FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives, 2000s

FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives, 2000s

In the 2000s, the United States FBI continues for a sixth decade to maintain a public list of the people it regards as the Ten Most Wanted Fugitives. Following is a brief review of FBI people and events that place the 2000s decade in context, and then a historical list of individual fugitives whose names first appeared on the 10 Most Wanted list during the decade of the 2000s.

360px|right|thumb|logo_text_used_by_the_FBI_as_the_main_title_for_the_web_site_page_of_the_group_of_top_Ten_fugitives._This_version_of_the_logo_is_a_reworking_of_the_earlier_logo_image,_and_this_version_came_into_use_by_the_FBI_beginning_since_sometime_between_1999_and_2005._This_logo_currently_appears_at_the_top_of_the_[http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/topten/fugitives/fugitives.htm FBI's page] , above the box containing the names and photos of the ten fugitives.]

FBI Directors in the 2000s

*Louis Freeh ( –2001)
*"Acting Director": Thomas J. Pickard (2001)
*Robert Mueller (2001–present)

FBI Headlines in the 2000s

The 2000s started out badly for the FBI's much needed attempts to upgrade technology. First, the Trilogy project went far over the $380 million budget, and behind its three-year schedule. Then, Virtual Case File, or VCF, planned for completion in 2003, was officially abandoned in 2005, after more than $100 million spent. A new, more ambitious investigation software project code-named Sentinel, is now expected to be completed by 2009.

In 2001, Robert Hanssen, high within the Bureau, was caught selling information to the Russians, and Bureau security practices came into question.

In 2002 the FBI's official top priority became counter-terrorism, followed second by counterintelligence. The USA PATRIOT Act granted the FBI increased monitoring powers.

The 9/11 Commission in 2004 blamed the FBI in part for not pursuing intelligence reports which could have prevented the September 11, 2001 attacks. In consequence, the Bureau came under oversight by the new Director of National Intelligence.

FBI Most Wanted Fugitives in the 2000s

The FBI in the past has identified individuals by the sequence number in which each individual has appeared on the list. Some individuals have even appeared twice, and often a sequence number was permanently assigned to an individual fugitive who was soon caught, captured, or simply removed, before his or her appearance could be published on the publicly released list. In those cases, the public would see only gaps in the number sequence reported by the FBI. For convenient reference, the wanted fugitive's sequence number and date of entry on the FBI list appear below, whenever possible.

As the decade opened, the following were still at large as the Ten Most Wanted Fugitives, from the prior two decades:

* 1981 #375 (nineteen years), Donald Eugene Webb
* 1984 #386 (sixteen years), Victor Manuel Gerena
* 1989 #427 (eleven years), Arthur Lee Washington Jr.
* 1996 #445 (four years), Agustín Vásquez Mendoza arrested July 9, 2000
* 1996 #447 (six years), Glen Stewart Godwin
* 1997 #451 (three years), Ramón Arellano Félix
* 1998 #454 (two years), Eric Robert Rudolph
* 1999 #455 (one year), James Charles Kopp
* 1999 #456 (one year), Osama bin Laden
* 1999 #458 (one year), James J. Bulger


420px|thumb|right|The_modern_header_with_blue_border_used_by_the_FBI_on_top_Ten_Fugitive_wanted posters since at least 2002, on both the Internet web site of the FBI [http://www.fbi.gov] , and in public presentations of the wanted posters. [ [http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/object/article?f=/c/a/2002/01/12/MN22667.DTL&o=0 Fugitive Oregon dad in Mexico, FBI says / Suspect in slayings is one of 10 most wanted] , January 12, 2002 AP photo of the FBI press conference announcement of the listing of fugitive Christian Michael Longo] ]

The most wanted fugitives added to the list by the FBI in the decade of the 2000s include (in FBI list appearance sequence order):

