Henry Waxman

Henry Waxman

name =Henry Waxman

date of birth= birth date and age|1939|09|12
place of birth= Los Angeles, California
state = California
district = 30th
term_start = January 14, 1975
preceded = John H. Rousselot
succeeded = Incumbent
party = Democrat
religion = Judaism
spouse = Janet Kessler Waxman
residence = Los Angeles, California

Henry Arnold Waxman (born September 12, 1939 in Los Angeles, California) is an American politician. He has represented ushr|California|30| ( [http://nationalatlas.gov/printable/images/preview/congdist/ca30_109.gifmap] ) in the U.S. House of Representatives since 1975. Waxman, a Democrat, is considered to be one of the most influential liberal members of Congress. He serves the cities of West Hollywood, Santa Monica and Beverly Hills, and parts of the city of Los Angeles. Before his election to Congress, he served six years in the California State Assembly.

With the Democrats' victory in the 2006 midterm elections, Waxman became chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, the principal investigative committee of the House. He was the committee's ranking Democrat from 1997 to 2007.

Early life and private career

Waxman attended college at UCLA, earning a bachelor's degree in political science in 1961 and a degree from UCLA's law school in 1964. After graduating, he worked as a lawyer. He was elected to the California Assembly in 1969 and served six years, until his election to Congress in 1975.

Before the Democrats lost control of the House of Representatives in 1995, Waxman was a powerful figure in the House as chair of the Energy and Commerce Committee's Subcommittee on Health and the Environment from 1979. In this role he conducted investigations into a range of health and environmental issues, including universal health insurance, Medicare and Medicaid coverage, AIDS and air and water pollution.

According to his Web site, Waxman's legislative priorities are health and environmental issues. These include universal health insurance, Medicare and Medicaid coverage, tobacco, AIDS, air and water quality standards, pesticides, nursing home quality standards, women's health research and reproductive rights, the availability and cost of prescription drugs, and the right of communities to know about pollution levels.

Waxman and his wife, the former Janet Kessler, have a son, a daughter, and four grandchildren.

Committee assignments

*Committee on Oversight and Government Reform (Chairman)
*Committee on Energy and Commerce
**Subcommittee on Health
**Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality
**Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations

The Oversight Committee

Waxman had a reputation for a vigorous approach to oversight long before becoming ranking Democrat on what was known as the Government Reform Committee in 1997. He was well known for insisting that witnesses appearing before his subcommittee testify under oath, thus exposing them to perjury charges if they didn't tell the truth. For example, in 1994, he forced the chief executives of the seven major tobacco companies to swear under oath that nicotine was not addictive.

In 1998, he created a "Special Investigations Division" to investigate matters that he felt the full committee had neglected. This was possible because the committee has broad powers to investigate any matter with federal policy implications, even if another committee has jurisdiction over it. [ [http://web.archive.org/web/20051215014917/www.democrats.reform.house.gov/investigations.asp Special Investigations ] ] He has also harshly criticized the Republicans for ignoring their "constitutional responsibility" to conduct oversight over the government. [ [http://web.archive.org/web/20051226041215/reform.democrats.house.gov/story.asp?id=706 Committee on Government Reform Minority Office ] ] .

On the day after the 2006 elections, Waxman directed his aides to draw up an "oversight plan" for the panel. He had already let it be known that he wanted to investigate Halliburton, as well as its alleged malfeasance related to government contracts in Iraq. It is very likely that he could also investigate the numerous scandals surrounding Jack Abramoff. This led to concerns among Democratic aides that the Government Reform Committee under Waxman would stage a repeat of the committee's performance under the Clinton administration, when it issued over 1,000 subpoenas.Fact|date=March 2007 However, Waxman told "Newsweek" that he is interested in accountability and not retaliation. [ [http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15675859/site/newsweek/page/3/ DemocratsChallenge: Stay in the Center - Newsweek National News - MSNBC.com ] ] . Despite this behavior, Waxman has refused to allow whistleblower Sibel Edmonds to testify on various issues involving alleged crimes and cover-ups of the US government [ [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZIji9d2rrI YouTube - Henry Waxman finally speaks out on Sibel Edmonds Case! ] ] [ [http://www.dailykos.com/story/2007/8/9/9176/77809 Daily Kos: Henry Waxman finally speaks out on Sibel Edmonds Case! ] ] .

On March 16, 2004, at Waxman's request, the Committee on Government Reform Minority Office published "Iraq on the Record, the Bush Administration's Public Statements on Iraq" [ [http://oversight.house.gov/IraqOnTheRecord Iraq on the Record ] ] a detailed and searchable collection of 237 specific misleading statements made by Bush Administration officials about the threat posed by Iraq. It contains statements that were misleading based on what was known to the Administration at the time the statements were made. It does not include statements that appear mistaken only in hindsight. If a statement was an accurate reflection of U.S. intelligence at the time it was made, it was excluded even if it now appears erroneous.

On January 4, Waxman changed the committee's name to the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, or the Oversight Committee for short.

