- Environment of Belgium
The environment of Belgium is affected by the high population density in most of the country. Water quality suffers from a relatively low percentage of sewage wastewater treatment and from historical pollution accumulated in sediments. Air quality is affected by emissions from traffic and house heating. Biodiversity is low due to destruction and fragmentation of habitats. In the
Pilot 2006 Environmental Performance Index ,Belgium was ranked lowest of the EU member countries for overall environmental performance. [ [http://www.yale.edu/epi/2006EPI_Report_Full.pdf Pilot 2006 Environmental Performance Index] - Yale Center for Environmental Law & Policy and Columbia University Center for International Earth Science Information Network] .Since the 1993 State Reform, the environment is a regional responsibility, with the Flemish, Walloon and
Brussels-Capital Region s responsible for environmental matters in their respective territories. This has led to differences in legislation and separation of measurements and publication of statistics.Air
In Flanders, emission of non-methane-VOC has decreased from 200 kton in 1990 to around 100 kton in 2006, due to lower emissions from transport and industry. These two however remain the most important VOC polluterscite book
title = MIRA-T 2007 Indicatorraport
last = Marleen Van Steertegem (eindred.)
year = 2007
publisher = Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij
location = Aalst
url = http://www.milieurapport.be/Default.aspx?PageID=628&Culture=nl] .Particulate matter emissions and environmental concentrations have decreased since 1995, but little improvement is visible since 2000.European Union targets for average dailyPM10 concentrations in 2005 have not been met and a significant increase was seen in 2006 compared to 2005. The problem is mostly situated in cities and industrial areas.Total acidifying emissions have decreased rapidly since 1990, but NOx still remains a problem. Half of NOx emissions are due to transport.
Photochemical air pollution remains a problem. On hot summer days, ozone levels frequently surpass EU targets. In 2006, the average was 6970 ug/m3 while the EU target is 5800 ug/m3.
Greenhouse gas emissions have fallen from 90 Mton CO2-eq in 2003 to 85 Mton CO2-eq in 2006. The
Kyoto target for Flanders is 82.5 Mton during the period 2008-2012.Water
*Organic load
*Biotic qualityoil
*Polluted grounds
*Noise hinder
Following the approach of the
Netherlands , a [http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belgische_Rode_lijst_(planten) Red List] was created for Belgium.Protected areas
The pan-European ecological network
Natura 2000 covers 428908 hectares in Belgium, representing 12.6% of the land area and 12% of the territorial waters. [cite web |url=http://www.biodiv.be/implementation/protected_areas/ |title=Protected areas |publisher=Convention on Biological Diversity - Belgian Clearing House Mechanism |accessdate=2008-06-20]Hoge Kempen National Park , the firstnational park in Belgium, was opened in 2006. [cite web |url=http://www.countdown2010.net/article/first-national-park-opened-milestone-for-belgiums-countdown-2010 |title=First National Park opened – Milestone for Belgium’s Countdown 2010 |publisher=countdown2010 |date=2006-03-23 |accessdate=2008-09-18]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.