Realms of Arda

Realms of Arda

This is a list of the known realms of Arda in J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium. Major "locations" within realms, if any, are listed under each.

First Age and before

=Realms of the Dwarves=

*Khazad-dûm of Durin's Folk (Longbeards) (founded at least 400 years before the rising of the Moon)
*Belegost of the Firebeards (founded at least 400 years before the Moon, but after Moria and the Great Journey)
*Nogrod of the Broadbeams (founded when Belegost was founded, destroyed during the War of Wrath)
*Bar-en-Nibin-Noeg and Nulukkhizdīn of the Petty-dwarves (mostly abandoned before the Moon)

Realm of the Enemy

*Dor Daedeloth (until the War of Wrath)
**Angband (founded before the First Age, rebuilt a few years before the rising of the Moon)
**Utumno (destroyed during the First Age and not rebuilt)

=Realms of the Elves=

Noldorin realms

*Hithlum (founded c. 1)
**Dor-lómin (founded c. 1, given to Men c. 400)
**Nevrast (founded c. 1, until 104)
*Nargothrond (founded c. 50)
*Dorthonion (founded c. 1)
*Tol Sirion (founded c. 1)
*Gondolin (founded c. 64)
*March of Maedhros (founded c. 1)
*East Beleriand (founded c. 1)
**Himlad (founded c. 1)
**Thargelion (founded c. 1)
**Maglor's Gap (founded c.1)

Sindarin realms

*Falas (destroyed 473)
*Eglador, later Doriath

=Avarin and Nandorin realms=


=Realms of the Edain (Men)=

*Estolad (until c. 450)
*Dor-lómin (inhabited by men c. 400)
*Brethil (after c. 400)
*Ladros (after c. 400)

Realms of the Ents

*Forests of Eriador
*Fangorn forest
*Forests of South Beleriand

econd Age

Realms of Men


*Númenor (founded 32, destroyed 3319)
**Lond Daer later Vinyalondë (foresting colony, founded c. 1000)
*Arnor (first colonized c. 800, founded 3320 by Elendil)
*Gondor (first colonized c. 1100, founded 3320 by Elendil)
*Umbar (first colonized c. 1100, founded c. 3220 by Black Númenóreans)


*"Dead Men" of the White Mountains
*Men of the First and Third Houses in Eriador (merged with Arnor)
*Men of the Second House in Enedwaith and Minhiriath (later Dunlendings)
*Drúedain of Drúwaith Iaur and Drúadan Forest

Realms of the Elves

Avarin and Nandorin realms

*Lórinand (after c. 1400 Lothlórien)
**Edhellond (southern 'colony' of Lórinand)

Noldorin realms

*Eregion (until 1697)

indarin realms

*Greenwood the Great (of Oropher)

Realms of the Dwarves

*Belegost (partially ruined)
*Nogrod (partially ruined)

Realm of the Enemy

**Cirith Ungol

Third Age

Realms of Men

Dúnedain and allies

**Dol Amroth ("de facto" independent realm)
**Umbar (9431447 and 18101944 only)
*Arnor (divided 861)
**Arthedain (until 1975)
**Cardolan (until c. 1410)
**Rhudaur (until 1409)
*Kingdom of Rhovanion (until 1851)
*Éothéod (until 2510), afterwards:
*Dale and Esgaroth (c. 2940 onwards)
*Breeland (shared with Hobbits)


*Umbar (until 943, 14471810 and 1944 onwards Corsairs of Umbar)

Realms of the Elves

Noldorin, Sindarin, and Sindarized Nandorin realms

*Northern Mirkwood (of Thranduil)

Realms of the Dwarves

*Khazad-dûm/Moria (destroyed 1981)
*Belegost (partially ruined, influx from Durin's folk 2770)
*Erebor the Lonely Mountain (19992210, re-established 25702770, re-taken 2941)
*Grey Mountains (populated 2210, abandoned 2589)
*Iron Hills (populated 2589)

Realms of the Hobbits

*Gladden Fields
*The Shire
*Breeland (shared with Men)

Realms of the Ents

*Fangorn forest

Realms of the Enemy

**Barad-dûr (after c. 3019)
*Dol Guldur
*Isengard (after c. 2530)

Fourth Age

Realms of Men

*Reunited Kingdom of Gondor and Arnor:Containing within it, the autonomous realms of::*Drúadan Forest (Drúedain):*The Shire (Hobbits):*Treegarth of Orthanc (Ents)
*Dale and Esgaroth

Realms of the Dwarves

*Iron Hills
*Glittering Caves of Aglarond
*Kingdom under the Mountain at Erebor
*Moria refounded by Durin the Last
* Ered Luin
* Ered Mithrin

Realms of the Elves

*Greenwood the Great
*Lórien on both sides of Anduin
*Elves of Ithilien
*Remnant of Lindon

ee also

*Minor places in Arda

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