- San Francisco garter snake
("Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia") is a slender multi-colored
colubrid snake . Designated as anendangered species since the year 1967, [Federal Endangered Species Listing (Federal Register 32:4001; March 1967)] it resides only inSan Mateo County, California , and the extreme northern part of coastalSanta Cruz County, California . There are only 1,000 to 2,000 of thesubspecies "T. s. tetrataenia" remaining.Fact|date=April 2007 This garter snake prefers wet and marshy areas and is elusive to see or capture. It is a subspecies of the common garter snake ("Thamnophis sirtalis"), a species found across theUnited States and into southernCanada .Range and habitat
This subspecies of garter snake is found in scattered wetland areas on the San Francisco Peninsula from approximately the northern boundary of San Mateo County south along the eastern and western bases of the
Santa Cruz Mountains , at least to the UpperCrystal Springs Reservoir , and along the Pacific coast south to Año Nuevo Point, and thence to Waddell Creek in Santa Cruz County. ["San Francisco garter snake: species account", U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Sacramento office, April 2005] It is difficult to obtain reliable distribution information and population statistics for the San Francisco garter snake, because of the elusive nature of this organism and the fact that much of the remaining suitable habitat is located on private property that has not been surveyed for the presence of the snake. This subspecies is extremely shy, difficult to locate and capture, and quick to flee to water or cover when disturbed. TheU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has stated that many locations that previously had healthy populations of garter snakes are now in decline due to land development pressure and the filling ofwetland s in San Mateo County over the last sixty years. This snake is also arare species in addition to its endangered classification.The snake’s preferred habitat is a densely vegetated pond near an open hillside where it can sun, feed, and find cover in
rodent burrow s; however, markedly less suitable habitat can be successfully used. Temporarypond s and other seasonalfreshwater bodies are also appropriate. This subspecies avoidsbrackish marsh areas because its preferredprey , theCalifornia red-legged frog ("Rana aurora") cannot survive insaline water. Emergent and bankside vegetation such ascattail s, ("Typha " spp.),bulrush es ("Scirpus " spp.) and spike rushes ("Juncus " spp. and "Eleocharis " spp.) apparently are preferred and used for cover. [cite book |author=R.C. Stebbins |title=A field guide to western reptiles and amphibians |publisher=Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, MA. |year=1985] The zone betweenstream andpond habitats andgrassland s or bank sides is characteristically utilized for basking, while nearby dense vegetation or water often provide escape cover. The subspecies occasionally uses floatingalgal or rush mats, when available.San Francisco garter snakes forage extensively in aquatic habitats. Adult snakes feed primarily on California red-legged frogs, which is federally listed as endangered. They may also feed on juvenile
bullfrog s ("Rana catesbeiana"), but they are unable to consume adults; in fact, adult bullfrogs prey on juvenile garter snakes, and may be a contributing factor in the population decline of the San Francisco garter snake. Newborn and juvenile San Francisco garter snakes depend heavily uponPacific treefrog s ("Hyla regilla") as prey. If newly metamorphosed Pacific treefrogs are not available, the young garter snakes may not survive. San Francisco garter snakes are one of the few animals capable of ingesting thetoxic California newt ("Taricha torosa") without incurring sickness or death.Life cycle
Adult snakes sometimes estivate (enter a dormant state) in
rodent burrows during summer months when ponds dry. Along thePacific Ocean coast, snakes hibernate during the winter, but further inland, if the weather is suitable, this species is known to be active year-round. Recent studies have documented San Francisco garter snake movement over several hundred meters from wetlands to hibernate in upland small mammal burrows. In spite of being reported as a diurnal, captive and specimens housed in an exterior setting, as well as wild snakes were observed foraging nocturnally orcrepuscular ly on warm evenings.The San Francisco garter snake mates in the spring or autumn, and the females give birth to live young in June through September, numbering up to two dozen, but averaging about 16 offspring. The young are approximately 12 to 18 centimeters in length and mature in two years time. One dead individual was spotted nearby Omaha Nebraska in June 2008.
