- Emsam
Emsam (selegiline transdermal system) is a
transdermal patch using themonoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI)selegiline . Selegiline, in small doses, is most commonly used in the treatment ofParkinson's disease . It is also effective in higher doses for the treatment of major depressive disorder.cite journal
author=Patkar AA, Pae CU
title=Transdermal selegiline: the new generation of monoamine oxidase inhibitors
journal=CNS Spectrum
month=May | year=2006
pmid=16641841] On February 28, 2006 theFDA approved EMSAM for the treatment of major depression.cite journal
author=Cruzan, Suzanne
date=28 February 2006
title=FDA Approves EMSAM (Selegiline) as First Drug Patch for Depression |journal=U.S. Food and Drug Administration, FDA News |volume=P06-31 | [http://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/NEWS/2006/NEW01326.html] ] cite journal |author=Andrew Bridges, Associated Press
date=March 1 ,2006
title=Skin Patch for Mood Disorders Approved
journal=The Boston Globe |http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2006/03/01/skin_patch_for_mood_disorders_approved/] cite journal
date=6 March 2006
title=FDA Approves EMSAM(R) (selegiline Transdermal System), The First Transdermal Patch For The Treatment Of Major Depressive Disorder
journal=Medical News Today
[http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/38883.php] ]Inception & Development
Emsam's development was spearheaded by J. Alexander Bodkin, M.D. [cite web
title=Alexander J. Bodkin, M.D.
accessdate=2007-09-08] , Director of the Clinical Psychopharmacology Research Program atMcLean Hospital in Belmont MA, in conjunction withHarvard Medical School . [http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/38883.php FDA Approves EMSAM(R) (selegiline Transdermal System), The First Transdermal Patch For The Treatment Of Major Depressive Disorder ] ] [cite journal
author=Frampton JE, Plosker GL
year=2007 |title=Selegiline transdermal system: in the treatment of major depressive disorder
pages=257–67, discussion 266-7
pmid=17284087] cite journal
author=Tong TG, Saklad SR
title=What foods you should avoid on MAOIs (MAO-I's Dietary Restrictions)
[http://deoxy.org/maoidiet.htm] ] [cite web
title=Bodkin is Patching up Depression
author=William J. Cromie
journal=Harvard University Gazette
accessdate=2007-09-08] Currently, it is the onlyMAOI on the market used in the treatment of depression that is absorbed through the skin into the blood stream and thereby to thecentral nervous system .The patch "is a matrix containing three layers consisting of a backing, an... adhesive drug layer, and a release liner that is placed against the skin." The primary advantage of delivering selegiline in this manner is to bypass the gastrointestinal tract and liver, specifically the small intestine, thereby limiting the chance of hypertensive crisis (very high spike in blood pressure possibly leading to stroke).cite web
title=Hypertensive Crisis
accessdate=2007-09-15] cite journal
author=Rapaport MH
title=Dietary restrictions and drug interactions with monoamine oxidase inhibitors: the state of the art
journal=Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
pmid=17640157]"Despite long-standing concerns over hypertensive reactions,... (MAOIs) have grown in popularity... (and) the risk of hypertensive episodes is less than 1%."cite journal
author=Lavin MR, Mendelowitz A, Kronig MH
date=August 1 ,1993
title=Spontaneous hypertensive reactions with monoamine oxidase inhibitors
journal=Biological Pysychiatry
pmid=8399806]Food Intake Restrictions
The dietary problem was first discovered by a
neurologist whose wife was taking an MAO inhibitor. After eating hard cheese, which is rich intyramine , she would get severe headaches; thus, her husband's discovery of these spikes in blood pressure. For this reason, the crisis is still called the "cheese syndrome ", even though other foods can cause the same problem.When an MAOI is taken orally, and an individual ingests such
tyramine rich foods, the body can not properly regulate the additional tyramine. Therefore, dietary modifications are necessary.Foods containing considerable amounts of tyramine include: air dried, aged and fermented meats, sausages and salamis;pickled herring ; any spoiled or improperly stored meat, poultry and fish; spoiled or improperly stored animal livers; broad bean pods (fava bean s); alltap beer s, and other beers that have not been pasteurized; concentrated yeast extract (such asMarmite ); most soybean products (includingsoy sauce andtofu ); aged cheeses (notprocessed cheese );sauerkraut ; andover-the-counter supplements containingtyramine . [http://deoxy.org/maoidiet.htm What foods you should avoid on MAOIs ] ] cite journal
journal=Bristol-Myers Squibb
month=June | year=2007
title=Continuous Delivery for Once-Daily Application
page=1-8 http://www.bms.com/cgi-bin/anybin.pl?sql=PI_SEQ=112
accessdate=2007-09-14] [cite journal |author=Walker SE, Shulman KI, Tailor SA, Gardner D |date=1996 October |title=Tyramine content of previously restricted foods in monoamine oxidase inhibitor diets |journal= Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacoly |volume=16 |issue=5 |pages=383–8 |pmid=8889911] [cite journal |author=Feinberg SS, Holzer B |month=June | year=1997 |title=Feinberg SS, Holzer B |journal=Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology |volume=17 |issue=3 |pmid=9169971] [cite journal |author=Wing YK, Chen CN |month=June | year=1997 |title=Wing YK, Chen CN |journal=Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology |volume=17 |issue=3 |page=227-8 |pmid=9169972]Emsam Advantages
