 9/41 to Kazan' and absorbed z-d 124 12/41; Fili site was used for z-d 23 in 7/42

8. Directors & Designers: G.V.Kul'chitskii dir. 1917-9, I.S.Oleinichuk dir. 1920-4, F.S.Malakhov dir. 1927-32, S.P.Gorbunov dir. 1932-3, O.A.Mitkevich dir. 1933-5, V.P.Gorbunov des. 1934, Fel'dman dir. 1935, S.L.Margolin dir. 1935, B.N.Tarasevich dir./des. 1938, Sukharev dir. 1938, I.S.Levin dir. 1938, V.A.Okulov dir. 1938-45, A.A.Arkhangel'skii des. 1938-41, Petlyakov des. 1941, Yu.N.Karpov dir. 1941

9. Date: 1927-41

10. Sources: A1 A2 A3 A4 A7 C41 A240 (p.224) A74 (p.9) A390 (p.76) C8 (v. 1 p.323) G685 G907 E9 A740 (p.64) A739 (p.23) A501 (p.301) A1010 A2052 C606 C647

11. Address: Moscow 87 (1927-41), later 121087, Moscow, Novozavodskaya, 18 or 16

1. No.: 326

5. Branch: AERO

6. Ministry: NKOP (1938)

7. Details: N.Polikarpov developed aircraft D (SPB) here

8. Directors & Designers: N.N.Polikarpov des. 1938

9. Date: 1938

10. Sources: C131

11. Address: Moscow, 87 (1942), now 121087, Moscow, Novozavodskaya, 18 or 16

1. No.: 23

2. Name: z-d 23 im. Khrunicheva from 3/7/61

4. Associated units: OKB, SKG, filially

5. Branch: AERO

6. Ministry: NKAP (1942), MAP (1946), GKAT (1957), MAP (1965), MObM (1966)

7. Details: bombers, formed by order of GKO 17/12/41 (GKO) and numbered 18/12/41 (NKAP); established 2-3/42 and opened 7/42 on site of evacuated z-d 22, absorbed evacuated Kimry z-d 30; z-d 30 from Kimry split off and transferred from z-d 23 onto site of evacuated z-d 1 14/1/42 (GKO) and 15/1/42 (NKAP); received part of z-d 135 evacuated from Khar'kov to Perm' and given to z-d 23 24/1/42 (GKO) and 26/2/42 (NKAP); received z-d 458 evacuated from Rostov to Baku and then to z-d 23 6/3/42 (GKO) and 9/3/42 (NKAP); p/ya 222 (1942-4); received equipment and staff of Chita z-d 117 24/11/43 (NKAP) from 1/11/43; received equipment from Arado plant (Vernemunde); accommodated OKB-23 of Myasishchev from 24/3/47, 24/3/51 or 1953; from 10/59 space equipment and missiles; z-d im. Khrunicheva from 3/7/61; now MMZ im. Khrunisheva, merged with KB 'Salyut' to become part of GKNPTs im. Khrunicheva

8. Directors & Designers: S.M.Leshenko dir. 1941, V.A.Okulov dir. 1941-2, M.Kuzin dir. 1942, I.B.Iosilovich dir. 1942-4, A.T.Tret'yakov 1944-5, S.M.Leshchenko dir. 1946-52, D.N.Osipov dir. 1952-61, M.I.Ryzhikh dir. 1961-75, A.I.Kiselev dir. 1975-2001, A.A.Medvedev dir. 2001-3

9. Date: 1942-2003

10. Sources: C41 D1 (N3/97) C103 (p.27) A287 (p.88) A156 A105 (p.1) C8 (v.2 p.236) C36 (p.90) C119 (p.73) A116 (p.70) G685 C248 G907 A74 (p.14) C488 (p.44) A2274 G4368

11. Address: Moscow, 87 (1942), now 121087, Moscow, Novozavodskaya, 18 or 16

2. Name: EMZ OKB-23 or opytnoe proizvodstvo OKB-23

5. Branch: AERO

6. Ministry: MAP (1950s)

7. Details: formed in 1951 on site of z-d 23 as opytnyi z-d OKB-23; dissolved 3/10/60 together with OKB-23; later restored in Zhukovskii