Year 2000

Jesse James Caston

August 19, 2000 #459
Four months on the list
Jesse James Caston - New Orleans FBI announced that relatively minor federal charges were to be dropped, in lieu of state murder charges; was an AMERICAN PRISONER surrendered after a standoff at Lake Providence, Louisiana December 20, 2000; was featured on the America's Most Wanted television program on August 19, 2000; was spotted at a gas station at the corner of Brookhurst and Hazard in Westminster, California driving a 1980s model pickup truck that was pulling a cement pumper in July, 2000; wanted for shooting death murder of two distant relatives, a father and son, on a Mississippi River levee; fugitive in a federal arrest warrant issued in United States District Court for the Western District of Louisiana , on April 14, 2000, charged with Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution; hitchhiked a ride in a blue van and was last seen at a truck stop in Longview, Texas, on April 13, 2000; wanted for kidnapping and forcing a man to drive them both to Marshall, Texas, where the vehicle broke down April 13, 2000; wanted in a state warrant on April 12, 2000, in the Parish of East Carroll, Louisiana, charged with two counts of first degree murder and two counts of attempted first degree murder; attempted murder and ambush of two police officers in Lake Providence, Louisiana, wounding one by three shotgun blasts; was wanted for murder of his wife and her female friend Sharon McIntyre, in their homes April 10, 2000.
* [http://losangeles.fbi.gov/pressrel/2000/castonjuly.htm FBI LA Field Office seeking public assistance in locating Caston] , Dead link|date=August 2008 October 24, 2000
* [http://edition.cnn.com/2000/LAW/12/21/most.wanted.crim/ CNN account of capture of Caston]

Eric Franklin Rosser

December 27, 2000 #460
Eight months on the list
Eric Franklin Rosser - Thailand PRISONER, arrested at a business in Bangkok, Thailand August 21, 2001 failed to show up for court April 2000; indicted in Bloomington, Indiana March 21, 2000; arrested for child pornography in Thailand February 2000.
* [http://www.fbi.gov/pressrel/pressrel01/rosser082101.htm FBI headline of Press Release on capture of Rosser]


Year 2001

Aurlieas Dame McClarty

February 5, 2001 #461
Nine days on the list, but captured one day before published
Aurlieas Dame McClarty - AMERICAN PRISONER captured without incident at a residence in Irmo, South Carolina February 14, 2001; was located one day before the February 15, 2001 formal announcement placing him on the list, effective as of February 5, 2001; was wanted for bank robbery of the Citizens National Bank, Washington Boulevard, in Laurel, Maryland October 4, 2000; wanted on local charges for double homicide, both victims shot in the head, of two employees of a truck rental dealership in Orlando, Florida July 18, 2000 during an armed robbery which netted only $200; was wanted by Indiana state authorities for criminal deception and by the United States Secret Service, in Orlando, Florida for counterfeiting.
* [http://www.fbi.gov/pressrel/pressrel01/mcclarty021501.htm FBI Press Release on listing and capture of McClarty]

Hopeton Eric Brown

March 17, 2001 #462
Three years on the list
Hopeton Eric Brown - DECEASED March 21, 2004 during a gunfight with Jamaican law enforcement authorities in Barrett Town, Montego Bay, Jamaica; believed by Jamaican authorities to have been in a gang of four other armed men who shot and killed a man and shot and wounded two other men in Barrett Town; was wanted for two murders in Jamaica in January 2001, the second having been killed while in his home, allegedly by a stray bullet fired by Brown; alleged to have killed one individual for leaning on his car January 14, 2001 in Montego Bay; had moved back to Montego Bay, Jamaica; was arrested in London, England in June 2000, for possession of crack cocaine, using the alias name Simon Plested, and was later released; indicted March 25, 1999 along with Mosiah Omar Wright by a Federal grand jury in the United States District Court for the District of Minnesota, at Minneapolis, Minnesota for the drug related crimes; wanted for murder and attempted murder at an apartment in Saint Paul, Minnesota on March 21, 1997, where he and drug associates severely beat and shot a man to death in a drug dispute, and then shot the victim's female friend several times, including once in the head.
* [http://web.archive.org/web/20010605042751/www.fbi.gov/mostwant/topten/fugitives/brown.htm Archive of Brown's FBI Ten Most Wanted poster]
* [http://minneapolis.fbi.gov/pressrel/2004/heb032304.htm FBI Press Release, Minneapolis Field Office, on death of Brown] Dead link|date=August 2008

