- Pardon the Interruption
infobox television
show_name = Pardon the Interruption
format =Sports talk anddebate
runtime = 30 minutes
+ ~3 minutes ("SportsCenter" segment)
starring =Tony Kornheiser Michael Wilbon Tony Reali
country = USA
location =Washington, D.C.
network =ESPN
first_aired =October 22 ,2001
last_aired =
preceded_by = "Around the Horn "
followed_by = "SportsCenter "
num_episodes = 1,351 (as ofNovember 12 ,2007 ) [ESPN: PTI podcast listing]
website = http://espn.go.com/eoe/pti.html
imdb_id = 0307800
tv_com_id = 17571
related = "The Sports Reporters "
"Around the Horn "|"Pardon the Interruption" (abbreviated "PTI") is a
sport s television show that airs weekdays on variousESPN TV channels, TSN,NASN , XM, and Siriussatellite radio services, and as a downloadablepodcast . It is hosted byTony Kornheiser andMichael Wilbon , who discuss, and frequently argue over, the top stories of the day in "sports... and other stuff" (as Kornheiser put it in the show's original promo). EitherTony Reali (host of ESPN's "Around the Horn ") or the uncredited "producer over the loudspeaker" serve as moderator for parts of the show, which is filmed inWashington, D.C. ;Around The Horn also originates from the same studio.Similar in format to
CNN 's "Crossfire", "PTI" is known for its humorous and often loud tone, as well as the "rundown" graphic listing the topics yet to be discussed down the right-hand side of the screen. The show's popularity has led to the creation of similar shows on ESPN, and similar segments on other series, and the rundown graphic has since been implemented on the morning editions ofSportsCenter that are repeated from the previous night's last live broadcast, among many imitators."PTI" is produced by
ESPN Original Entertainment . The show's launch team and daily production management is led by broadcast executive Todd Mason. "PTI" issponsor ed by alcoholic beverage companyDiageo , via its brandsGuinness ,Red Stripe andSmirnoff Ice.Broadcast details
"Pardon the Interruption" airs live at 5:30 p.m. Eastern Time on ESPN. The following outlets carry the show at other times:
ESPNEWS airs the show at 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time, with the TV picks, errors and "Happy happy time" removed.
*WXTR ,ESPN Radio affiliate forWashington, DC (where both Kornheiser and Wilbon are based), airs the entire show at 7:05 p.m. Eastern Time and again at 5:30 a.m. the next morning.
*WMVP ,ESPN Radio affiliate inChicago (Wilbon's hometown) airs the show at 7:05 p.m. Central Time.
*TheESPN Radio network makes an edited version available to its affiliates, with only a few segments, at 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time. An "ESPN Radio SportsCenter " update is inserted at 6:40. (Previously ESPN Radio carried the show at 7 p.m. Eastern)
*TSN airs the show live at 5:30 p.m. and cuts out before the "SportsCenter" segment, ending with Tony waving the Canadian flag and saying "goodnight, Canada". If pre-empted, the broadcast will air at a later time.
*SinceApril 17 ,2006 , ESPN has also offered a free audiopodcast which cuts out commercials and includes all segments.The set
"Pardon the Interruption" is unique in its studio layout, featuring a "wall" full of cut-out cardboard heads of athletes and celebrities that have previously been used in the "Role Play" segment,
bobblehead doll s of the show's hosts and Reali,Etch-A-Sketch art of Kornheiser and Wilbon, and several other toys andtrinket s they have received, such as Kornheiser's beloved "Leg Lamp" from "A Christmas Story " andElmo .For different American holidays, the set will also be decorated with other props to match the theme of the day. For example, on Halloween, carved
jack-o'-lantern s of the host's heads are also present. The color of the rundown graphic is also changed to mesh with the holiday theme (e.g. red, white, and blue to represent Independence Day, green forSt. Patricks Day , red and green forChristmas ).Due to Kornheiser's announcing job on "
Monday Night Football ", every Monday during theNFL regular season, the show is taken to the location of that week's game, with the set being a standard ESPN "on-location" set.egments
"PTI" is divided into several segments. It is not unusual for the last point or topic in each section to be about a non-sports-related pop-culture event. On rare occasions, the show will stray from its basic format, such as on
August 9 2005 , when baseball commissionerBud Selig was the guest at the very top of the show for an extended interview.Other than the pop-culture topics, most topics discussed involve the of American team sports:
baseball ,basketball , football and hockey. Both hosts are avid fans ofvolleyball ,tennis ,golf , andboxing and discuss events in those sports frequently. However, other sports such assoccer andauto racing receive much less coverage, and the hosts do little to hide their lack of interest or knowledge on those topics.Segments included in the vast majority of shows are:
egment 1: Introduction/Headlines
Kornheiser and Wilbon welcome viewers to the show with opening banter. Wilbon usually opens the show with the line, "Pardon the Interruption... but I'm
Mike Wilbon ." Wilbon will then put a question to Kornheiser concerning one of the day's sports or pop culture issues. The two will then continue a conversation while the opening title card is shown. The theme song (as well as the commercialoutro music) thematically references the song "Cut Your Hair" by Pavement. This is probably meant as a joke, as both Kornheiser and Wilbon are bald. Although Wilbon will contest this saying, "I'm shaved, not bald. Shaved is much better".Kornheiser then says "Welcome to the 'PTI' program, boys and girls," and the hosts usually debate five or six topics. Each issue is listed in chronological order on the right side of the screen, and a countdown timer is shown indicating how much time is allotted to discuss a particular issue. Most topics are less than 1:30, but major news stories can run two or three minutes. If there is no guest for "Five Good Minutes," three or four additional headlines will run during the second segment.