8. Directors & Designers: V.A.Fedotov dir. 1950s

9. Date: 1951-60

10. Sources: C512

11. Address: Moscow 87, later 121087, Moscow, Novozavodskaya, 18 or 16

Design & Development Enterprises


4. Associated units: opytnyi workshop at z-d No. 39 'Aviarabotnik'

5. Branch: AERO

6. Ministry: NKO, VSNKh or Osoaviakhim (1929)

7. Details: KAmov-SKRzhinskii design group or KB, helicopters; formed in 11/28 at z-d 22 '10-let Oktyabrya' when Osoaviakhim received application and formalized 8/2/29 when Osoaviakhim and later UVVS accepted gyroplane design projects and UVVS gave site at z-d No. 39 'Aviarabotnik'; C647 says at first designers worked at Kamov's apartment in Maloznamenskii per. and later in Khoromnyi tupik, 2/6; joined SOK TsAGI in 6/31

8. Directors & Designers: N.I.Kamov des., N.K.Skrzhinskii des./dir. 1928-30

9. Date: 1928-31

10. Sources: C345 (p.112) C554 C647

11. Address: Moscow 87, later 121087, Moscow, Novozavodskaya, 18 or 16, then Moscow, Leningradskoe sh. (now 126284, Moscow, Leningradskii prosp. 35), later 107005, Moscow, Radio, 17

2. Name: KB MOS or OKB MOS

5. Branch: AERO

6. Ministry: VSNKh (1929), NKTP (1932), NKOP (1936), NKAP (1939)

7. Details: created first 9/8/29 by merger of OPO-3 and OPO-4 and again 26/2/30 as MOS VAO separated from OPO-4 while OPO-3 restored under management of z-d 22 director and later Bartini; seaplane OKB; moved to z-d 39 in 1931 to TsKB VAO headed by Beriev, party secretary, and absorbed by group of Chetverikov; again independent and transferred 1934 to z-d 31 Taganrog as OKB MOS (from this time also called TsKB MS and KB da-z-d 31); later Beriev OKB; evacuated 1941 first Omsk then z-d 477; returned to Taganrog, to z-d 49, in 1946

8. Directors & Designers: P.E.Richard des./dir. 1929-30, A.Laville des./dir. 1930, G.M.Beriev des./dir. 1931


10. Sources: C8 (vol. 1, pp.416, 422) C41 C1 C80 A390 (p.76) A721 (p.236) A660 (p.513)

11. Address: Moscow 87, later 121087, Moscow, Novozavodskaya, 18 or 16

1. No.: 2

2. Name: KG-2 OPO-3

5. Branch: AERO

6. Ministry: VSNKh (1930)

7. Details: formed when OPO-3, after merger with OPO-4 7/29, had become TsKB 'Morskoe opytnoe stroitel'stvo' (MOS); 8/9/29 again restored as independent OPO-3 26/2/30 under management of the director of z-d 22 and comprised two KGs; transferred to TsKB VAO at the end of 1930; transferred to TsKB VAO

8. Directors & Designers: I.I.Artamonov des. 1930

9. Date: 1929-30

10. Sources: A660 (p.513)

11. Address: Moscow 87, Fili, Frunzenskii r-n, later 121087, Moscow, Novozavodskaya, 18 or 16

1. No.: 1

2. Name: KG-1 OPO-3

5. Branch: AERO

6. Ministry: VSNKh (1930)

7. Details: formed when, OPO-3, after merger with OPO-4 7/29 to become TsKB 'Morskoe opytnoe stroitel'stvo' (MOS) 8/9/29, was again restored as independent OPO-3 26/2/30 under management of the director z-d 22 and composed of two KGs; transferred to TsKB VAO at the end of 1930; transferred to TsKB VAO for short time and after conflict between Bartini and Paufler partly transferred to NII GVF to form OKB NII GVF to build high speed aircraft

8. Directors & Designers: R.L.Bartini dir. 1930

9. Date: 1930

10. Sources: A660 (p.513)

11. Address: Moscow 87, Fili, Frunzenskii r-n, later 121087, Moscow, Novozavodskaya, 18 or 16

1. No.: 22

2. Name: KB z-da 22 or KB-22 or OKB z-da 22 or OKB-22

4. Associated units: KO

5. Branch: AERO

6. Ministry: NKTP (1933), NKOP (1936), NKAP (1939)

7. Details: bombers; former KG z-da 22 formed in 1933; KB Arkhangel'skogo formed 5/6/36; OKB z-da 22 under Gorbunov formed 9/8/34; received group of Marchevskii as series production department; bureau (KO/KB); transformed into KB Petlyakova in 5/2/41 (NKAP) from 15/2/41 (for alternative story see OKO-22); evacuated 1941 to Kazan'; referred to also as OKB z-da 22; source C529 suggests that Pashinin was head of a small KB z-da 22 before the war and that Arkhangel'skii ran a KB, based on KOZOK, from 1936 to facilitate series production of the SB and evacuated to Omsk in 1941 together with KB Tupoleva

