Aircraft registration — A Van s Aircraft RV 7 displaying registration G KELS. The G prefix denotes a civil aircraft registered in the United Kingdom An aircraft registration is a unique alphanumeric string that identifies a civil aircraft, in similar fashion to a… … Wikipedia
Aircraft diesel engine — Thielert Centurion aircraft diesel engine. The aircraft diesel engine or aero diesel has not been widely used as an aircraft engine. Diesel engines were used in airships and were tried in aircraft in the late 1920s … Wikipedia
Endurance class landing platform dock ship — The Endurance class landing platform dock ships are the biggest class of ships in the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN). They were designed and built locally by Singapore Technologies (ST) Marine to replace the old County class tank landing ships… … Wikipedia
Aircraft engine — An aircraft engine is a propulsion system for an aircraft. Aircraft engines are almost always a type of lightweight internal combustion engine. This article is an overview of the basic types of aircraft engines and the design concepts employed in … Wikipedia
Aircraft of the Battle of Britain — The Battle of Britain (German: [ um England Luftschlacht um England ] ) was an effort by the German Luftwaffe during during the summer and autumn, 1940 to gain air superiority over the United Kingdom in… … Wikipedia
Aircraft dope — 2699 a World War I Royal Aircraft Factory B.E.2 finished in a clear (non coloured) dope Aircraft dope is a plasticised lacquer that is applied to fabric covered aircraft. It tautens and stiffens fabric stretched over airframes and renders them… … Wikipedia
endurance — The time an aircraft can continue flying, or a ground vehicle or ship can continue operating, under specified conditions, e.g., without refueling. See also endurance distance … Military dictionary
endurance — /ɛnˈdjurəns / (say en dyoohruhns), /ən / (say uhn ) noun 1. the fact or power of enduring or bearing anything. 2. lasting quality; duration. 3. something endured, as a hardship. 4. Aeronautics the time an aircraft can continue flying under given… …
endurance — The time an aircraft can continue flying under specified conditions (operating height, speed, minimum fuel reserve, etc.) without refueling … Aviation dictionary
Yoke (aircraft) — Aircraft Yoke The W shaped control yoke of a Boeing 737. A yoke, alternatively known as control column, is a device used for piloting in most fixed wing aircraft.[1] Contents … Wikipedia