- Bikini waxing
waxing refers to the removal ofhair at the top of theleg , below thenavel , and in the bikini area,Helen Bickmore; "Milady's Hair Removal Techniques: A Comprehensive Manual"; page 139; Thomson Delmar Learning; 2003; ISBN 1401815553] otherwise known as the "bikini line", a euphemistic term to describe pubic hair visible beyond a typicalbikini swimsuit , sometimes including theforearms .Heinz Tschachler, Maureen Devine, Michael Draxlbauer ; "The EmBodyment of American Culture"; page 61; LIT Verlag, Berlin-Hamburg-Münster; 2003; ISBN 3825867625] Other methods of hair removal, such asshaving , sugaring or using chemical depilatories creams are often used in place of waxing. While mainly associated with females, genital waxing also has a male clientèle. [Barker, Olivia [http://www.usatoday.com/life/lifestyle/2005-08-23-waxing_x.htm/ The male resistance to waxing is melting away] in "USA Today ", August 23, 2005]Women started removing this hair when bathing suits became abbreviated, particularly because the term "bikini line" indicates a date later than the nuclear explosion at the Bikini Islands in
1946 and the swimsuits that followed. Changes in lingerie styles encouraged year-round waxing of the bikini area. However, in Middle Eastern societies, removal of the female body hair has been considered proper hygiene, necessitated by local customs, for many centuries. [Kutty, Ahmad (13/Sep/2005) [http://www.islamonline.net/servlet/Satellite?pagename=IslamOnline-English-Ask_Scholar/FatwaE/FatwaE&cid=1126012472670 Islamic Ruling on Waxing Unwanted Hair] Retrieved March, 29, 2006]Types
Bikini waxing can be classified in four types [http://www.essortment.com/lifestyle/differenttypes_skgu.htm Different types of bikini wax and application techniques] , Essortment; "Retrieved:
2007-12-28 "] [http://www.brazilian-bikinis.org/brazilianbikiniwax.html Brazilian bikini wax] , Brazilian Bikinis; "Retrieved:2007-12-28 "] that has variable names depending on the salon visited.cite book | author = Salinger, Eve | coauthors = | year = 2005 | title = The Complete Idiot's Guide to Pleasing Your Woman | publisher = Alpha Books/Penguin Group | location = New York | pages = 196 | id = ISBN 1-59257-464-5] It has been claimed that Brazilian waxing, the most renowned form, was named after the Brazilian sisters who delivered the service inNew York ,USA . [cite web
url = http://dir.salon.com/story/health/feature/1999/09/03/bikini/
title = Faster Pussycat, Wax! Wax!
author = Valhouli, Christina
date = September 3, 1999
accessdate = 2007-05-10
quote = "...it's business as usual at the J. Sisters International Salon in midtown Manhattan. The salon is named for seven Brazilian-born sisters: Jocely, Jonice, Joyce, Janea, Jussara, Juracy and Judseia Padilha, whose claim to fame is introducing Americans to their hometown phenomenon of "Brazilian bikini waxing."]American waxing is removal of hair at the top of the
thigh s and under the navel when wearing a bikini. It is also known as a basic bikini wax.French waxing leaves a vertical strip in front (a
landing strip ), two to three finger-widths in length just above thevulva . It is also known as a partial Brazilian wax. Hair of the peri-anal area and labia may be removed. Removal of hair from these areas is also known as the Playboy wax or G-waxing.Brazilian waxing refers to a removal of almost everything, front to back except for a thin strip of hair on the pubis.cite book | author = Boston Women's Health Book Collective | coauthors = | year = 2005 | title = Our Bodies Ourselves | publisher = Touchstone/Simon & Schuster | location = New York | pages = 4 | id = ISBN 0-7432-5611-5] An extreme form of bikini waxing, it involves complete removal of
hair from the buttocks and adjacent to theanus ,perineum andvulva (labia majora andmons pubis ).cite web | url = http://dir.salon.com/story/health/feature/1999/09/03/bikini/ | title = Faster Pussycat, Wax! Wax!, Salon.com, September 3, 1999 | author = Christina Valhouli | publisher = Salon.com | accessdate = 2007-05-10] cite book | author = Blue, Violet | coauthors = | year = 2002 | title = The Ultimate Guide to Cunnilingus | publisher = Cleis Press | location = San Francisco, California USA | pages = 66 | id = ISBN 1-57344-144-9] Waxes that remove pubic hair are known as a full Brazilian wax, full Bikini wax, Hollywood wax or the Sphinx.The 'Full Brazilian waxing' is not popular in Brazil, where it is considered extreme. In Brazil 'waxing' is referred to as "depilação", and has different names to distinguish the area of the body as well as the amount of hair to be removed. The full Brazilian Wax is a "complete groin".cite book | author = Symons, Mitchell | coauthors = | year = 2007 | title = Where Do Nudists Keep Their Hankies | publisher = HarperCollins Publishers | location = New York | pages = 74-75 | id = ISBN 978-0-06-113407-4] The waxing style which leaves a small strip of hair is known in Brazil as "cavado", a word that means "to miss peripheral material" and is also applied to small bikinis. In Portuguese, "to wax" is "depilar", which means "to remove hair" regardless of method. [cite book
author = Symons, Mitchell
coauthors =
year = 2007
title = Where Do Nudists Keep Their Hankies
publisher = HarperCollins Publishers
location = New York
pages = pp. 74-75
isbn = 978-0-06-113407-4
quote = Chapter "What Do They Call a Brazilian Bikini Wax in Brazil?": "... Eventually, a very nice lady at somewhere called Brazilian Contemporary Arts agreed to help me. "We just call it 'depilar,' she said, obviously marking me down as a true British eccentric. "Not a Columbian or Peruvian, or, indeed, a German?" "No, just "depilar." "But you're aware that the rest of the world calls it a Brazilian?" "Yes."]Caution and controversy