egment 2: Five Good Minutes
Kornheiser and Wilbon interview a sports figure, writer, or analyst typically for a period of time from three to five and a half minutes. The interview itself is actually recorded prior to the rest of the show and then trimmed down for broadcast. According to "PTI"'s remote producer, with some exceptions, guests are booked the day of the show as they try to obtain the most relevant news of the day.Wright, B. [http://www.collegiatetimes.com/news/4/ARTICLE/8119/2006-12-01.html An insider's look at PTI] . (2006, December 1). "
Collegiate Times ". RetrievedDecember 16 ,2006 .] Other times, there are two "Five Good Minutes" segments with two different guests; there are also shows where two related guests appear during one segment, such asJoe Buck andTim McCarver of "MLB on FOX" broadcasts. There have also been occasions where Kornheiser or Wilbon, while on vacation or in another city to cover an event and not hosting the show, have been the subject of "Five Good Minutes" themselves.On Mondays during the football season, ESPN analyst
Ron Jaworski , a formerPhiladelphia Eagles quarterback (a.k.a. "Jaws" and "the Polish Rifle" - the latter usually rendered in aHoward Cosell -like voice), is usually the guest, to offer analysis of the previous day's games and a prediction for the "Monday Night Football " game that night.On rare occasions, "Five Good Minutes" runs long, such as on
June 8 ,2005 when NFL agentDrew Rosenhaus 's interview ran 11 minutes, forcing the cancellation of the following segment (Role Play), and onMarch 23 ,2007 when USC basketball coachTim Floyd 's interview ran 9 minutes as he talked aboutO. J. Mayo .egment 3 (various)
After "Five Good Minutes", or after extended "Headlines" if there is no guest, "PTI" uses a variety of different segments to talk about other sports news and make predictions. These featured segments often end with a
pop culture topic."Mail Time" and "Toss Up" are featured at least once for every full week of episodes. During Mail Time (in which Wilbon provides the voice of the mailbox) the hosts read and respond to viewer
e-mail that they take out of a talking mailbox. Early in "PTI' "s run, an intern named Josh read the mail to the hosts. When the show changed over to the talking mailbox, Wilbon would express disgust at the mail voice, demanding it be omitted. The mail read on air is no longer written by viewers, but rather staff of the show itself. For Toss Up, the two hosts choose between two sides of a topic announced by the producer over the loudspeaker, and Kornheiser always claims to be the winner.Other frequently used segments are "Odds Makers" and "Role Play". Odds Makers is featured weekly and involves the hosts giving their prediction in the form of a percentage about the likeliness of a future event occurring. Reali gives the topics and keeps track of responses on a
chalkboard , to which he refers at the end of the segment in order to declare a winner. A selection at either extreme of 100% or 0% is well-respected, with the latter being coined by Reali as "squadoosh". Role Play, featured in almost every week but less so than earlier in "PTI' "s run, is referred to as "Heads on Sticks" because the hosts alternate speaking as a sports figure with the person's picture on a stick in front of their faces. After a picture is used, it is usually stuck somewhere in the background of the set until it is replaced. Recently, the sexual nature of the title of this segment has been noticed, as a suggestive musical cue leads the segment as well as Kornheiser telling Wilbon on the first Role Play "Wilbon will give, I will receive"."Psychic Hotline" and "Good Cop, Bad Cop" are segments where the hosts take on different roles to discuss the given topics. The set is decorated with candles and a plasma lamp for Psychic Hotline, the latter of which a host will touch to hear the question in the form of a pre-recorded phone call. The question asks the hosts to predict what will happen in regards to an upcoming sporting event. Kornheiser wears a turban, in the style of Carnac the Magnificent, while Wilbon does not dress up at all. In Good Cop, Bad Cop, however, both hosts dress in police hats and sometimes sunglasses. This segment is featured rarely, and unlike Toss Up, the hosts must take an opposite stand on each topic, saying it is either good or bad.
