Symbol |
Name |
Symbol |
Name |
Symbol |
Name |
Symbol |
Name |
Hex |
Hex |
Hex |
Hex |
Picture of this Symbol |
Picture of this Symbol |
Picture of this Symbol |
Picture of this Symbol |
← |
Leftwards Arrow |
↬ |
Rightwards Arrow With Loop |
⇈ |
Upwards Paired Arrows |
⇤ |
Leftwards Arrow To Bar |
0x2190 |
0x21ac |
0x21c8 |
0x21e4 |
↑ |
Upwards Arrow |
↭ |
Left Right Wave Arrow |
⇉ |
Rightwards Paired Arrows |
⇥ |
Rightwards Arrow To Bar |
0x2191 |
0x21ad |
0x21c9 |
0x21e5 |
→ |
Rightwards Arrow |
↮ |
Left Right Arrow With Stroke |
⇊ |
Downwards Paired Arrows |
⇦ |
Leftwards Thick Arrow |
0x2192 |
0x21ae |
0x21ca |
0x21e6 |
↓ |
Downwards Arrow |
↯ |
Downwards Zigzag Arrow |
⇋ |
Leftwards Harpoon Over Rightwards Harpoon |
⇧ |
Upwards Thick Arrow |
0x2193 |
0x21af |
0x21cb |
0x21e7 |
↔ |
Left Right Arrow |
↰ |
Upwards Arrow With Tip Leftwards |
⇌ |
Rightwards Harpoon Over Leftwards Harpoon |
⇨ |
Rightwards Thick Arrow |
0x2194 |
0x21b0 |
0x21cc |
0x21e8 |
↕ |
Up Down Arrow |
↱ |
Upwards Arrow With Tip Rightwards |
⇍ |
Leftwards Double Arrow With Stroke |
⇩ |
Downwards Thick Arrow |
0x2195 |
0x21b1 |
0x21cd |
0x21e9 |
↖ |
North West Arrow |
↲ |
Downwards Arrow With Tip Leftwards |
⇎ |
Left Right Double Arrow With Stroke |
⇪ |
Upwards Thick Arrow From Bar |
0x2196 |
0x21b2 |
0x21ce |
0x21ea |
↗ |
North East Arrow |
↳ |
Downwards Arrow With Tip Rightwards |
⇏ |
Rightwards Double Arrow With Stroke |
⇫ |
Upwards Thick Arrow On Pedestal |
0x2197 |
0x21b3 |
0x21cf |
0x21eb |
↘ |
South East Arrow |
↴ |
Rightwards Arrow With Corner Downwards |
⇐ |
Leftwards Double Arrow |
⇬ |
Upwards Thick Arrow On Pedestal With Horizontal Bar |
0x2198 |
0x21b4 |
0x21d0 |
0x21ec |
↙ |
South West Arrow |
↵ |
Downwards Arrow With Corner Leftwards |
⇑ |
Upwards Double Arrow |
⇭ |
Upwards Thick Arrow On Pedestal With Vertical Bar |
0x2199 |
0x21b5 |
0x21d1 |
0x21ed |
↚ |
Leftwards Arrow With Stroke |
↶ |
Anticlockwise Top Semicircle Arrow |
⇒ |
Rightwards Double Arrow |
⇮ |
Upwards Thick Double Arrow |
0x219a |
0x21b6 |
0x21d2 |
0x21ee |
↛ |
Rightwards Arrow With Stroke |
↷ |
Clockwise Top Semicircle Arrow |
⇓ |
Downwards Double Arrow |
⇯ |
Upwards Thick Double Arrow On Pedestal |
0x219b |
0x21b7 |
0x21d3 |
0x21ef |
↜ |
Leftwards Wave Arrow |
↸ |
North West Arrow To Long Bar |
⇔ |
Left Right Double Arrow |
⇰ |
Rightwards Thick Arrow From Wall |
0x219c |
0x21b8 |
0x21d4 |
0x21f0 |
↝ |
Rightwards Wave Arrow |
↹ |
Leftwards Arrow To Bar Over Rightwards Arrow To Bar |
⇕ |
Up Down Double Arrow |
⇱ |
North West Arrow To Corner |
0x219d |
0x21b9 |
0x21d5 |
0x21f1 |
↞ |
Leftwards Two Headed Arrow |
