
The Donaukanal and its gently sloping banks (Details)
Summer in the city
The Döblinger Steg bridge over the Donaukanal

The Donaukanal ("Danube Canal")[1] is a former arm of the river Danube, now regulated as a water channel (since 1598), within the city of Vienna, Austria . It is 17.3 km (10.7 mi) long.[1] The Donaukanal bifurcates from the main river in Döbling and joins it again in Simmering, thus creating an island which holds 2 of the 23 districts of Vienna: Brigittenau (20th District) and Leopoldstadt (2nd District).


As opposed to the Danube itself, the Donaukanal borders Vienna's city centre, Innere Stadt, where the Wien River (Wienfluss) flows into it.

The paths on both sides of the Donaukanal are regularly used by joggers, cyclists and skaters. Recently, there have been successful attempts during the summer months at turning the place into a more attractive recreational area (summer stages, flea markets, cafés, etc.). Boat rides circling Leopoldstadt and Brigittenau start at Schwedenplatz.

Because in German, the name Kanal, which has been used since about 1700, evokes associations of an open sewer, attempts at renaming the Donaukanal have been made (one suggestion was Kleine DonauLittle Danube) but have not met with success.


The name "Donaukanal" ("Danube Canal"), has been used since 1686,[1] for the southern tributary of the River Danube in Vienna. Originally a natural tributary, during 1598-1600, it was regulated for the first time by Baron von Hoyos.[1] In the 19th century, it was modified to ward off floods and drift ice. The former tributary branches off the main stream of the Danube near Nußdorf (lock) and rejoins the main stream just upstream of the "Praterspitz" (at the Prater park).[1] Compared to the main branch of the Danube (in northeast Vienna), the Donaukanal flows further south into the center of Vienna, and it is much more part of the city of Vienna than the main river:[1] 15 road bridges and 5 train bridges cross the Donaukanal. In the early 1990s, work started in the southern section of the Donaukanal (between the 2nd and 3rd districts) to create a recreation area along its banks.[1]

Cultural influences

The banks of the Donaukanal were immortalized by Heinz Conrads in his song "A schräge Wiesn" ("A Sloping Lawn"; later covered by Willi Resetarits and Rainhard Fendrich), where the hero, Franz, chooses not to go on holiday. Instead, he spends his spare time napping on the grassy slopes next to the Donaukanal.


  1. ^ a b c d e f g "Donaukanal", aeiou Encyclopedia (see below: References).


  • "Donaukanal" (article), aeiou Encyclopedia, 2008, webpage (see below: External links).

External links

Coordinates: 48°12′47″N 16°22′31″E / 48.21306°N 16.37528°E / 48.21306; 16.37528

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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