Brazilian waxing faces more controversy than other types of waxing.cite book| author = Kirsch, Melissa| coauthors = | year = 2006| title = The Girl's Guide to Absolutely Everything| publisher = Workman Publishing| location = New York| pages = 424| id = ISBN 0-7611-3579-0] [cite book| author = Joannides, Paul| coauthors = | year = 2006| title = Guide to Getting It On| publisher = Goofy Foot Press| location = Waldport, Oregon, USA| pages = 528| id = ISBN 1-885535-69-4] It can be a painful experience during and after waxing, [cite book| author = Blue, Violet| coauthors = | year = 2002| title = The Ultimate Guide to Cunnilingus| publisher = Cleis Press | location = San Francisco, California USA | pages = 67| id = ISBN 1-57344-144-9] [cite book| author = Joannides, Paul| coauthors = | year = 2006| title = Guide to Getting It On| publisher = Goofy Foot Press| location = Waldport, Oregon, USA| pages = 531| id = ISBN 1-885535-69-4] cite book| author = Godson, Suzi| coauthors = | year = 2005| title = Sexploration: An Edgy Encyclopedia of Everything Sexual| publisher = Amorata Press| location = Berkeley, California USA| pages = 161| id = ISBN 1-56975-505-1] which can become even more unpleasant if receiving
cunnilingus from a bearded partner. [cite book| author = Joannides, Paul| coauthors = | year = 2006| title = Guide to Getting It On| publisher = Goofy Foot Press| location = Waldport, Oregon, USA| pages = 233| id = ISBN 1-885535-69-4] [cite book| author = Godson, Suzi| coauthors = | year = 2005| title = Sexploration: An Edgy Encyclopedia of Everything Sexual| publisher = Amorata Press| location = Berkeley, California USA| pages = 89| id = ISBN 1-56975-505-1] American actress-modelLisa Barbuscia commented on her negative first experience at getting a Brazilian at a Los Angeles salon popular with porn stars: "It was so painful I collapsed. I only fainted, but I was nearly carted off to hospital and I have vowed never to try it again." [Citation
title =
newspaper = Daily Mail
pages = p. 39
year = 2008
date = April 14
url = UK newspaper; also described in her advice book for young women "Lifestyle Essentials".] It is claimed that there is a health risk involved if it is not done properly, as well as a risk of infection if done on a person with a weakened immune system. [cite web| url = http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,288860,00.html
title = Woman Almost Dies After Bikini Wax| author = Tweed, Katherine| accessdate = 2007-07-31] Despite the controversy there have been reports of women of all ages opting for this extreme form. [cite web
url = http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/articles/2007/06/29/1182624114612.html
title = Beauties brave Brazilian wax
author = Christine Kellett
accessdate = 2008-02-22 Brisbane Times: Thirteen women, aged from 18 to their late 40s, agreed to have their first brazilian waxas part of a morning radio stunt. Ms Batey, who has run her Ella Bache salon for nearly 12 months, said a zero-tolerance approach to pubic hair had gripped the River City. She said girls as young as 16 were coming in for monthly Brazilian treatments, costing about $65 a pop. "It has become a lot more popular than I thought it would be when I first opened," Ms Batey said. "Tonnes of women are doing it, it has become so normal, and the clients are getting younger and younger. I think once people get past the initial scared phase, they realise that it's really not so painful at all. It is much, much easier after you've had it done once."]Process
The procedure starts with baby or talcum powder being spread liberally over the area to be waxed. This prevents the hot wax from sticking to the sensitive skin. Then, as in other forms of waxing, hot wax is spread over the area from which hair is to be removed. The wax is allowed to harden briefly, then one edge of the wax strip is pulled up and used as a "tab" to quickly pull off or "zip" the rest of the wax, in the direction of hair growth.
Then the procedure progresses to systematically removing the hair from the genital area, buttocks, and anus. This procedure removes the wax, hair, and any dead
skin cells lying on the skin surface. The person performing the wax will then finish withtweezers to remove any stray hairs that the waxing missed. Finally, the remaining pubic hair (the so-called "landing strip") is either trimmed with scissors, or waxed off. The remaining hair may even be in a particular pattern (hearts are a popular option), or dyed. The pain involved with this procedure can be slight or severe and can continue for quite some time (from several seconds to minutes). Some people experience less pain during subsequent treatments.The wax used is often a mixture of natural
beeswax andtall oil rather than the more common synthetic 'waxes' used for regular leg waxing. It is felt that beeswax is stronger, and more effective at removing the thicker, coarser pubic hairs. Many products are available to lessen the pain involved, such as topical anesthetics. Sometimes a hair inhibitor is applied, which slows the regrowth of hair and may halt regrowth completely. The results can last up to two months. It is recommended that one get a licensedcosmetologist oresthetician to perform this procedure, but with care it can safely be done on oneself with a home kit.ee also
Glabrousness , a complete lack of hair on genitals and most other parts of the body.
*Male genital waxing References
External links
* [http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-13635753_ITM The history of bikini waxing]
* [http://brazilianrush.com/ Guide to the Brazilian wax] at Brazilianrush.com
* [http://www.theage.com.au/news/Fashion/How-it-feels-to-give-a-Brazilian-wax/2005/01/03/1104601282766.html How it feels to give a Brazilian wax] - "Interview with a depiladora, specialized in Brazilian Waxing", January 4, 2005.
* [http://malebrazilianwax.charlia.com The Male Brazilian Wax] - Brazilian wax information site for men
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