care for — verb 1. have a liking, fondness, or taste (for) (Freq. 4) • Hypernyms: ↑like • Verb Frames: Somebody s something Somebody s VERB ing 2. be fond of; be attached to … Useful english dictionary
Foot and ankle surgery — is a sub specialty of orthopedics and podiatry that deals with the treatment, diagnosis and prevention of disorders of the foot and ankle. The typical training of an orthopedic foot and ankle surgeon consist of four years of college, four years… … Wikipedia
Foot binding — A pair of shoes for bound feet … Wikipedia
Foot the bill — The idiom foot the bill means basically :1. to pay all the costs for something (We ended up having to foot the bill for a new roof because our insurance didn t cover storm damage.) [ The Free… … Wikipedia
care — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) I v. i. like, have affection (for). See care, pity, feeling. II Solicitude Nouns 1. (concern) care, concern, consideration, solicitude, anxiety, heed, heedfulness; conscientiousness, watchfulness,… … English dictionary for students
Foot health practitioner — A foot health practitioner (FHP) undertakes all of the routine work necessary to deliver and maintain the health of the foot. This includes assessment and care of the diabetic foot, nail trimming and correction, skin conditions and their… … Wikipedia
foot doctor — noun a specialist in care for the feet • Syn: ↑chiropodist, ↑podiatrist • Derivationally related forms: ↑podiatry (for: ↑podiatrist), ↑chiropody (for: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Diabetic foot ulcer — is one of the major complications of diabetes mellitus, and probably the major component of the diabetic foot. It occurs in 15% of all patients with diabetes and precedes 84% of all lower leg amputations.[1] Major increase in mortality among… … Wikipedia
Health care provider — A health care provider is an individual or an institution that provides preventive, curative, promotional or rehabilitative health care services in a systematic way to individuals, families or communities. An individual health care provider (also … Wikipedia
Ankle-foot orthosis — (abbreviated: AFO) is a brace, usually plastic, worn on the lower leg and foot to support the ankle, hold the foot and ankle in the correct position, and correct foot drop. Also known as a foot drop brace.AFOs are commonly used in the treatment… … Wikipedia