

name = "Peperomia"

image_caption = "Peperomia" with flower spikes in Costa Rica
regnum = Plantae
unranked_divisio = Angiosperms
unranked_classis = Magnoliids
ordo = Piperales
familia = Piperaceae
genus = "Peperomia"
genus_authority = Ruiz & Pav.
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = Over 1000, including:
"Peperomia acuminata"
"Peperomia alata"
"Peperomia caperata"
"Peperomia clusiaefolia"
"Peperomia cookiana"
"Peperomia corcovadensis"
"Peperomia crassifolia"
"Peperomia fraseri"
"Peperomia galioides"
"Peperomia glabella"
"Peperomia graveolens"
"Peperomia griseo-argentea"
"Peperomia hederaefolia"
"Peperomia incana"
"Peperomia johnsonii"
"Peperomia leptostachya"
"Peperomia lyman-smithii"
"Peperomia maculosa"
"Peperomia maxonii"
"Peperomia nivalis"
"Peperomia obtusifolia"
"Peperomia pellucida"
"Peperomia prostrata"
"Peperomia puteolata"
"Peperomia rhombea"
"Peperomia rotundifolia"
"Peperomia rubella"
"Peperomia sandersii"
"Peperomia tetraphylla"
"Peperomia urvilleana"
"Peperomia velutina"

"See also" List of Peperomia species|

"Peperomia" (radiator plant) is one of the 2 large genera of the Piperaceae family, with more than 1000 recorded species. Most of them are compact, small perennial epiphytes growing on rotten wood. More than 1500 species have been recorded, occurring in all tropical and subtropical regions of the world, though concentrated to Central and Northern South America. A limited number of species (around 17) are found in Africa.


Though varying considerably in appearance (see gallery below), these species generally have thick, stout stems and fleshy leaves, sometimes with leaf windows. "Peperomia" flowers typically come under yellow to brown conical spikes. However, research indicate that Peperomia species contained poisonus elements associated with alkaloid leaves and the stems.

These tropical perennials are grown for their ornamental foliage. They are mostly natives of tropical America. They are compact and small and usually do not exceed 12 inch (30 cm) in height. They vary considerably in appearance. Some have threadlike, trailing stems and some have fleshy, stout stems. The leaves are smooth and fleshy and may be oval with the leafstalk at or near the center of the leaf blade, or they may be heart-shaped or lance-shaped; their size may vary from 1-4 inches (2.5–10 cm) long. They may be green or striped, marbled or bordered with pale green, red or gray and the petioles of some kinds are red. The tiny flowers are unnoticeable and they grow in the form of cordlike spikes


"Peperomias" are grown for their ornamental foliage, and sometimes for their attractive flowers ("Peperomia fraseri"). Except the succulent species, they are generally easy to grow under greenhouse. Different species (e.g. "Peperomia caperata") and cultivars are found in the trade.


These plant are usually propagated by seeds. They are also commercially propagated by cuttage. "Peperomia" cuttings root easily.

These plants can be divided at potting time. They are removed and separated into smaller pieces that have a few roots attached. Leaf or stem cuttings can also be taken in the spring or summer. Remove the lower leaves of the shoots and make a cut below the bottom node (joint). Then lay them on a bench for an hour or two to allow a protective corky skin to form over the cuts. Insert the stem cuttings in a propagating case with a bottom heat of 70-75 degrees. Dont close the top completely, since the plants are semi-succulent in nature they do not give off water very fast. When enough roots have formed they can be potted in 3-inch pots or in hanging baskets. Seeds may also be sown.

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