Maghfoor Mansoor

May 9, 2001 #463
One day on the list
Maghfoor Mansoor - DECEASED, was fatally shot by a New York City Division HIDTA - Fugitive Task Force member May 10, 2001 in a gunfight inside the hotel lobby as he entered the Hampshire Hotel on 4th Street in New York City; was located May 10, 2001 in New York City; fled Atlantic City, New Jersey by carjacking a cab at gunpoint, forced the cab driver to take him to New York City and then robbed him before exiting the cab; had committed an armed robbery of a jewelry store located inside the Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City, New Jersey of more than $300,000 worth of Rolex watches on May 10, 2001; headed northeast from New Orleans and committed an armed carjacking, and numerous armed robberies/burglaries inside several casino/hotel rooms while in Atlantic City, New Jersey, to include holding a retired New Jersey State Trooper and his wife at gunpoint during a foiled room robbery attempt; had headed east from Las Vegas and while a fugitive he assaulted a law enforcement officer and committed an armed carjacking in New Orleans, Louisiana which led to the death of a state highway worker whom he struck with the vehicle while fleeing; the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) requested the assistance of the FBI and obtained an Unlawful Flight warrant January 2, 2001; was charged by the Las Vegas Justice Court December 15, 2000 with sexual assault with a deadly weapon and first degree kidnapping with a deadly weapon in a case centering around a 17-year-old female victim in Las Vegas, Nevada; had been previously convicted of sexually abusing a 14-year-old girl in Las Vegas.
* [http://lasvegas.fbi.gov/majorinvest.htm FBI Las Vegas Field Office Major Investigations profile of Mansoor]

Francis William Murphy

before August 21, 2001 #464
Francis William Murphy - AMERICAN PRISONER captured before August 21, 2001 [ [http://cgi1.usatoday.com/mchat/20020201009/tscript.htm USATODAY.com ] ]

Dwight Bowen

June 2001 #465
Less than two months on the list
Dwight Bowen - AMERICAN PRISONER arrested in Richmond, Virginia before August 21, 2001; wanted for molotov cocktail firebombing murders of two toddlers in a North Philadelphia, Pennsylvania home in early June, 2001. [ [http://www.crimenews2000.com/archives/01062612.htm CrimeNews 2000 - crime news archive page ] ]
* [http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/data2/pennsylvaniastatecases/supreme/714eal2005.pdf Bowen's PA Supreme Court appeal petition April 20, 2006, denied (pdf)]

Nikolay Soltys

August 23, 2001 #466
One week on the list
Nikolay Soltys - committed suicide in Sacramento, California jail February 13, 2002; was an AMERICAN PRISONER arrested in the backyard of a family member's home without incident in Citrus Heights, California August 30, 2001; charged August 21, 2001, by the United States District Court for the Eastern District of California in a federal arrest warrant for unlawful flight; his boy's body was found in an empty field in Roseville, California on August 21, 2001; had killed a total six family members in and around the Sacramento area; wanted on a state arrest warrant for murder August 20, 2001 issued by the Sacramento County Superior Court in Sacramento, California; car was found night of August 20, 2001 in the vicinity of his mother's house, and a search of the vehicle found a note with information on location of Soltys' son; had driven to his mother's house and picked up his three-year-old son after killing five; drove to the home of his aunt and uncle where he killed the couple and his two young cousins; had stabbed his 23-year-old pregnant wife to death in their North Highlands, California, home on August 20, 2001.
* [http://www.fbi.gov/pressrel/pressrel01/soltys082301.htm FBI Press Release on Soltys' top Ten Fugitive listing]
* [http://www.fbi.gov/pressrel/pressrel01/soltys083001.htm FBI Press Release on Soltys' top Ten Fugitive arrest]

Clayton Lee Waagner

September 21, 2001 #467
Three months on the list
Clayton Waagner - AMERICAN PRISONER, faces 15 years to life, convicted April 18, 2002 in Cincinnati, Ohio US District court on separate firearms and car theft charges; arrested at a Kinko's in Springdale, Ohio December 5, 2001; mailed anthrax letters to Planned Parenthood November 2001; stalkings and threats to kill 42 low-level abortion clinic employees up to November 23, 2001; also became a U.S. Marshals Service Top 15 Fugitive by November 29, 2001 because of more than 280 letters that threatened to contain anthrax, which he mailed with return addresses of the U.S. Marshals Service and the U.S. Secret Service in October 2001; wanted for carjackings in Tunica and in Robinsonville, Mississippi and firearms violations in Memphis, Tennessee September 7, 2001; had abandoned a vehicle in Memphis, Tennessee, following a hit and run accident; wanted for bank robbery of a First Union Bank in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania May 2001; escaped from DeWitt County Jail in Clinton, Illinois February 22, 2001 where he was awaiting sentencing and facing a term of 15 years to life; had been convicted on charges of possession of a firearm by a felon and interstate transportation of a stolen motor vehicle; had been arrested after crossing into Illinois with his wife and eight children in a stolen Winnebago RV in September 1999; sentenced to 4–10 years for attempted robbery in 1992.
* [http://www.usdoj.gov/marshals/wanted/waagner.html US DOJ profile of Waagner] Dead link|date=August 2008

