

name = "Canis"
fossil_range =miocene (9.0 Ma) to recent []

image_width = 200px
image_caption = Gray Wolf, "Canis lupus"
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Mammalia
ordo = Carnivora
familia = Canidae
subfamilia = Caninae
genus = "Canis"
genus_authority = Linnaeus, 1758
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = "Canis adustus"
"Canis aureus"
"Canis dirus" (extinct)
"Canis latrans"
"Canis lupus"
"Canis mesomelas"
"Canis simensis"
† "C. lupus" also includes dogs.

"Canis" is a genus containing 7 to 10 extant species and many extinct species, including wolves, coyotes, and jackals.

Wolves and dogs

Wolves and dogs are subspecies of "Canis lupus". The American Grey Wolf ("Canis lupus lupus") differs significantly in appearance from such wolves as "C. l. pallipes", "C. l. Lang|lat|arabs", or "C. l. chanco", that are probably more similar to the wolf that was the modern dog ancestor. [ [ Population Genetics: The dog that came in from the cold] by G M Acland and E A Ostrander, Heredity (2002) 90, 201–202. doi:10.1038/sj.hdy.6800224 Accessed on 30 May 2008]

Some other Canis taxa that were at one time considered separate species are also now considered subspecies of "Canis lupus". These include the dingo ("C. l. dingo") from Australia and the red wolf ("C. l. rufus") from North America. [cite web|title=Mammal Species of the World Canidae|url=|accessdate=2007-07-27]


The name "Canis" is Latin for "dog".


ee also

* List of "Canis" species

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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