MACLAURIN (C.) — MACLAURIN COLIN (1698 1746) Mathématicien écossais, né à Kilmodan, qui a développé et poursuivi l’œuvre de sir Isaac Newton en analyse, en géométrie et en mécanique. Enfant prodige, Colin Maclaurin entra à l’université de Glasgow à l’âge de onze… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Maclaurin — [mə klɔːrɪn], Colin, schottischer Mathematiker, * Kilmodan (Strathclyde Region) im Februar 1698, ✝ Edinburgh 14. 6. 1746; Professor in Edinburgh (ab 1725). Maclaurin verfasste Abhandlungen zur Geometrie (Theorie der Fußpunktkurve) und zur… … Universal-Lexikon
Maclaurin — (Colin) (1698 1746) mathématicien écossais. Disciple de Newton, il fit progresser le calcul infinitésimal … Encyclopédie Universelle
Maclaurin — Colin Maclaurin Colin Maclaurin (* Februar 1698 in Kilmodan; † 14. Juni 1746 in Edinburgh) war ein schottischer Mathematiker. Maclaurin wurde mit 19 Jahren Professor in Aberdeen und ab 1726 in Edinburgh. Er verfasste 1742 sein wichtigstes Werk A… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Maclaurin (Mondkrater) — Eigenschaften Breite 1,8° S Länge 68,0° O Durchmesser 50 km Tiefe 1,5 km Selenografische Länge 292° bei Sonnenaufgang Benannt nach Colin Maclaurin … Deutsch Wikipedia
Maclaurin (crater) — lunar crater data latitude=1.9 N or S=S longitude=68.0 E or W=E diameter=50 km depth=1.5 km colong=292 eponym=Colin MaclaurinMaclaurin is a lunar impact crater that is located in the eastern part of the Moon s near side. It lies just to the… … Wikipedia
MacLAURIN, Sir Henry Normand (1835-1914) — physician and public man son of James MacLaurin, M.A., a schoolmaster, was born at Kilconquhar, Fife, Scotland, on 19 December 1835. When 15 he won a bursary at the university of St Andrews and, after a brilliant course, took the degree of M.A.… … Dictionary of Australian Biography
MacLaurin's inequality — In mathematics, MacLaurin s inequality, named after Colin Maclaurin, is a refinement of the inequality of arithmetic and geometric means. Let a 1, a 2, ..., a n be positive real numbers, and for k = 1, 2, ..., n define the averages S k as follows … Wikipedia
Maclaurin , Colin — (1698–1746) Scottish mathematician Maclaurin, who was born at Kilmoden in Scotland, was a child prodigy. He entered Glasgow University at the age of 11 and became professor of mathematics at Marischal College, Aberdeen, at the age of 19. His… … Scientists
Maclaurin, Colin — ▪ Scottish mathematician born February 1698, Kilmodan, Argyllshire, Scotland died June 14, 1746, Edinburgh Scottish mathematician who developed and extended Sir Isaac Newton (Newton, Sir Isaac) s work in calculus, geometry, and gravitation.… … Universalium