"Over/Under" is a segment that alternated weeks with Odds Makers when they were first introduced, but is now featured occasionally. The hosts argue over whether a certain sports figure or team will go over or under a certain number (e.g. 40
home run s, 60 wins). Reali also announces the topics for this segment, holding cards up with the statistic, as well. In order to help prevent a "push" (a Wilbon trademark), a decimal figure is sometimes used (e.g 2.5 touchdowns). "Food Chain", where the hosts rank a top five list of teams, has fizzled out as a segment. Kornheiser and Wilbon usually have variations in their lists, with Wilbon posting his as each team is introduced. Wilbon refers to his as "A real man's board!", but when Kornheiser switches to his, he claims, "That's it! That's the list!" A third rare segment is "Fair or Foul". It was introduced onFebruary 28 ,2007 after the hosts began repeating the words "fair or foul" for a few episodes because a viewer email including them earlier in the week. The hosts discuss a variety of topics and decide if each is fair or foul (acceptable or not). If a host believes a topic is "foul", he could threw a yellow football penalty flag and/or blow a whistle.Additionally, during the early run of "PTI", a "Doctors" segment was featured rarely, in which the hosts had to choose which head to cut off and throw in the trash out of two that were stuck together. The hosts dressed up as doctors for this segment, using coats and assorted accessories. Finally, a "time-machine" game was played once in 2005 and never returned.
Another early segment was called "Love Em or Leave Em" where a female voice cooing "Ooo La-La!" was played before the hosts discussed an individual (whose head was on a stick) they were either "leaving" or "loving" and keeping on their side.
egment 4: Happy Happy Time, et al.
This segment usually starts with Kornheiser saying, "It's time to get happy." The hosts send out a "Happy Birthday", a "Happy Anniversary" (generally something that happened on the same date in the past rather than an anniversary), and a "Happy Trails" (a departure of some sort, such as a firing, injury, retirement, or death).
If time allows, Reali (nicknamed "Stat Boy") corrects any factual errors that Kornheiser and Wilbon may have made. Kornheiser and Wilbon give their recommendations for television viewing for the night as the last discussion segment of the show before "SportsCenter". Wilbon usually chooses a sporting event, while Kornheiser will often opt for pop-culture based programming; most notably, he is a huge fan of "
American Idol " and former fan of "24", which he says jumped the shark in Season 6. He rarely states that he will watch a sporting event, saying that they are on past his bedtime.This concludes the half-hour broadcast of the show, where Kornheiser bids farewell to Canadian viewers. The segment during "
SportsCenter " is not shown inCanada , where the program airs on TSN, so when Wilbon makes the toss toBristol, Connecticut , where ESPN's studios are located, Kornheiser usually says "Goodnight, Canada" while waving a small Canadian flag as Wilbon mentions the upcoming "SportsCenter" segment."SportsCenter" segment
July 25 ,2005 , the format of the show was altered to merge the final part of the show with the beginning of the 6:00 p.m. ET "SportsCenter ". After the opening segment of "SportsCenter" (normally 10-14 minutes), "PTI" returns to debate an additional sports-related topic, then end with The Big Finish where, for the final 60 seconds of the show, the hosts alternate making comments on several other stories, usually ending with Wilbon picking a winner in a sporting event later that night ("Who Ya Got?"). The segment (and show) ends with Kornheiser saying, "We're out of time, we'll try to do better the next time," and Wilbon saying "Same time tomorrow, knuckleheads." Kornheiser will wave the show logo (on a stick) in front of his face and whisper "PTI!" similar to the closing graphic as the show signs off, something he started doing during a period where the graphic was replaced by Wilbon plugging "SportsCenter". Prior to the institution of this segment, The Big Finish closed the show in the slot now used for TV picks; Wilbon and Kornheiser often had the additional debate as a part of "SC", but it was not treated as a formal part of "PTI".For the re-air on ESPNEWS, the show moves straight to the post-"SportsCenter" topic after the third commercial break, skipping segment 4. According to
Nielsen ratings, "PTI" paired with "Around the Horn " combined to average more viewers than "SportsCenter". [ [http://media.espn.com/ESPNToday/2007/Jan_07/2006BestYear.htm 2006: Best Year For All ESPN Networks] . (January 4 ,2007 ). ESPN Press Release.]During football season, Monday editions of "PTI" are taped in the "
Monday Night Football " host stadium and air in the former (30-minute) format, with no TV picks or "SportsCenter" segment.Running gags
The longevity and popularity of the show has led to numerous running jokes between Wilbon and Kornheiser that longtime viewers will recognize. Some of these include such gags as The Bald Brotherhood, (He's) Ya Boy, Beatdown!, Strugg-a-ling, The Yanks and the Sawks!, The Penguin Dance, Let Me Axe You Something, and The Trampoline Bear.
