Hunga Munga

Hunga Munga

The Hunga Munga is an African tribal weapon. It is handheld weapon and consists of a metal pointed blade with a curved back section and separate spike near the handle. The weapon can be used in hand to hand combat (Melee) although it is typically thrown with a spinning action. The multiple blades make it a formidable weapon.

The Hunga Munga is an iron fighting implement named by the African tribes south of Lake Chad; also called "danisco" by the Marghi, "goleyo" by the Musgu, and "njiga" by the Bagirmi. These African iron weapons are thrown with a rotatory motion, and inflict deep wounds with their projecting blades. They vary constantly in form and their use extends across Africa from the Upper Nile on the east through Central Africa by Lake Tchad to the Africans of the Gaboon in West Africa. In parts of Central Africa, these weapons assume the form of a bird's head.


The weapon can be seen being used by the character Buffy Summers (played by the actress Sarah Michelle Gellar) in the TV series "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and was featured in the opening credits for several seasons. This weapon is used in the Role-Playing game "Mage The Ascension" by the Euthanatos characters for their magical rituals. Their sourcebook claims that these blades were used as currency at one time. Another name for the Hunga Munga is the Mambele.

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