The Shak

The Shak

For the 2009 Sequel/Spinoff Series See: The Shak At Home

The Shak
The Shak Logo.jpg
The Shak Logo
Format Comedy-Educational-Kids
Starring Drew Jarvis
Beau Walker
Kendal Nagorcka
Jacqueline Duncan
Country of origin Australia
No. of seasons 7
Running time 30 Minutes (including commercials)
Original channel Nine Network
Original run 27th March 200617th April 2009
External links

The Shak is an Australian children's television program broadcast on the Nine Network. Its four hosts, Curio (Drew Jarvis), Nitro (Beau Walker), Picasso (Kendal Nagorcka) and Eco (Jacqueline Duncan) answer viewer questions, queries, dares and challenges in an entertaining and educational manner.[1] Each host's name relates to their personality and the type of stories they present. Viewers send questions and suggestions to the presenters via the shows website.[2][3]



The series is filmed, for the main part, at a studio resembling a large shed or shack, decorated with all manner of objects. The presenters arrive via a prop of a wave, and exit through a door on the other side of the shack. They are known as 'Shaksters', as are the viewers.[4]Other filming is done at various attractions and locations on the Gold Coast where the Shak is set, with Dreamworld being a regular filming spot.

In 2006, the filming was done at Sea World but since early 2007, filming has been done at Whitewater World theme park. This was explained via an explosion made by Curio, which resulted in the Shaksters moving.[5]and the opening titles were fully animated however in 2007 it was changed to a mix of Live action and animation.


The show was ended in mid-2008 so it could make way for the Spinoff/Sequel The Shak At Home which now has Curio, Nitro and Picasso living in a share house. The spinoff/sequel was ended on the 13th of January 2010[6]

Series summaries

Series 1 - Series 1 started off in 2006 airing on 4:00 weekdays, It replaced Hot Source. The opening was entirely cartoon animated and had the whole original cast which included Eco, Curio, Nitro And Picasso. The show was not very popular, but soon gain a steady audience.

Series 2 - Series 2 aired in early 2007. This series had a lot more comedy and entertaining segments with Drew Jarvis showing his talent with his alter egos. This Series had an audience boost and was better received by audiences.

Series 3 - series 3 aired in late 2007.

Series 4 - Series 4 aired in January-March 2008.

Series 5 - Series 5 was Shown in 2008 with a number of guests, Such as Bert Newton as Curios Grandfather and a number of Athletes, Dancers and people associated with the themes. All of the cast returned for this series.

Series 6 - Series 6 was show in november-December 2008.

Series 7 - Series 7 was shown in early 2009 and was the last series of the original format so far, it was called the best series so far by audiences. It was the highest rating series at that time. This was Ecos (Jacqueline Duncan) last series.


Series 1  
Series 2  
Series 3-5  
Series 6-7  


External links

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