8. Directors & Designers: V.F.Bolkhovitinov des. 1934-6, V.P.Gorbunov des. 1934-6, M.M.Pashinin des. c.1939, A.A.Arkhangel'skii des. 1936-41, V.M.Petlyakov des. 1941

9. Date: 1933-41

10. Sources: A2 C8 D26 (N11/97 and N12/97) E2 C178 (p.4) A407 (p.11) A739 (p.23) C529 (p.200) A501 (p.301)

11. Address: Moscow 87, later 121087, Moscow, Novozavodskaya, 18 or 16

1. No.: 22

2. Name: KG z-da 22

5. Branch: AERO

6. Ministry: VSNKh (1933)

7. Details: formed from designers of dissolved KB VVA in 1933 and initiated by Chetverikov; became 'ob"edinennoe KB z-da 22 and VVA'

8. Directors & Designers: V.F.Bolkhovitinov des. 1933-6

9. Date: 1933-6

10. Sources: C8 (p.323)

11. Address: Moscow 87, later 121087, Moscow, Novozavodskaya, 18 or 16

1. No.: 3

2. Name: OKO-3, z-d 22

5. Branch: AERO

6. Ministry: NKOP (1938)

7. Details: Bolkhovitinov KB developed C aircraft and transferred to z-d 84 6/38; source C529 suggests Bolkhovitinov was head of OKO z-da 22 from 1933-6

8. Directors & Designers: V.F.Bolkhovitinov dir./des. 1937-8 or 1933-6

9. Date: 1933-8

10. Sources: A717 (p.10) C529 (p.199)

11. Address: Moscow 87, later 121087, Moscow, Novozavodskaya, 18 or 16

2. Name: KOSTR

5. Branch: AERO

6. Ministry: NKOP (1936)

7. Details: KO at z-d 22

9. Date: 1930s

10. Sources: G50

11. Address: Moscow 87, later 121087, Moscow, Novozavodskaya, 18 or 16

1. No.: 22

2. Name: ob"edinennoe KB z-da 22 and VVA

5. Branch: AERO

6. Ministry: NKTP (1934), NKOP (1936)

7. Details: joint KB z-da 22 and VVA; formed in 1934 as KG z-da 22 to support production and develop DBA bomber

8. Directors & Designers: V.F.Bolkhovitinov des./dir. 1934-6,

9. Date: 1934-6

10. Sources: A1071

11. Address: Moscow 87, later 121087, Moscow, Novozavodskaya, 18 or 16

1. No.: 5

2. Name: KB-5

5. Branch: AERO

6. Ministry: NKOP (1936)

7. Details: separated from Tupolev design bureau 1936 based at z-d 22; became OKB-22 or OKB z-da 22

8. Directors & Designers: A.A.Arkhangel'skii dir./des. 1936-39

9. Date: 1936-40

10. Sources: G26 A41 A340 (p.72) A277 (p.303)

11. Address: Moscow 87, later 121087, Moscow, Novozavodskaya, 18 or 16

1. No.: 22

2. Name: SK z-da 22

5. Branch: AERO

6. Ministry: NKOP (1936)

7. Details: formed 5/6/36 based on group of Marchevskii as part of KB z-da 22 and became 'KB po seriinomu proizvodstvu'

8. Directors & Designers: Marchevskii dir. 1936

9. Date: 1936

10. Sources: A407 (p.11)

11. Address: Moscow 87, later 121087, Moscow, Novozavodskaya, 18 or 16

1. No.: 2

2. Name: OKB-2 z-da 22 or KB Vakhmistrova

5. Branch: AERO

6. Ministry: NKO (1935)

7. Details: konstruktorskaya brigada; originated 9/3/33 at NII VVS (z-d 39 used as opytnyi z-d) to realize projects of Vakhmistrov based on a team of Vakhmistrov of NKO; became a sector of NII VVS 5/2/34; developed still aircraft IP-3 in 1935; C612 says Vakhmistrov group was at z-d 22 till the end of 1936 when came to Podlipki and became KB-29