↺ |
Anticlockwise Open Circle Arrow |
⇖ |
North West Double Arrow |
⇲ |
South East Arrow To Corner |
0x219e |
0x21ba |
0x21d6 |
0x21f2 |
↟ |
Upwards Two Headed Arrow |
↻ |
Clockwise Open Circle Arrow |
⇗ |
North East Double Arrow |
⇳ |
Up Down Thick Arrow |
0x219f |
0x21bb |
0x21d7 |
0x21f3 |
↠ |
Rightwards Two Headed Arrow |
↼ |
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Upwards |
⇘ |
South East Double Arrow |
⇴ |
Right Arrow With Small Circle |
0x21a0 |
0x21bc |
0x21d8 |
0x21f4 |
↡ |
Downwards Two Headed Arrow |
↽ |
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Downwards |
⇙ |
South West Double Arrow |
⇵ |
Downwards Arrow Leftwards Of Upwards Arrow |
0x21a1 |
0x21bd |
0x21d9 |
0x21f5 |
↢ |
Leftwards Arrow With Tail |
↾ |
Upwards Harpoon With Barb Rightwards |
⇚ |
Leftwards Triple Arrow |
⇶ |
Three Rightwards Arrows |
0x21a2 |
0x21be |
0x21da |
0x21f6 |
↣ |
Rightwards Arrow With Tail |
↿ |
Upwards Harpoon With Barb Leftwards |
⇛ |
Rightwards Triple Arrow |
⇷ |
Leftwards Arrow With Vertical Stroke |
0x21a3 |
0x21bf |
0x21db |
0x21f7 |
↤ |
Leftwards Arrow From Bar |
⇀ |
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Upwards |
⇜ |
Leftwards Squiggle Arrow |
⇸ |
Rightwards Arrow With Vertical Stroke |
0x21a4 |
0x21c0 |
0x21dc |
0x21f8 |
↥ |
Upwards Arrow From Bar |
⇁ |
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Downwards |
⇝ |
Rightwards Squiggle Arrow |
⇹ |
Left Right Arrow With Vertical Stroke |
0x21a5 |
0x21c1 |
0x21dd |
0x21f9 |
↦ |
Rightwards Arrow From Bar |
⇂ |
Downwards Harpoon With Barb Rightwards |
⇞ |
Upwards Arrow With Double Stroke |
⇺ |
Leftwards Arrow With Double Vertical Stroke |
0x21a6 |
0x21c2 |
0x21de |
0x21fa |
↧ |
Downwards Arrow From Bar |
⇃ |
Downwards Harpoon With Barb Leftwards |
⇟ |
Downwards Arrow With Double Stroke |
⇻ |
Rightwards Arrow With Double Vertical Stroke |
0x21a7 |
0x21c3 |
0x21df |
0x21fb |
↨ |
Up Down Arrow With Base |
⇄ |
Rightwards Arrow Over Leftwards Arrow |
⇠ |
Leftwards Dashed Arrow |
⇼ |
Left Right Arrow With Double Vertical Stroke |
0x21a8 |
0x21c4 |
0x21e0 |
0x21fc |
↩ |
Leftwards Arrow With Hook |
⇅ |
Upwards Arrow Leftwards Of Downwards Arrow |
⇡ |
Upwards Dashed Arrow |
⇽ |
Leftwards Open-Headed Arrow |
0x21a9 |
0x21c5 |
0x21e1 |
0x21fd |
↪ |
Rightwards Arrow With Hook |
⇆ |
Leftwards Arrow Over Rightwards Arrow |
⇢ |
Rightwards Dashed Arrow |
⇾ |
Rightwards Open-Headed Arrow |
0x21aa |
0x21c6 |
0x21e2 |
0x21fe |
↫ |
Leftwards Arrow With Loop |
⇇ |
Leftwards Paired Arrows |
⇣ |
Downwards Dashed Arrow |
⇿ |
Left Right Open-Headed Arrow |
0x21ab |
0x21c7 |
0x21e3 |
0x21ff |