Felix Summers

October 30, 2001 #468
Two months on the list
Felix Summers - AMERICAN PRISONER, captured at Blackwood, New Jersey December 14, 2001; evaded police who followed up on a tip August 22, 2001 that he was at the Dickinson Street South Philadelphia apartment of Jarrell Jones, which contained cocaine, handguns, and currency [http://www.ca3.uscourts.gov/opinarch/043129np.pdf] ; was charged in an arrest warrant from Philadelphia Police Department on August 19, 2001; was the lead suspect in several murders in the South Philadelphia area, where he was dealing drugs; was wanted in murder of 16-year-old girl and the wounding of five others in Philadelphia in August 2001; wanted in murder of witness against Summers in Philadelphia in 1999 in a pending homicide case.
* [http://web.archive.org/web/20011102082333/www.fbi.gov/mostwant/topten/fugitives/summers.htm Archive of Summers' FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives poster]


Year 2002

Christian Michael Longo

January 11, 2002 #469
two days on the list
Christian Michael Longo - AMERICAN PRISONER, taken into U.S. custody at the Houston, Texas airport January 14, 2002 on a Continental flight from Cancún, Mexico; was a Mexico prisoner, captured January 13, 2002 without incident in the small town of Tulum, Mexico, about 60 miles south of Cancún;he had left the Hostel Mexico, a youth hostel in Cancún where he was staying, on January 7, 2002; was charged December 28, 2001 with unlawful flight by a federal arrest warrant issued in the United States District Court for the District of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon; was charged December 28, 2001 in Lincoln County, Oregon with multiple counts of aggravated murder in the death of his family; had been recognized in Cancún, and later recalled from memory by a woman tourist from the Montreal area on December 27, 2001, who met him as a man named "Brad," and later as "Mike" at the Canún hostel where he had gone after leaving the United States; divers had found the bodies of the children's mother and two-year-old sister on December 27, 2001; divers searching the same area where his son's body had been earlier found also located the body of his three-year-old sister on December 22, 2001; he became wanted in the murder of his wife and children in Oregon December 19, 2001 after the body of his four-year-old son was found on December 19, 2001 floating several feet from shore in the Lint Slough, a waterway off the Pacific Ocean, in Waldport, Oregon.
* [http://www.fbi.gov/pressrel/pressrel02/longo011102.htm FBI Press Release on Longo's top Ten Fugitive listing]
* [http://www.fbi.gov/pressrel/pressrel02/longo011402.htm FBI Press Release on Longo's extradition to the US]

Michael Scott Bliss

January 31, 2002 #470
Three months on the list
Michael Scott Bliss - AMERICAN PRISONER, captured at the Nutel Motel in the Westlake area of Los Angeles, California at 5:30 p.m. on the night of April 23, 2002; Federal arrest warrant issued in District of Vermont June 6, 2001 charged with interstate travel to engage in a sexual act with a juvenile; abandoned vehicle found at LAX June 6, 2001; arrest warrant issued in Vermont April 9, 2001; wanted in repeat videotaped molestations of a nine-year-old girl ending in April 2001 and beginning in September 2000; wanted for aggravated sexual assault in New Hampshire; a convicted felon who in July 2000 had finished serving time in prison for videotaped aggravated assaults on three minors in Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts just two months before the alleged molestations on the nine-year-old began.
* [http://www.fbi.gov/pressrel/pressrel02/bliss013102.htm FBI Press Release on Bliss' top Ten Fugitive listing]

James Spencer Springette

April 25, 2002 #471
Seven months on the list
James Spencer Springette - AMERICAN PRISONER, captured near Caracas, Venezuela November 5, 2002; escaped from La Picota prison in Bogotá, Colombia March 1, 2000 while waiting extradition; was arrested in Medellín, Colombia, January 30, 1999; charged with conspiracy in United States District Court for the Southern District of Georgia in October 1998 for conspiracy to import cocaine hydrochloride and cocaine base, conspiracy to distribute cocaine, and conspiracy to launder monetary instruments; wanted for two murders; wanted for attempted murder shooting of a police officer in the British Virgin Islands; wanted as head of Caribbean-based drug cartel since 1991.
* [http://www.fbi.gov/pressrel/pressrel02/springette042502.htm FBI Press Release on Springette's top Ten Fugitive listing]

Ruben Hernandez Martinez

May 1, 2002 #472
Two days on the list
Ruben Hernandez Martinez - AMERICAN PRISONER, captured May 3, 2002; charged in federal arrest warrant June 5, 1998 in United States District Court for the Middle District of Tennessee with unlawful flight; was charged on May 29, 1998 by the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department, Davidson County, Tennessee, with five counts of aggravated rape, one count of aggravated burglary, and one count of failure to appear; was wanted for home invasions and sexual assaults in Nashville, Tennessee in 1998 and 1997, while working as a construction laborer as a resident alien with a valid green card and social security card.
* [http://www.fbi.gov/pressrel/pressrel02/martinez.htm FBI Press Release on Martinez Fugitive listing]


