Anselm Grün

Anselm Grün

Anselm Grün (in English also: Anselm Gruen), OSB (born January 14 1945 in Junkershausen, Germany) is a German Benedictine padre, author of spiritual books, consultant of spiritual issues, clerical advisor and course instructor for meditation, contemplation, fasting etc.


Anselm Grün terminated his school years in 1964 with the A-level equivalent Abitur at the grammar school in Würzburg, Germany. In the same year he began as a novice at the nearby Benedictine Münsterschwarzach Abbey. From 1965 to 1971 he studied philosophy and theology at St. Ottilien Archabbey and in Rome. 1974 he made his PhD in theology having a focus on Karl Rahner. From 1974 to 1976 Anselm Grün studied Business in Nuremberg. His first book "Reinheit des Herzens" ("Pureness of heart") was published in 1976. More than 200 books followed and have sold about 14 million copies.

In 1977, Anselm Grün became the Cellerar of Münsterschwarzach Abbey and thus responsible for the economic work of the abbey with its 20 businesses and the mission.

External links

*de icon PND|115701966
*de icon [ Official Website of Anselm Grün]
*de icon [ Article about Anselm Grün]

NAME= Grün, Anselm
ALTERNATIVE NAMES=Gruen, Anselm (transliteration)
SHORT DESCRIPTION=German Benedictine padre and author
DATE OF BIRTH=January 14 1945
PLACE OF BIRTH=Junkershausen, Germany

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