- Harlequin type ichthyosis
Name = Harlequin type ichthyosis
Caption = Lithographic depiction of a fetus affected by harlequin ichthyosis
DiseasesDB = 30052
ICD10 = ICD10|Q|80|4|q|80
ICD9 = ICD9|757.1
OMIM = 242500 |vsnfy,gkmfnbdbnhdmfyjhrythtyjruythe MedlinePlus =
eMedicineSubj = derm
eMedicineTopic = 192
MeshID = D017490Harlequin-type ichthyosis (also "harlequin ichthyosis", "ichthyosis congenita", "Ichthyosis fetalis" or "keratosis diffusa fetalis"), a skin disease, is the most severe form of
congenital ichthyosis , characterized by a thickening of thekeratin layer in fetalhuman skin . In sufferers of the disease, the skin contains massive, diamond-shaped scales, and tends to have a reddish color. In addition, theeye s,ear s,mouth , and other appendages may be abnormally contracted. The scaly keratin greatly limits the child's movement. Because the skin is cracked where normal skin would fold, it is easily pregnable by bacteria and othercontaminant s, resulting in serious risk of fatal infection.Sufferers are known as "harlequin fetuses", "harlequin babies", or "harlequins".
The "harlequin-type" designation comes from both the baby's apparent facial expression and the diamond-shape of the scales (resembling the costume of Arlecchino), which are caused by severe
hyperkeratosis . The disease can be diagnosed in theuterus by way offetal skin biopsy or by morphologic analysis ofamniotic fluid cells obtained byamniocentesis . In addition, doctors can now usually recognize common features of the disease throughultrasound , and follow up with 3D ultrasound can diagnose the condition.History
The disease has been known since 1750, and was first described in the diary of a cleric from Charleston, South Carolina, the Rev. Oliver Hart
"On Thursday, April 5, 1750, I went to see a most deplorable object of a child, born the night before of one Mary Evans in 'Chas'town. It was surprising to all who beheld it, and I scarcely know how to describe it. The skin was dry and hard and seemed to be cracked in many places, somewhat resembling the scales of a fish. The mouth was large and round and open. It had no external nose, but two holes where the nose should have been. The eyes appeared to be lumps of coagulated blood, turned out, about the bigness of a plum, ghastly to behold. It had no external ears, but holes where the ears should be. The hands and feet appeared to be swollen, were cramped up and felt quite hard. The back part of the head was much open. It made a strange kind of noise, very low, which I cannot describe. It lived about forty-eight hours and was alive when I saw it."
At least 100 cases have been reported worldwide in modern times. Neither gender nor ethnicity seem to affect the likelihood of a child having the disorder. A disproportionately high number of children have
consanguineous parents. Those from families with a history of severe skin disorders may have a higher risk of birthing a harlequin child.Features
The features of sufferers are deformed facially and cranially. The ears may be very poorly developed or absent entirely, as may the
nose . Theeyelid s are severely everted (ectropion ), which leaves the eyes and the area around them very susceptible to trauma. They often bleed upon birth. Thelip s, pulled by the dry skin, are fixed into a wide grimace (eclabium ).Arm s, feet, andfinger s are almost always deformed in such a way that they cannot bend properly, and may be below the normal size. They presenthypoplasia in the fingers; therefore, they cannot grab things properly, or they can barely touch them.Polydactyly , a condition in which one has more than the usual number of toes or fingers, has also been found in these infants.They are extremely susceptible to changes in
temperature due to their armor-like skin, which prevents normal heat loss. This can result inhyperthermia . Their respiration is also restricted by the skin, which impedes thechest wall from expanding and drawing in enough air. This can lead tohyperventilation andrespiratory failure . Harlequins are oftendehydrated , as their plated skin is not well suited to keepingwater in.Treatment and prognosis
In the past, the disorder was invariably fatal, whether due to
dehydration ,infection (sepsis ), restrictedbreathing due to the plating, or other related causes. The most common cause of death was systemic infection and sufferers rarely survived for more than a few days. However, there have been improvements in care, most notably the drugIsotrex . Some patients have survived intoadolescence and, in very rare cases, lived to adulthood. [citation]Notable cases
United Kingdom
Nusrit "Nelly" Shaheen is 24 and is the oldest survivor with the condition in the UK. She is one of eight children, four who also suffered from the condition and passed away as young children. Nelly lives an active lifestyle and is studying sports coaching and leadership at Hereward College. She hopes to teach the course in the future [cite web |url=http://www.birminghampost.net/news/west-midlands-health-news/2008/05/09/nelly-is-a-real-diamond-girl-65233-20886612/ |title=Nelly is a real diamond girl |accessdate=2008-11-10 |format= |work=] [cite web |url=http://www.itv.com/Lifestyle/ThisMorning/Health/HarlequinIchthyosis/default.html |title=Harlequin Ichthyosis |accessdate=2008-11-10 |format= |work=] .