Added to the List after May 1, 2002 and captured before June 14, 2002. #473

Richard Steve Goldberg

June 14, 2002 #474
Less than five years on the list
Richard Steve Goldberg - AMERICAN PRISONER, was wanted for allegedly engaging in sexual activities with several female children under the age of ten in Long Beach, California, from January through May 2001. He was charged in California in July 2001, in a state arrest warrant with six counts of lewd acts upon a child and two counts of possession of child pornography. Goldberg was subsequently charged as a fugitive in a federal arrest warrant issued by the United States District Court for the Central District of California. He was later sentenced to twenty years in prison.
* [http://www.fbi.gov/pressrel/pressrel02/goldberg061402.htm Richard Steve Goldberg] , FBI National Press Release, June 14, 2002
* [http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/topten/fugitives/goldberg.htm Goldberg's FBI Top 10 Most Wanted Fugitive Alert]

Robert William Fisher

June 29, 2002 #475
Still at large on the list
Robert William Fisher is wanted for allegedly killing his wife and two young children and then blowing up the house in which they all lived in Scottsdale, Arizona because his wife wanted a divorce in April 2001. Fisher then killed his two children so they didn't have to go through what he went through when he was a teenager. Though some believe Fisher committed suicide, police believe Fisher is still alive and has assumed a new identity.
* [http://www.fbi.gov/pressrel/pressrel02/fisher.htm Robert William Fisher] , FBI National Press Release, June 29, 2002
* [http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/topten/fugitives/fisher.htm Fisher's FBI Top 10 Most Wanted Fugitive Alert]


Year 2003

Michael Alfonso

January 23, 2003 #476
One year on the list
Michael Alfonso - AMERICAN PRISONER, brought back to the United States July 16, 2004; arrested by The Federal Investigative Police in Veracruz, Mexico, July 16, 2004; reported by a TV viewer to the US embassy, July 16, 2004; profiled on "America's Most Wanted," during which a viewer in Mexico recognized him, before July 16, 2004; Kendall County charges in the 1992 killing were un-sealed January 23, 2003, as Alfonso was added to the top Ten list; also charged by the DuPage County States Attorney for stalking and shooting to death, five times with a handgun, his 28 year-old ex-girlfriend, Genoveva Velasquez, June 6, 2001, as she arrived for work at a restaurant in Wheaton, Illinois; spent time in jail for rape and police say he has attempted to kill other girlfriends in the past; a registered sex offender; charged by the Kendall County States Attorney for stalking and shooting to death an earlier girlfriend, 23 year-old Sumanear Yang, in Illinois, in September 1992 after she ended their brief relationship; Yang was reported missing on September 5, 1992; Yang's burning automobile was discovered in Chicago on September 18, 1992; her skeletal remains were found in a wooded area of the Silver Springs State Park, in Yorkville, Illinois, on November 9, 1992.
* [http://chicago.fbi.gov/pressrel/2003/jan-23.htm FBI Chicago Field office Press Release on top Ten listing of Alfonso] Dead link|date=August 2008

Genero Espinosa Dorantes

August 14, 2003 #477
Three years on the list
Genero Espinosa Dorantes - MEXICAN PRISONER, arrested in Tijuana, Mexico on February 25, 2006. Dorantes was wanted for participation in burning, beating, torture and murder of his four-year-old stepson in Nashville, Tennessee in February, 2003. With the modern FBI's shift of focus towards counter-terrorism, for several years Dorantes was the final top Ten fugitive for whom the national FBI office issued a specific Press Release [ [http://www.fbi.gov/pressrel/pressrel03/dorantes081403.htm Genero Espinosa Dorantes FBI National Press Release] , August 14, 2003] , until the FBI resumed the practice in 2006. However, regional offices of the FBI continued to issue press releases on top Ten Fugitives of particular interest to their local region.
* [http://www.fbi.gov/pressrel/pressrel03/dorantes081403.htm Genero Espinosa Dorantes FBI National Press Release] , August 14, 2003


