Phoebe (bird)

Phoebe (bird)

name = Phoebes

image_caption = Black Phoebe, "Sayornis nigricans"
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Passeriformes
familia = Tyrranidae
genus = "Sayornis"
genus_authority = Bonaparte, 1854
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = See text.

The genus "Sayornis" is a small group of medium-sized insect-eating birds in the Tyrant flycatcher family "Tyrranidae" native to North and South America.

They prefer semi-open or open areas. These birds wait on a perch and then catch insects in flight, also sometimes picking them up from the ground. Their nest is an open cup sometimes placed on man-made structures.

They often slowly lower and raise their tails while perched.

The full list of species is:
* Eastern Phoebe, "Sayornis phoebe"
* Black Phoebe, "Sayornis nigricans"
* Say's Phoebe, "Sayornis saya"

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