Waxman and the Red Line

In 1985, Waxman sponsored a bill supported by affluent homeowners groups in his district to ban federal funding for the Red Line subway in response to a methane gas explosion in the Fairfax District. In 2005, a robust real estate market, multi-dwelling construction boom, and lack of public mass transit planning on the westside caused by Waxman's bill resulted in gridlock throughout Waxman's district. [http://www.laweekly.com/news/news/red-line-to-somewhere/881/ Christine Pelisek, Red Line to Somewhere, LA Weekly, 3 March 2005] At the request of Los Angeles Mayor and LACMTA Board President Antonio Villaraigosa, Waxman agreed to lift the ban if a panel of five engineers found tunneling under the Miracle Mile stretch of Wilshire Boulevard to be safe. In October 2005, the panel decided that tunneling was possible, and on December 16, Waxman responded by announcing he would introduce a bill to the U.S. House that would lift the ban on federal money for subway tunneling in the district. This bill passed the House via unanimous vote on September 20, 2006. [cite web|url= http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2006/09/20/state/n171847D35.DTL&type=politics |work=San Francisco Chronicle|title=In boost to LA subway extension, House lifts tunneling ban]

Waxman maintains that the 1985 bill was sponsored in the interest of public safety and not, as some allege, to hinder access of the working classes in South and East Los Angeles to his affluent district. In a letter to the "Los Angeles Times", Waxman cites the 2005 study: "The panel concurred as well that in 1985, the decision to hold further tunneling in abeyance was prudent, given the circumstances and extent of information and technology at that time. Much has changed since then to significantly improve tunneling and operation safety." [cite web|url= http://www.latimes.com/news/printedition/opinion/la-le-tuesday3.1jan03,1,2281424.story?ctrack=1&cset=true |archiveurl= http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/latimes/access/953695751.html?dids=953695751&FMT=ABS&FMTS=FT |archivedate=2006-01-03|title=The facts about Red Line safety|author=Henry Waxman|date= 2006-01-03|work=Los Angeles Times]

Jewish identity and politics

Waxman is proud of his "strong Jewish identity" and has drawn political conclusions from his exploration of the religion. "Judaism is about acting and doing the right thing, not simply believing in it or mindlessly following ritual", he said in a speech presented by the University of Southern California's Casden Institute for the Study of the Jewish Role in American Life.cite news
first = Gretchen
last = Meier
url = http://www.dailytrojan.com/media/storage/paper679/news/2006/04/24/News/Congressman.Lambastes.Bush.Republicans.On.Ethical.Issues-1866412.shtml
publisher = Daily Trojan
title = Congressman lambastes Bush, Republicans on ethical issues
date = 2006-04-24
accessdate = 2006-12-15
] Waxman said he applies Jewish ethical values to his congressional service. He further said that the "Jewish values" of "human rights, social justice, and equal opportunities ... are synonymous with American values," and that such values "are in my opinion closer to a Democratic position." Saying it suffers from "a culture of corruption" and "has become obsessed with secrecy," he accused the American government of having abandoned these values. "(The) Republican leadership ignores presidential rules and norms and has no consideration for custom," he said.


Waxman's district includes the complete cities of Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Agoura Hills, Calabasas, Hidden Hills, Malibu, West Hollywood, and Westlake Village as well as such areas of Los Angeles as West Los Angeles, Beverly-Fairfax, Pacific Palisades, Brentwood, Beverlywood, Topanga, Chatsworth, Westwood and Woodland Hills.

See also

* Hatch-Waxman Act
* Safe Climate Act
* Politicization of science for a brief discussion of Waxman's work on the subject
* Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 for Waxman's take on whether that bill became law or not


External links

* [http://www.waxman.house.gov/ U.S. Congressman Henry Waxman] official House site
* [http://herndon1.sdrdc.com/cgi-bin/can_detail/H6CA24048 Federal Election CommissionHenry A. Waxman] campaign finance reports and data
* [http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/w/henry_a_waxman/index.html "New York Times" — Topics: Henry A. Waxman] collected news and commentary
* [http://www.ontheissues.org/CA/Henry_Waxman.htm On the IssuesHenry Waxman] issue positions and quotes
* [http://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/summary.asp?CID=N00001861 OpenSecrets.orgHenry A. Waxman] campaign contributions
* [http://www.vote-smart.org/bio.php?can_id=H0400103 Project Vote SmartRepresentative Henry A. Waxman (CA)] profile
* [http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Henry_A._Waxman SourceWatch CongresspediaHenry A. Waxman] profile
* [http://projects.washingtonpost.com/congress/members/w000215/ "Washington Post" — Congress Votes Database: Henry Waxman] voting record
* [http://oversight.house.gov/ Committee on Oversight and Government Reform] Henry A. Waxman, Chairman
* [http://www.democraticcommitment.com The Democratic Commitment] Henry A. Waxman, Honorary ChairmanArticles
* [http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1562974,00.html The Scariest Guy in Washington] Karen Tumulty, "Time", November 27, 2006
* [http://www.rawstory.com/news/2006/Congressman_writes_White_House_Did_President_0315.html Congressman writes White House: Did President knowingly sign law that didn't pass?] , "The Raw Story", March 15, 2006
* [http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rep-henry-waxman/on-chalabi-congress-and_b_10549.html On Chalabi, Congress, and Getting Back to Work] Rep. Henry Waxman, "Huffington Post", November 12, 2005
* [http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=05/07/12/1411222 Rep. Henry Waxman on Karl Rove: "The President Said He Would Fire Anybody He Found Responsible"] , "Democracy Now", July 12, 2005
* [http://www.laweekly.com/ink/05/15/news-pelisek.php Red Line to Somewhere] Christine Pelisek, "LA Weekly", Thursday, March 3, 2005, interview on subway proposal
* [http://www.thenation.com/doc/20050214/corn/ Waxman: Democrats' Eliot Ness] David Corn, "The Nation", January 27, 2005
* [http://www.buzzflash.com/interviews/2002/01/Congressman_Waxman_013102.html BuzzFlash Interviews Congressman Henry Waxman] January 31, 2002
* [http://www.buzzflash.com/interviews/2001/12/Henry_Waxman_122401.html BuzzFlash Interviews Congressman Henry Waxman] December 24, 2001
* [http://www.robertscheer.com/1_natcolumn/93_columns/101093.htm Los Angeles Times Interview: Henry Waxman] Robert Scheer. "LA Times", October 10, 1993

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