Year 2004

Diego León Montoya Sánchez

May 6, 2004 #478
Three years on the list
Diego León Montoya Sánchez - COLOMBIAN PRISONER. Arrested in Colombia on September 10, 2007. He was sought in connection with the manufacture and distribution of multiple tons of cocaine, knowing or intending that it will be imported into the United States. Montoya is reputedly one of the principal leaders of the Colombian North Valley Drug Cartel. The North Valley Cartel is believed to be the most powerful and violent drug trafficking organization in Colombia. The cartel reportedly relies heavily for protection on illegal armed groups, taking help from right-wing paramilitaries as well as leftist rebels.
* [http://www.fbi.gov/page2/may04/050604montoya.htm FBI Adds Colombian Drug Cartel Leader to Most Wanted Fugitive List] , FBI Headline Archives, May 6, 2005
* [http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/topten/fugitives/montoya.htm Montoya's FBI Top 10 Most Wanted Fugitive Alert] Dead link|date=August 2008
* [http://miami.fbi.gov/pressrel/2007/mm20070910.htm Press release announcing Montoya Sanchez's arrest]


Added to the List after July 17, 2004 and captured before March 17, 2005. Possibly Chaunson McKibbins, #479


Year 2005

Jorge Alberto Lopez-Orozco

March 17, 2005 #480
Still at large on the list
Jorge Alberto Lopez-Orozco is wanted in connection with the murders of a woman and her two young children, ages 2 and 4, in Elmore County, Idaho. The victims' charred remains were found on August 11, 2002, inside a burned-out vehicle. He may be travelling with his brother, Simon Lopez-Orozco, who has been charged as an accessory in the crime. Reward of up to $100,000.
* [http://saltlakecity.fbi.gov/pressrel/2005/topten031705.htm Idaho Fugitive Placed on the FBI's "Ten Most Wanted" List] , FBI - Salt Lake City press release, March 17, 2005
* [http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/topten/fugitives/lopez-orozco.htm Lopez-Orozco's FBI Top 10 Most Wanted Fugitive Alert]


Year 2006

Michael Paul Astorga

April 1, 2006 #481
Two days on the list
Michael Paul Astorga - AMERICAN PRISONER, April 4, 2006 after Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Officers posted $2,000 bond to Mexican authorities; was a Mexico prisoner charged with possession of firearms, ammunition, and marijuana; captured by the Agencia Estatal De Investigaciones del Estado de Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico April 3, 2006 in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, where he had hid out, just across the border from El Paso, Texas; was profiled on the television show "America's Most Wanted: America Fights Back" April 1, 2006; was wanted in murder of Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Deputy James Frances McGrane Jr. on March 22, 2006 during a routine traffic stop just south of Tijeras, New Mexico in the East Mountains; was wanted for November 5, 2005, shooting death of Candido Martinez, 27, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. [http://www.freenewmexican.com/news/43225.html]
* [http://albuquerque.fbi.gov/pressrel/2006/capture040706.htm FBI Press release of Astorga's capture]

Warren Steed Jeffs

May 6, 2006 #482
Three months and twenty-three days on the list
Warren Steed Jeffs - AMERICAN PRISONER, captured on August 29, 2006, on Interstate 15 just north of Las Vegas, Nevada, after a routine traffic stop. He was wanted in Arizona and Utah on criminal charges of sexual conduct with a minor.He is accused of arranging marriages between underage girls and older men. Federal authorities also have added a charge of unlawful flight to avoid prosecution.There was a reward for his capture. The reward started at $50,000 and was later raised to $100,000.Jeffs is a church elder within the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, which is based in Colorado City, Arizona, and Hildale, Utah. Polygamy is practiced openly in Colorado City, a remote enclave in Arizona on the state line with Utah. The sect split from mainstream Mormonism after the broader church renounced polygamy more than a century ago.
* [http://www.fbi.gov/page2/may06/jeffs050606.htm Have You Seen This Man? FBI Announces New Top Tenner] , FBI Headline Archives, May 6, 2006

Ralph "Bucky" Phillips

September 7, 2006 #483
One day on the list
Ralph "Bucky" Phillips - AMERICAN PRISONER, was wanted for escaping from the Erie County Correctional Facility in Alden, New York, on April 2, 2006. He was also wanted for the June 10, 2006, shooting of a New York State Trooper that occurred in Chemung County, New York. Also wanted for questioning in the shooting death of one New York State Trooper and the wounding of another on August 31, 2006, in Chautauqua County, New York. He was captured on September 8, 2006 after surrendering to authorities after being cornered in a corn field just over the Pennsylvania state line. [ [http://crime.about.com/b/2006/09/08/a-cornered-bucky-phillips-surrenders-to-police.htm] ] There was a reward for his capture of up to $450,000.
* [http://www.fbi.gov/pressrel/pressrel06/phillips090706.htm Ralph B. Phillips Added to FBI Top Ten List] , FBI National Press Office, September 7, 2006

