- Probabilistic logic
The aim of a probabilistic logic (or probability logic) is to combine the capacity of
probability theory to handle uncertainty with the capacity ofdeductive logic to exploit structure. The result is a richer and more expressive formalism with a broad range of possible application areas. Probabilistic logic is a natural extension of traditional logic truth tables: the results they define are derived through probabilistic expressions instead. The difficulty with probabilistic logics is that they tend to multiply the computational complexities of their probabilistic and logical components.Proposals
There are numerous proposals for probabilistic logics:
* The term "probabilistic logic" was first used in
1986 paper, where the truth values of sentences areprobabilities Nilsson, N. J., 1986, "Probabilistic logic," "Artificial Intelligence" 28(1): 71-87.] . The proposed semantical generalization induces a probabilistic logicalentailment , which reduces to ordinary logicalentailment when the probabilities of all sentences are either 0 or 1. This generalization applies to anylogical system for which the consistency of a finite set of sentences can be established.* In the theory of
probabilistic argumentation Kohlas, J., and Monney, P.A., 1995. "A Mathematical Theory of Hints. An Approach to the Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence". Vol. 425 in Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems. Springer Verlag.] Haenni, R, 2005, "Towards a Unifying Theory of Logical and Probabilistic Reasoning," ISIPTA'05, 4th International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications: 193-202. [http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~run/papers/haenni05d.pdf] ] , probabilities are not directly attached to logical sentences. Instead it is assumed that a particular subset of the variables involved in the sentences defines aprobability space over the corresponding sub-σ-algebra . This induces two distinct probability measures with respect to , which are called "degree of support" and "degree of possibility", respectively. Degrees of support can be regarded as non-additive "probabilities of provability", which generalizes the concepts of ordinary logicalentailment (for ) and classical posterior probabilities (for ). Mathematically, this view is compatible with theDempster-Shafer theory .* The theory of
evidential reasoning Ruspini, E.H., Lowrance, J., and Strat, T., 1992, "Understanding evidential reasoning," "International Journal of Approximate Reasoning", 6(3): 401-424.] also defines non-additive "probabilities of probability" (or "epistemic probabilities") as a general notion for both logicalentailment (provability) andprobability . The idea is to augment standardpropositional logic by considering an epistemic operator K that represents the state of knowledge that a rational agent has about the world. Probabilities are then defined over the resulting "epistemic universe" K"p" of all propositional sentences "p", and it is argued that this is the best information available to an analyst. From this view,Dempster-Shafer theory appears to be a generalized form of probabilistic reasoning.* Approximate reasoning formalism proposed by
fuzzy logic can be used to obtain a logic in which the models are the probability distributions and the theories are the lower envelopesGerla, G., 1994, "Inferences in Probability Logic," "Artificial Intelligence" 70(1–2):33–52.] . In such a logic the question of the consistency of the available information is strictly related with the one of the coherence of partial probabilistic assignment and therefore withDutch book phenomenon.
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