Year 1505 (MDV) was a common year starting on Wednesday (link will display the full calendar) of the Julian calendar.

Events of 1505

January - June

* June 27 - Henry VIII of England repudiates his engagement to Catherine of Aragon, at his father's command.

July - December

* July 2 - Martin Luther, then 22, vows to become a monk in a moment of terror, due to a near lightning strike during a thunderstorm, near the village of Stotternheim.
* July 17 - Luther enters the monastic life at an Augustinian cloister in Erfurt.
* July 24 - Travelling to India, a group of Portuguese explorers sack the city-state of Kilwa in East Africa, killing the king for failing to pay tribute.
* December 18 - John IX van Horne, prince-bishop of Lièges, Belgium, is executed.


* The Battle of Achnashellach took place.
* A Portuguese fleet attacks Kilwa and then Mombasa. The Portuguese then attempt to monopolize the trade in the east African ports, but are unable to maintain control (by the late 1500s, Swahili groups regain control of several ports from the Portuguese).
* Portuguese merchants establish factories on the east coast of Africa.
* Portuguese under Dom Lourenço d'Almeida reach Colombo, Sri Lanka and send envoys to King of Kotte.
* King Alexander of Poland signs the "Nihil novi" Act, making Poland a Nobles' Democracy.
* Poland prohibits peasants from leaving their lands, establishing serfdom.
* Christ's College, Cambridge is founded.
* Vasili III succeeds Ivan III as Grand Prince of Muscovy.
* Idiosa III of Chardonnay is murdered.
* The Arabs reach the Comoros.
* Judah Abravanel becomes personal physician to the viceroy of Naples.
* Bermuda is discovered by the Portuguese explorer Juan de Bermudez.


* January 13 - Joachim II Hector, Elector of Brandenburg, Imperial Elector (d. 1571)
* February 5 - Aegidius Tschudi, Swiss historian (d. 1572)
* September 18 - Maria of Austria, queen of Louis II of Hungary and Bohemia (d. 1558)
*"date unknown"
**William Cavendish, English courtier (d. 1557)
**Philip Hoby, English politician (d. 1558)
**Guillaume Morel, French classical scholar (d. 1564)
**Shahgali, Khan of Qasim
**Thomas Wriothesley, 1st Earl of Southampton, English politician (d. 1550)
**Christopher Tye, English composer and organist (d. 1572)

: "See also ."


* February 4 - Jeanne de Valois, daughter of Louis XI of France (b. 1464)
* February 20 - Arvid Trolle, Swedish politician (b. c. 1440)
* April 23 - Muhammad Jaunpuri, religious leader (b. 1443)
* June 8 - Hongzhi Emperor of China (b. 1470)
* June 15 - Ercole d'Este I, Duke of Ferrara (b. 1431)
* July - Jacob Obrecht, Flemish composer (plague) (b. 1457)
* October 27 - Ivan III of Russia (b. 1440)
*"date unknown"
**Adam of Fulda, music writer (b. c. 1445)
**Heinrich Kramer, churchman and inquisitor (b. 1430)

: "See also ."

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