A "Real Families" documentary broadcast on
ITV1 in theUnited Kingdom in2005 (and later rebroadcast in other countries) showed the lives of two pairs of sisters afflicted with the condition: Lucy and Hannah Betts (ages 18 and 15), and Dana and Lara Bowen (ages 8 and 1½). The girls all went through a daily routine of getting up early in the morning and bathing for two hours to soften the skin, scrubbing hard to remove as much of the hard extra skin as possible, and then covering their entire bodies in a thick layer of moisturiser. A second and third "creaming" as they called it had to be performed in the afternoon and at bedtime to soften the skin. Even with this treatment a thick layer of hyperkeratotic skin covered them and they were plagued with infections. Scales on the inside of the eyelids had blinded one of Lucy's eyes and left the other eye with 10% vision. Hannah Betts also suffers fromcerebral palsy . Their skin was said to grow at fourteen times the normal rate. Vacuuming the carpets was necessary at least a couple of times a day to remove the shed skin. [cite web |url=http://www.itv.com/page.asp?partid=3086 |title=Real Families - My Skin Could Kill Me |accessdate=2007-07-03 |format= |work=] . A documentary on Five in 2008 showed the same children three years later after major advances in medical technology.The children were said to be four of just seven in the United Kingdom, Lucy being the longest surviving of any such child in the country ever. The chances of suffering from the condition were given as roughly one in a million in general. These figures would indicate that one in 500 people have the recessive
allele , giving a one-in-250,000 chance of two unrelated people bringing these alleles together, and finally there being a one-in-four chance of these alleles being brought together and causing the condition.The chances of any one person with the disease mating with an unaffected person to produce a child who is also a sufferer would be about 1 in 2000.
In San Diego a young man, Ryan González, has this condition and has not only survived to adulthood but also thrives as a triathlete. [ [http://www.10news.com/health/3919722/detail.html "Man Survives Rare Skin-Shedding Disease"] , 10News.com, November 16, 2004. Accessed June 17, 2008.] His treatment involves dosing with
isotretinoin (also known asAccutane ), the constant use of lotions to keep the skin supple, and use of a very high-caloric diet of at least 7,500 calories a day, including a nightly feeding tube of pure protein due to the constant shedding of his skin, which is believed to shed ten to forty times faster than unaffected skin.References
*External links
The following links may contain graphic or disturbing depictions of the effects of Harlequin type ichthyosis on infants.
* [http://www.ispub.com/ostia/index.php?xmlFilePath=journals/ijpn/vol2n1/harlequin.xml A Case Of Harlequin Fetus With Psoriasis In His Family] . Article from the Internet Journal of Pediatrics and Neonatology.
* [http://www.scalyskin.org/content.cfm?ContentID=99&ColumnID=14 Medical Article] from FIRST Foundation
* [http://www.gfmer.ch/genetic_diseases_v2/gendis_detail_list.php?cat3=729 Hospital photos and diagrams]
* [http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/condition=harlequinichthyosis Information] from the U.S.National Institutes of Health
* [http://www.genetests.org/query?dz=li-ar Genetic information]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.