- 1 E14 s
To help compare
orders of magnitude of different times this page lists times between 3.2 millionyear s and 32 million years (1014second s and 1015 seconds) "See also" times of other orders of magnitude.* Shorter times
* 3.74 million years --half-life ofmanganese -53
* 4 million years -- estimated average lifetime of biological species
* 4 million years -- time since beginning of lastice age
* 4.2 million years --half-life oftechnetium -98
* 4.5 million years -- approximate age of the genus "Australopithecus "
* 5 million years -- time since beginning ofPliocene Epoch
* 5 million years -- time since end ofMiocene
* 5.5 million years -- approximate age of the genus "Ardipithecus "
* 5-7 million years -- estimated age of the "Pan/Homo" split
* 6.5 million years -- half-life ofpalladium -107
* 15.6 million years -- half-life ofcurium -247
* 18-12 million years -- estimated age of the "Hominidae " family
* 20 million years -- time since the first forms of grass appeared
* 23.42 million years --half-life ofuranium -236
* 24 million years -- time since beginning ofMiocene Epoch
* 24 million years -- time since end ofOligocene Epoch
* 26 million years -- time since the emergence of the first true elephants.
* Longer times
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.