Taxonomy and relation to other garter snakes
For a brief period from 1996 to 2000 there was confusion over the differentiation of the San Francisco garter snake from two other subspecies, known as the
red-sided garter snake ("T. s. infernalis") and thered-spotted garter snake ("T. s. concinnus"). Barry petitioned [cite journal | quotes=no |author=S. J. Barry, M. R. Jennings and H. M. Smith |year=1996 |title=Current subspecific names for western "Thamnophis sirtalis" |journal=Herpetological Review |volume=27 |pages=172–173] theInternational Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) to suppress the changes proposed in 1996 to merge two of these species. In 2000, the ICZN agreed and voted to retain the historical taxonomic arrangement of subspecies within this evolutionary lineage. Accordingly, the subspecies "tetrataenia" was reaffirmed for the San Francisco garter snake and the races "concinnus" and "infernalis" retain their historical definition.The San Francisco garter snake cohabits ecosystems that host two other species of garter snake: the
coast garter snake ("Thamnophis elegans terrestris"), a subspecies ofwestern terrestrial garter snake ("T. elegans"), and theSanta Cruz aquatic garter snake ("Thamnophis atratus atratus") a subspecies of theaquatic garter snake ("T. atratus"). These three subspecies are known to prey upon same foods; however, their preferences are slightly different. Herpetologist Sean Barry notes that they divide up the food resource as follows:* The San Francisco garter snake eats primarily small frogs;
* The coast garter snake eats principally slugs, and
* The Santa Cruz aquatic garter snake eats preferentially minute fish and amphibian larvae.DNA analysis
While the findings of the ICZN have given the San Francisco garter snake unique taxonomic standing for now, a molecular study challenges the subspecific status of this population. Janzen [cite journal | quotes=no |author=F. J. Janzen, J. G. Krenz, T. S. Haselkorn, E. D. Brodie, Jr., and E. D. Brodie, III |title=Molecular phylogeography of common garter snakes ("Thamnophis sirtalis") in western North America: implications for regional historical forces |journal=Molecular Ecology |volume=11 |pages=1739–1751 |year=2002 |doi=10.1046/j.1365-294X.2002.01571.x] analyzed sequences in
mitochondrial DNA to determine relationships within the common garter snake ("T. sirtalis"). Janzen found that molecular evidence differed, often sharply, with the territorial boundaries of subspecies named on phenotypic variation. He further deduced that local environmental forces were more significant in shaping the color patterns shown by the garter snakes than shared common ancestry, and concluded all morphologically based subspecies in the western U.S. to be subject to revision. This result strongly suggests that the color traits that are diagnostic for ("T.s. tetrataenia") are the result of local selection rather than long-term isolation from other races of ("T. sirtalis") in central California. On the other hand, the article places the three nearest populations of "T. s. infernalis" to "T.s. tetrataenia" in Sonoma County, Contra Costa County, and Santa Clara County into a separate group that exhibits an "elevated rate of molecular evolution". The authors suggest that sequencingnuclear DNA may provide a more precise analytical tool to crack some of the ultimate taxonomic quandaries of the San Francisco garter snake and its relatives.Outlook for this subspecies
Many of the factors that led to the listing of the San Francisco garter snake in 1967 continue to impact the organism. These environmental elements include loss of habitat from agricultural, commercial and urban development as well as collection by reptile fanciers and breeders. [cite news |author=J. Kay |title=Colorful Bay Area denizen slithering away; "Beautiful serpent" suffering effects of urbanization |publisher=S.F. Chronicle, San Francisco, Ca. |date=Apr 22, 2004] One of the largest populations of this species is located immediately west of the
San Francisco International Airport and has been studied in relation to airport and airport infrastructure expansion plans. [C. M. Hogan, James Jefferson, Ballard George, George Ball, et al. "Environmental Impact Report for San Francisco International Airport Expansion", prepared forSan Francisco International Airport by Earth Metrics Inc, Burlingame, Ca. and Jefferson Associates, San Francisco, Ca. (1985)] These studies have led to guidelines for land development and habitat mitigation to maximize the likelihood of species survival. Ironically, morphological data suggest that the airport population is made up of hybrid individuals. [cite book |author=Barry, S.J. |title=The distribution, habitat, and evolution of the San Francisco Garter Snake, ("Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia") |publisher=unpublished MA thesis, University of California at Davis |date=1994]Economic Impact
In September 2001, the accidental death of a single garter snake at the San Francisco Airport BART station construction site delayed construction efforts 18 days and cost $1.07 million. [cite news |title=Endangered (Dead) Snake Delays Project |publisher=Cal-Tax Digest |date= June 2002]
External links
* [http://us.geocities.com/shavano08/sfgs.html Further reading on the San Francisco garter snake]
* [http://www.zoo.org/educate/fact_sheets/day/grtr_snk.htm Fact sheet from Woodland Park Zoo]
* [http://www.sfzoo.org/cgi-bin/animals.py?ID=93 San Francisco Zoo fact sheet]
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