In addition, for the first 3½ years of the show, Kornheiser only hosted a few shows away from the studio, with Wilbon during the week of
Super Bowl XXXVI . Meanwhile, Wilbon has hosted many shows at the location of a sporting event he was attending. This has resulted in much teasing of Kornheiser by Wilbon, including Kornheiser's fear of flying. Finally, onMarch 27 ,2006 , Kornheiser for the first time hosted the show away from the studio while Wilbon remained back at the set, as Kornheiser was in Orlando,Florida , covering the NFL owners meetings. For the first time in November 2006, Kornheiser and Wilbon "chatted split-screen" from two different locations away from Washington, D.C.Beginning September 2, 2008 and for all shows except for those taped at the site of a Monday Night Football game, inserts of Kornheiser and Wilbon's discussion between commercial breaks starting airing for 15-20 seconds between the commercial breaks of the show. One can see the two hosts having their makeup fixed and discussing everything from whom one has recently met to inside jokes between the hosts.
Kornheiser and Wilbon in other media
The short-lived
CBS show "Listen Up " was based on the life ofTony Kornheiser . In it, the main characters Tony Kleinman (Jason Alexander ) and Bernie Widmer (Malcolm-Jamal Warner ) co-hosted an off-beat sports show titled "Listen Up!" [Levin, J. (2004, September 22). [http://www.slate.com/id/2107054/ Kornheiser, the Scrivener: What's with all the sportswriters on sitcoms?] . "Slate". RetrievedDecember 16 ,2006 .] On the day "Listen Up" debuted, Warner and Alexander appeared in character on PTI's intro.Kornheiser and Wilbon appeared as themselves on "PTI" in the 2004 film "
Mr. 3000 ", including doing a Role Play segment with Kornheiser posing as Stan Ross (Bernie Mac ) at one point.On
February 8 ,2006 , it was announced that Tony Kornheiser would joinMike Tirico andJoe Theismann in the broadcast booth duringMonday Night Football beginning in the 2006 NFL season. Kornheiser has continued to host PTI, and Wilbon joins him on the road as they broadcast PTI each Monday from the site of the MNF game, and there has also been an extra PTI segment inserted during halftime of ESPN's Monday Night games. In the months leading up to the 2006 NFL season, Kornheiser would often offer self-deprecating comments on the PTI show, saying that he'd be horrible for the MNF job or that he wished that certain people that are topics on the show would ride the bus with him to the game, as he has an admitted fear of flying. On theApril 6 ,2006 , edition of PTI, the same day that the upcoming NFL season's schedule was released, Kornheiser gave a humorous insight into how he felt about his upcoming travel schedule, sarcastically commenting about how there weren't any East Coast games on the schedule. He also took the time to apologize to fans inJacksonville, Florida , whose city Kornheiser described in his "Washington Post" column as having onlyWaffle House s, [Kornheiser, T. (2005, January 26). [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A36524-2005Jan25.html What's That Smell? Jacksonville] . "The Washington Post ", D01. RetrievedDecember 16 ,2006 .] since there was a Monday Night game in Jacksonville onSeptember 18 , the second week of the NFL season. Kornheiser recently said on the show that if at all possible, he would like to avoid traveling to the city of Seattle again since each time he has gone there, the weather has been atrocious (such as the downpour and wind that was constant in week 9 against Oakland and the snowstorm in week 12 against Green Bay)."PTI" will be featured on future
EA Sports video games due to the contract between ESPN and EA. The first game to have the feature is "NBA Live 07 " for theXbox 360 and thePlaystation 3 . [Gaudiosi, John. (2006, July 26). [http://www.businessweek.com/innovate/content/jul2006/id20060726_368499.htm?campaign_id=rss_null EA Heads to the Big Show] . "BusinessWeek ".]Beginning in
2007 , Wilbon appears weekly as an analyst for "GMCNBA Countdown " show Sundays on ABC.Wilbon is a frequent guest on Washington, D.C. radio station
WWWT 's "The Tony Kornheiser Show ".Guest hosts
When one of the normal hosts is sick or on vacation, they have a guest host, usually another prominent sportswriter. Typically, Kornheiser and Wilbon almost never appear together during the summer months of July and August, as