John W. Parsons

September 30, 2006 #484
Twenty days on the list
John W. Parsons - AMERICAN PRISONER, was wanted for escaping from the Ross County Jail in Ohio on July 29, 2006. Parsons was being held without bond at the jail, pending trial for several indictments, including aggravated murder for the slaying of a Chillicothe police officer on April 21, 2005, aggravated robbery, having weapons under disability, tampering with evidence, and two counts of grand theft. He escaped by forming a rope using toilet paper and torn up bed sheets. He was considered armed and extremely dangerous, and the public was advised to avoid attempting to arrest him.

Parsons was captured on October 19, 2006 after surrendering to police in eastern Chillicothe. [ [http://www.10tv.com/?sec=&story=sites/10tv/content/pool/200610/545471424.html Parsons Captured in Ross County] , WBNS_TV, October 19, 2006] He was arrested without incident by members of the Ross County Tactical Assault Team at approximately 12:20 pm at a small shack near the Chillicothe city limits. A number of law enforcement tactical units converged on the location and planned the arrest to avoid injury to any law enforcement personnel or to Parsons. [ [http://www.fbi.gov/pressrel/pressrel06/parson101906.htm FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitive John W. Parsons Apprehended at Chillicothe, Ohio] , FBI National Press Release, October 19, 2006]

The FBI offered a reward of up to $100,000 for information leading to the arrest of this fugitive.
* [http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/topten/fugitives/parsons_jw.htm Parsons' FBI Top 10 Most Wanted Fugitive Alert]
* [http://cincinnati.fbi.gov/pressrel/2006/ci093006.htm John W. Parsons Placed on FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives List] , FBI Press Release, Cincinnati Division


Year 2007

Emigdio Preciado, Jr.

March 14, 2007 #485
Still at large on the list
Emigdio Preciado, Jr. is wanted for opening fire on two police officers in Los Angeles, California on September 5, 2000, seriously injuring one of them. He was believed to be heading to a gang-related drive-by shooting at the time. A reward of $100,000 dollars is being offered for information leading directly to his arrest.
* [http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/topten/fugitives/preciado_e.htm Preciado's FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitive Alert]
* [http://losangeles.fbi.gov/pressrel/2007/la031407.htm Los Angeles Gang Member Added to FBI's List of Ten Most Wanted Fugitives] , FBI Press Release, Los Angeles Field Office
* [http://www.fbi.gov/page2/march07/mostwanted031407.htm L.A. Gang Member Added to List] , FBI National Press Office, March 14, 2007

Shauntay Henderson

March 31, 2007 #486
Less than one day on the list
Shauntay Henderson - AMERICAN PRISONER, was wanted for the execution-style murder of a man in Kansas City, Missouri in September 2006. She was captured April 1, 2007, after being briefly profiled on America's Most Wanted on the evening of her public listing. She is believed to be the head member of the violent 12th Street Gang, in Kansas City, Missouri.
* [http://www.fbi.gov/page2/march07/topten033107.htm Press Release Announcing Henderson's Addition] , FBI National Press Office, March 31, 2007
* [http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/topten/fugitives/henderson_sl.htm Henderson's Top Ten Poster]

Alexis Flores

June 2, 2007 #487
Still at large on the list
Alexis Flores is wanted for the kidnapping and murder of a five-year-old girl in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in July 2000. DNA linked him to the crime several years later. He was revealed to be the newest addition to the list exclusively on America's Most Wanted.
* [http://www.fbi.gov/page2/june07/wanted060207.htm Press Release Announcing Flores's Addition] , FBI National Press Office, June 2, 2007
* [http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/topten/fugitives/flores_a.htm Flores's Top Ten Poster]

Jon Savarino Schillaci

September 7, 2007 #488
Nine months on the list
Jon Savarino Schillaci - AMERICAN PRISONER, was wanted for the alleged molestation of a young boy in Deerfield, New Hampshire in October 1999. Schillaci had been communicating with the victim's family while he was serving time for prior sexual assault convictions. After his release from prison, the family provided Schillaci a home from which to start his new life, during which time the molestation occurred.