8. Directors & Designers: V.S.Vakhmistrov dir. 1935-6

9. Date: 1935-6

10. Sources: C612 A528 (p.13)

11. Address: Moscow 87, later 121087, Moscow, Novozavodskaya, 18 or 16

1. No.: 22

2. Name: PKB z-da 22

5. Branch: AERO

6. Ministry: NKAP (1939)

7. Details: proizvodstvenno-konstruktorskoe byuro; aircraft; supported launch of production of new versions of SB bomber

8. Directors & Designers: Alakhverdi dir. 1939

9. Date: 1938-40

10. Sources: A876 (p.268)

11. Address: Moscow 87, later 121087, Moscow, Novozavodskaya, 18 or 16

2. Name: OKO D or OKO SPB

5. Branch: AERO

6. Ministry: NKAP (1939)

7. Details: ob"edinennyi KO; formed 28/7/39 or 31/7/39 (NKAP) at z-d 22 to redesign VIT-2 of Polikarpov; received some part staff from SKO; became OKO SPB 31/7/39 (Gov.) and 8/7/39 (NKAP); dissolved in 1940

8. Directors & Designers: N.A.Zhemchuzhin dir. 1939-40

9. Date: 1939-40

10. Sources: C424 (p.2) A521 (p.251) C609

11. Address: 121087, Moscow, Novozavodskaya, 18 or 16

1. No.: 22

2. Name: OKO z-da 22

5. Branch: AERO

6. Ministry: NKAP (1940)

7. Details: opytno-konstruktorskii otdel; formed in 1940 to develop high altitude bomber DVB-102; evacuated Kazan' z-d 124 together with z-d 22 10/41; absorbed by OKB-42 at z-d 22 by 1943

8. Directors & Designers: V.M.Myasishchev des./dir. 1940-1

9. Date: 1941

10. Sources: C314 (p.9)

11. Address: Moscow 87, later 121087, Moscow, Novozavodskaya, 18 or 16

1. No.: 22

2. Name: OKO z-da 22 or OKO-22

5. Branch: AERO

6. Ministry: NKAP (1940)

7. Details: opytno-konstruktorskii otdel; formed 15/2/41 to support series production of Pe-2; occupied premises of Arkhangel'skii KB; evacuated Kazan' z-d 124 together with z-d 22 10/41

8. Directors & Designers: V.P.Petlyakov des./dir. 1941

9. Date: 1941

10. Sources: A740 (p.64) A739 (p.23) C529 p.202)

11. Address: Moscow 87, later 121087, Moscow, Novozavodskaya, 18 or 16

1. No.: 156

2. Name: OKB-156 filial

5. Branch: AERO

6. Ministry: NKAP (1945), MAP (1946)

7. Details: seriinoe OKB to support development and production of the Tu-4

8. Directors & Designers: I.F.Nezval' dir./des. 1945

9. Date: 1945

10. Sources: C529 (p.200)

11. Address: 121087, Moscow, Novozavodskaya, 18 or 16

1. No.: 23

2. Name: OKB-23 or OKB z-da 23

4. Associated units: Filial No. 1 in Zhukovskii (cf LiiDB OKB-23), Filial No. 2 in Koptevo

5. Branch: AERO

6. Ministry: MAP (1951), GKAT (1957), MObM (1965)

7. Details: formed 26/5/50, 24/3/51 (SM) and 26/3/51 (MAP) and 18/5/51 (MAP); simultaneously formed Filial No. 1, LiiDB in Zhukovskii; Filial No. 2 formed in Koptevo 14/9/54 (SM) and 8/10/54 (MAP) based on 'Koptevskii mashinostroitel'nyi z-d'; Filial No. 2 transferred to z-d 301 20/5/55 (SM); bombers till 1960; absorbed OKB-256 7/9/59 (SM), 25/9/59 (GKAT) or 1/10/59 or in early 1960; from 3/10/60 on missiles and space equipment as filial no.1 of OKB-52 and Mysishchev and some staff formed KB-90; from 30/6/81 KB 'Salyut', filial NPO 'Energiya'; separated from NPO 'Energiya and formed NPO EM 22/6/88; then independent as KB 'Salyut' of zavod im. Khrunicheva; merged with MMZ im. Khrunicheva 7/6/93 to become part of 'Gos. kosmicheskii tsentr (GKNPTs) im. M.V. Khrunicheva'