Major League Baseball is the only major sport in season and has barely gone past half season. The most frequently seen guest hosts are sportswritersDan Le Batard of "The Miami Herald ",Bob Ryan of "The Boston Globe " and J.A. Adande, formerly of the "Los Angeles Times ". Other guest hosts seen less often areJackie MacMullan andDan Shaughnessy of "The Boston Globe ",Jay Mariotti , formerly of the "Chicago Sun-Times ", andRick Reilly ofESPN .Many other guest hosts were used in the past, including
David Aldridge ,Skip Bayless ,Norman Chad ,Josh Elliott ,Max Kellerman ,Patrick McEnroe , Michael Smith,Stephen A. Smith ,Michele Tafoya , andMike Tirico of ESPN and sportswritersJason Whitlock of "The Kansas City Star " andDavid Dupree andJon Saraceno of "USA Today ". Kellerman stopped appearing on "PTI" when he started hosting "Around the Horn ". Whitlock was fired fromESPN.com and banned from appearing on ESPN after controversial remarks about some fellow ESPN employees.Kornheiser was absent more than usual during Summer 2006 for medical reasons. During a phone interview on the
August 15 ,2006 edition of "The Dan Patrick Show ", Kornheiser explained this absence in most of July by revealing that he was recovering from skin cancer surgery. [ [http://www.sptimes.com/2006/08/20/Sports/The_buzz.shtml The Buzz] . (August 20 ,2006 ). "St. Petersburg Times ". RetrievedDecember 16 ,2006 .]Other versions
Starting in the 2006 NFL season, Kornheiser and Wilbon began hosting "PTI" from the stadium that was hosting the "
Monday Night Football " game. The following season, they began staging a live 3-topic, 3-minute version of the show during halftime of the game.In
2004 , Crackerjack Television started producing anAustralia n version of the show, which airs weekly on the Australian ESPN channel and features former Australian Rules footballerSam Kekovich .ESPN Australia also broadcasts the American version of PTI editions before "SportsCenter"The
ESPN Deportes show "Cronómetro" (Spanish for "stopwatch ") is modeled after "PTI" and "Sports Reporters", in that it features personalities talking about sports subjects for a set amount of time. [ [http://www.multichannel.com/article/CA475682.html No Debate About ESPN Deportes Series] (October 27 ,2004 ). "Multichannel News". RetrievedDecember 16 ,2006 .] Unlike "PTI", there are four panelists instead of two, and segments such as Role Play are not used. Five Good Minutes is used as a discussion of one subject between the four analysts.ESPN Brasil also has a version of Cronómetro called "É Rapidinho" (rough translation from portuguese: "It's Fast").NESN , in partnership with "The Boston Globe ", premiered "Globe 10.0" in 2007, which airs at 5:30 p.m. every Tuesday. Hosted by "Globe" columnistBob Ryan and a rotating cast of other sports writers, the show has ten topics that the two writers debate for one and a half minutes, in the same format as "PTI" (Ryan himself frequently fills-in on "PTI" on nights when "Globe 10.0" doesn't air).On
March 25 ,2008 ,SportsNet New York premiered two new half-hour shows, "The Wheelhouse" and "Loud Mouths", which are similar to "PTI" and to each other, having two panelists debate sports topics. [cite news| url=http://weblogs.newsday.com/sports/watchdog/blog/2008/03/sny_offers_90_minutes_of_guys.html | title=SNY offers 90 minutes of guys yelling about sports | publisher="Newsday " | last=Best | first=Neil | date=2008-03-25 | accessdate=2008-03-25] "The Wheelhouse" has a moderator while "Loud Mouths" incorporates viewer calls and e-mails. These shows air every weekday at 5:30 and 6:00 p.m., respectively. [cite news| url=http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/more_sports/2008/03/23/2008-03-23_sny_raises_voice_profile_with_two_new_sh.html | title=SNY raises voice, profile with two new shows that debut Monday | publisher="Daily News" | last=Raissman | first=Bob | date=2008-03-24 | accessdate=2008-03-25]References
External links
* [http://espn.go.com/eoe/pti.html Official Site]
* [http://espnradio.espn.go.com/espnradio/podcast/index Podcasts] fromESPN.com
* [http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/players/profile?statsId=3094 PTI Video on ESPN Video Archive]
* [http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/PardontheInterruption/ Internet group for "PTI"] , featuring daily write-ups of every show of 2006
* [http://crackerjack.com.au/pti.html Australian "Pardon the Interruption"]
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