Due mainly to the availability of the newer
SSRI s andSNRI s, which are viewed to have more medically benign side effects in the treatment of depression, psychopharmacologists andpsychiatrist s have avoided prescribing MAOIs [cite journal
author=Fiedorowicz JG, Swartz KL
month=July | year=2004
title=The role of monoamine oxidase inhibitors in current psychiatric practice
journal=Journal of Psychiatric Practice
pmid=15552546] [cite journal
author=Krishnan KR
title=Revisiting monoamine oxidase inhibitors
journal= Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
pmid=17640156] because of the possibility of hypertensive crisis. With Emsam, taken at the lowest dose of 6 mg every 24 hours, no dietary modifications are required by theFDA , and the chance of such a side effect due to diet is eliminated. [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed&Cmd=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch=17284087&ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVAbstractPlus Selegiline transdermal system: in the treatment of... Drugs. 2007 - PubMed Result]In addition to the lack of dietary restrictions at the 6mg/24h dose, Emsam offers another benefit. It is a continuous delivery system, keeping the medication at a steady level in the body over time, although there is no evidence that this makes a difference in terms of the efficacy or side effects of this medication. [cite journal |author=Patkar AA, Pae CU, Zarzar M |month=June | year=2007 |title=Transdermal selegiline |journa=Drugs Today (Barcelona, Spain) |volume=43 |issue=6 |page=361-77 |pmid=17612708] Generally, oral medication can not keep a steady dose in the blood stream.
Emsam is also valuable in the treatment of depression that is not alleviated by the more commonly used selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), dual serotonin and norepinephrine reupatake inhibitors (SNRIs) and tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs).
Somewhat surprisingly, clinical trials done with MAOIs do not find that they are more effective than other antidepressants when they are tested in large groups of people. However, for certain individuals, especially individuals who have not done well on other antidepressants, an MAOI may be best. MAOIs are thought to be particularly effective in what has been called "atypical" depression. Atypical depressions are characterized by an increased need for sleep, increased appetite, and increased severity of depressive symptoms towards the end of the day.
The patch is changed once daily. There may be a reaction to the
adhesive on the skin at the site of application. [cite journal |author=Frampton JE, Plosker GL |year=2007 |title=Selegiline transdermal system: in the treatment of major depressive disorder |journal=Drugs |volume=67 |issue=12 |page=257-65, discussion 266-7 |pmid=17284087] Patients are encouraged to use an adhesive remover: usuallymineral oil ,Vaseline or anover-the-counter product such as dermatology recommended TRIAD brand adhesive tape remover pads. A new patch is placed on a different site. The combination of adhesive remover, and placing each patch on a new area of skin, is to discourage any dermatological reason for discontinuance of the patch.Using
rubbing alcohol orhydrogen peroxide to clean the skin of oils and dirt before applying a patch can increase the likelihood of proper attachment for the duration of each 24 hour period. Immediately after applying a patch it can be helpful to use the pressure and body heat of the palm of the hand to enhance proper adhesive contact.All of the dietary restrictions are currently required by the
FDA , as a precaution, at the higher 9 mg/24h and 12 mg/24h doses of Emsam. [cite journal |author=Feiger AD, Rickels K, Rynn MA, Zimbroff DL, Robinson DS |month=September | year=2006 |title=Selegiline transdermal system for the treatment of major depressive disorder: an 8-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled, flexible-dose titration trial |journal=Journal of Clinical Psychiatry |volume=67 |issue=9 |pmid=17017821]Medication Interactions
Over-the-counter items that can not be used while on Emsam include:St. John's Wort ; products containingdextromethorphan such as cough and cold preparations;decongestant medicines; and diet pills or herbal weight loss products.Caffeine andchocolate can only be consumed in small amounts.There are prescription medications that can not be taken while using Emsam, and for 2 weeks after stopping Emsam. Some medications must not be taken for 1 week (or more) before an individual can start using Emsam.
Medications that can not be taken because they can cause
serotonin syndrome [cite web
title=Serotonin Syndrome
accessdate=2007-09-15] include: (SSRIs), (SNRIs), (TCAs), other MAOIs, mirtazapine, bupropion, meperidine, analgesics such as tramadol, methadone, propoxyphene, cyclobezaprine and oral selegiline.The use of Emsam is contraindicated for use with sympathomimetic amines, including amphetamines as well as cold products and weight-reducing preparations that contain vasoconstrictors (e.g., pseudoephedrine, phenylephrine, phenylpropanolamine, and ephedrine). Carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine are also contraindicated.
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