Probabilistic CTL

Probabilistic CTL

Probabilistic Computation Tree Logic is an extension of CTL which allows for probabilistic quantification of described properties. It has been defined in the paper by [ Hansson and Jonsson] .PCTL is a useful logic for stating soft deadline properties, e.g. "after a request for a service, there is at least a 98% probability that the service will be carried out within 2 seconds". Akin CTL suitability for model-checking PCTL extension is widely used as a property specification language for probabilistic model checkers.

PCTL Syntax

One of the possible syntax of PCTL is defined as follows:
phi ::= p | eg p | phi lor phi | phi land phi | mathcal{P}_{simlambda}(phi mathcal{U} phi)
Therein, sim in { <, leq, =, geq, > } is comparison operator and lambda is a probability threshold.
Formulas of PCTL are interpreted over discrete Markov chains. An interpretation structureis a quadruple K = langle S, s^i, mathcal{T}, L angle, where
*S is a finite set of states,
*s^i in S is an initial state,
*mathcal{T} is a transition probability function, mathcal{T} : S imes S o [0,1] , such that for all s in S we have sum_{s'in S} mathcal{T}(s,s')=1, and
*L is a labeling function, L:S o2^A, assigning atomic propositions to states.
A path sigma from a state s_0 is an inifite sequence of states s_0 o s_1 o dots o s_n o dots . The n-th state of the path is denoted as sigma [n] and the prefix of sigma of length n is denoted as sigmauparrow n.

Probability Measure

A probability measure mu_m of the set of path with the common prefix of length n is equal to the product of transitions probabilitites along the prefix of the path:
mu_m({sigma in X : sigmauparrow n = s_0 o dots o s_n }) = mathcal{T}(s_0,s_1) imesdots imesmathcal{T}(s_{n-1},s_n)
For n = 0 the probability measure is equal to mu_m({sigma in X : sigmauparrow 0 = s_0 }) = 1.

Satisfaction relations

Satisfaction relations s models_K f, sigma models_K f are inductively defined as follows:
* s models_K a if and only if a in L(s),
* s models_K eg f if and only if not s models_K f,
* s models_K f_1 lor f_2 if and only if s models_K f_1 or s models_K f_2,
* s models_K f_1 land f_2 if and only if s models_K f_1 and s models_K f_2,
* s models_K mathcal{P}_{simlambda}(f_1 mathcal{U} f_2) if and only if mu_m({sigma : sigma [0] = s land (exists i)sigma [i] models_K f_2 land (forall 0 leq j < i) sigma [j] models_K f_1}) sim lambda, and
* s models_K mathcal{P}_{simlambda}(square f) if and only if mu_m({sigma : sigma [0] = s land (forall i geq 0)sigma [i] models_K f}) sim lambda.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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