On June 5, 2008, Schillaci was taken into custody in Aguascalientes state in Mexico without incident. He was returned to New Hampshire to face child molestation and child pornography charges on June 6, 2008.
* [http://www.fbi.gov/page2/sept07/wanted090707.htm Press Release Announcing Schillaci's Addition] , FBI National Press Office, September 7, 2007
* [http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/topten/fugitives/schillaci_js.htm Schillaci's Top Ten Poster]

Jason Derek Brown

December 8, 2007 #489
Still at large on the list
Jason Derek Brown is wanted for the murder of an armored car guard in Phoenix, Arizona, Robert Keith Palomares in November 2004. Allegedly spent the weeks leading up the murder in the theater parking lot, studying the schedules of when the guards began collecting the money.
* [http://www.fbi.gov/pressrel/pressrel07/brown_jd.htm Press Release Announcing Brown's Addition] , FBI National Press Office, December 8, 2007
* [http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/topten/fugitives/brown_jd.htm Brown's Top Ten Poster]


Year 2008

Michael Jason Registe

July 26, 2008 #490
One month on the list
Michael Jason Registe - AMERICAN PRISONER, was wanted for his alleged participation in a double homicide in Columbus, Georgia. On July 20 2007, law enforcement officials responded to a shooting incident in which two males sitting inside a truck had suffered execution-style gunshot wounds to the back of their heads. One of the victims died at the scene and the other died shortly afterward.

On August 27 2008, Registe was captured on the Island of St. Maarten. Officials have speculated extradition may take from two weeks to several months. [cite web|url=http://atlanta.fbi.gov/pressrel/2008/registecaptured082708.htm|title=Federal Bureau of Investigation Atlanta Field Division Press Release|publisher=Federal Bureau of Investigation|accessdate=2008-08-30]
* [http://www.fbi.gov/page2/july08/topten_072608.html Press Release announcing Registe's addition]
* [http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/topten/fugitives/registe_mj.htm Registe's FBI Top Ten Poster]

ee also

*FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives, 1990s
*FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives, 1980s
*FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives, 1970s
*FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives, 1960s
*FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives, 1950s


External links

* [http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/topten/fugitives/fugitives.htm Current FBI Top Ten Most Wanted Fugitives]

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  • FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives — See also: Former FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives and FBI Most Wanted Terrorists Federal Bureau of Investigation Common name …   Wikipedia

  • FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives by year, 1953 — In 1953, the United States FBI, under Director J. Edgar Hoover, continued for a fourth year to maintain a public list of the people it regarded as the Ten Most Wanted Fugitives. 1953 was a very productive year for the FBI, as the Bureau listed… …   Wikipedia

  • FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives, 1980s — In the 1980s, for the fourth decade, the United States FBI continued to maintain a public list of the people it regarded as the Ten Most Wanted Fugitives. Following is a brief review of FBI people and events that place the 1980s decade in context …   Wikipedia

  • FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives, 1970s — In the 1970s, for the third decade, the United States FBI continued to maintain a public list of the people it regarded as the Ten Most Wanted Fugitives. Following is a brief review of FBI people and events that place the 1970s decade in context …   Wikipedia

  • FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives, 1950s — In the 1950s, the United States FBI began to maintain a public list of the people it regarded as the Ten Most Wanted Fugitives. Following is a brief review of FBI people and events that place the 1950s decade in context, and then an historical… …   Wikipedia

  • FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives by year, 1950 — In 1950, the United States FBI, under Director J. Edgar Hoover, began to maintain a public list of the people it regarded as the Ten Most Wanted Fugitives.The concept of the list began in late 1949, when the FBI helped publish an article about… …   Wikipedia

  • FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives by year, 1958 — In 1958, the United States FBI, under Director J. Edgar Hoover, continued for a ninth year to maintain a public list of the people it regarded as the Ten Most Wanted Fugitives.As 1958 opened, the FBI had gone for a full ten months through the end …   Wikipedia

  • FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives, 1960s — In the 1960s, for a second decade, the United States FBI continued to maintain a public list of the people it regarded as the Ten Most Wanted Fugitives. Following is a brief review of FBI people and events that place the 1960s decade in context,… …   Wikipedia

  • FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives by year, 1951 — In 1951, the United States FBI, under Director J. Edgar Hoover, continued for a second year to maintain a public list of the people it regarded as the Ten Most Wanted Fugitives.As 1951 began, only three of the original top ten fugitives from the… …   Wikipedia

  • FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives by year, 1961 — In 1961, the United States FBI, under Director J. Edgar Hoover, continued for a twelfth year to maintain a public list of the people it regarded as the Ten Most Wanted Fugitives.Throughout the year 1961, six of the ten places on the list remained …   Wikipedia

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