8. Directors & Designers: V.M.Myasishchev dir./des. 1951-60

9. Date: 1951-60

10. Sources: D10 (vyp.22, N11/96, p.25) D39 (17/5/90) G1 C119 (p.73) C165 G56 C248 G950 C41 (p.393) C523 C597 (p.5) A2274 A2447 G4368

11. Address: 121087, Moscow, Novozavodskaya, 18 or 16

2. Name: Gruppa 'A' OKB-23

5. Branch: ATOM for AERO

6. Ministry: GKAT (1955)

7. Details: formed in 1961 to develop nuclear-powered bomber (project 60); planned to use engines from OKB-165

8. Directors & Designers: G.N.Perepelitskii dir. 1961

9. Date: 1955-60

10. Sources: C516

11. Address: 121087, Moscow, Novozavodskaya, 18 or 16

1. No.: 23

2. Name: NII-23

5. Branch: AERO

6. Ministry: GKAT (1959)

7. Details: aircraft design; formed in 1961; OKB-23 absorbed Tsybin OKB-256 7/9/59 (SM) and 25/9/59 (GKAT); itself was absorbed by OKB-52 3/10/60 (SM) and 6/10/60 (GKAT) and became NII-23 by 1961

9. Date: 1959-61

10. Sources: A2211

11. Address: 121087, Moscow, Novozavodskaya, 18 or 16

1. No.: 23

2. Name: SKG z-da 23

5. Branch: AERO

6. Ministry: GKAT (1959)

7. Details: formed 1/10/59 from part of absorbed OKB-256; aircraft armament, primarily aircraft missiles; Shavrov and Bartini worked here; from 1961 or 1963 disbanded when z-d 23 reprofiled for missiles and space equipment as filial no.1 of OKB-5 from 23/10/60

8. Directors & Designers: P.V.Tsybin dir. 1959-63

9. Date: 1959-63

10. Sources: C488 (p.44)

11. Address: 121087, Moscow, Novozavodskaya, 18 or 16

1. No.: 52

2. Name: OKB-52 filial-1

4. Associated units: KB-201, KB-90

5. Branch: AERO

6. Ministry: MAP (1960), MObM (1965)

7. Details: cruise missiles, formed 3/10/60 (SM) or 6/10/60 (GKAT) or in early 1961 from OKB-23; team of Arkhangel'skii left in 1962 to join z-d 642, to absorb remaining resources of GSNII-642 and to become OKB-53 filial No. 2 in 1963; became TsKBM filial No. 1 in 1965; transferred to NPO 'Energiya' in 1977 as its filial and from 1980, 30/6/81 or 1985 called KB 'Salyut' of NPO 'Energiya'; separated from NPO 'Energiya and became part of NPO EM 22/6/88; then independent as KB 'Salyut' of zavod im. Khrunicheva; merged with MMZ im. Khrunicheva 7/6/93 to become part of 'Gos. kosmicheskii tsentr (GKNPTs) im. M.V. Khrunicheva'; missiles and spacecraft

8. Directors & Designers: N.M.Glovatskii dir. 1960, V.N.Bugaiskii dir./des. 1960-73, D.A.Polukhin dir. 1973-93, A.S.Moiseev dir. 1993-4, A.K.Nedaivoda dir. 1994-2001

9. Date: 1960-81

10. Sources: D17 D1 (N3/97) G1 G56 C248 G4067 G4368

11. Address: 121087, Moscow, Novozavodskaya, 18 or 16

2. Name: TsKBM filial 1

5. Branch: AERO

6. Ministry: MObM (1966)

7. Details: former filial no.1 of OKB-52 renamed in 1965 or 1966; transferred to NPO 'Energiya' 30/6/81 as filial, KB 'Salyut'; separated from NPO 'Energiya and became part of NPO EM 22/6/88; then independent as KB 'Salyut' of zavod im. Khrunicheva; merged with MMZ im. Khrunicheva 7/6/93 to become part of 'Gos. kosmicheskii tsentr (GKNPTs) im. M.V. Khrunicheva'; missiles and spacecraft

8. Directors & Designers: V.N.Bugaiskii dir./des. 1960-73, D.A.Polukhin dir. 1973-93, A.S.Moiseev dir. 1993-4, A.K.Nedaivoda dir. 1994-2001

9. Date: 1966-76

10. Sources: G1 G56

11. Address: 121087, Moscow, Novozavodskaya, 18 or 16

2. Name: KB 'Salyut' or KB MPO 'Salyut' or KB 'Salyut' z-da im. Khrunicheva'

5. Branch: AERO

6. Ministry: MObM (1965)

7. Details: originated as OKB z-da 23 which became filial 1 OKB-52 in 3/10/60; from 30/6/81 a filial of NPO 'Energiya' called KB 'Salyut'; separated from NPO 'Energiya' and became part of NPO EM 22/6/88; then independent as KB 'Salyut' of zavod im. Khrunicheva; merged with MMZ im. Khrunicheva 7/6/93 to become part of 'Gos. kosmicheskii tsentr (GKNPTs) im. M.V. Khrunicheva'; missiles and spacecraft; C531 says now GP KB 'Salyut'

8. Directors & Designers: V.N.Bugaiskii dir. Des./dir. 1960s, D.A.Polukhin des./dir. 1973-93, A.S.Moiseev des./dir. 1993-4, A.K.Nedaivoda des./dir. 1994-2001

9. Date: 1988-2003

10. Sources: H1 (vol. 6) A359 G1 G263 C248 C41 (p.360) H12 (p.137) C531

11. Address: 121087, Moscow, Novozavodskaya, 18 or 16

2. Name: NPO EM or NPOEM

5. Branch: AERO

6. Ministry: MObM (1988)

7. Details: Eksperimental'nogo mashinostroeniya; formed when future KB 'Salyut' separated from NPO 'Energiya' 22/6/88 to develop counter-measures against US SDI; disbanded in 1989-93

8. Directors & Designers: D.A.Polukhin dir./des. 1988

9. Date: 1988

10. Sources: G1

11. Address: 121087, Moscow, Novozavodskaya, 18 or 16

2. Name: GKNPTs im. Khrunicheva

4. Associated units: KB 'Salyut', KB 'Armatura' Kovrov, Khrunichev z-d, opytnyi z-d, NII KS, ROKS-AERO

5. Branch: AERO

7. Details: formed 7/6/93 and 9/1/94 from KB 'Salyut' and MMZ im. Khrunicheva; space launchers and accelerating blocks for spacecraft; ROKS-AERO used to develop light aircraft

8. Directors & Designers: Olevanov des., A.K.Nedaivoda des. 1994-2003, A.I.Kiselev dir., A.A.Medvedev dir. 2001-2003

9. Date: 1993-2003

10. Sources: D17 D1 (N3/97) G1 G56 G1 G263 C248 G950 D29 (N9-10/95) C530 (p.66) C531

11. Address: 121309 or 121087, Moscow, Novozavodskaya, 18 or 16

The plant's involvement with space and missile technology began in 1960, when OKB-23 was placed under the control of Vladimir Chelomei's OKB-52 bureau, which specialised in the design of both cruise and ballistic missiles. OKB-23 was designated Branch No.1, while the plant was redesignated the Khrunichev Machine-Building Plant. Under Chelomei, the plant was responsible for a series of ballistic missiles and heavy launch vehicles carrying the UR- designation:

* the UR-100 ('Sego') ICBM
* the UR-100N ('Stilleto') ICBM, which forms the basis of the Rockot launch system
* the UR-200, a heavy ICBM which never entered service
* the UR-500 super-heavy ICBM, which later became the Proton rocket

Khrunichev was transferred to the Salyut Design Bureau in the late seventies, then between 1981 and 1988 was part of NPO Energia. It became an independent entity in 1988.

Khrunichev is also part of the International Launch Services (ILS) joint venture with Space Transport Inc., a privately held corporation based in the British Virgin Islands. [cite web | url = | title = ILS At a Glance | publisher = ILS] ILS provides commercial sales and mission management of satellite launches on the Proton.

Khrunichev was the manufacturer of manned space stations including Mir, the Salyut series and the Almaz modules.

ee also

*TKS-based spacecraft


External links

* [ Khrunichev web-site]
* [ Khrunichev State Space Scientific Production Center] at the Nuclear Threat Initiative

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